you are glowing

Breelia's POV,

"Lia, you're glowing, what did you do to your face?" Ashley asked making me laugh.

I think she was just trying to distract herself from thinking about what was really at stake right now, and I didn't blame her for wanting to remain sane.

"What's on my face Ley?" I asked with a small laugh.

We were at the airport now, and waiting for our flight. Grey was here with us, but he left a couple of seconds ago saying he needed to grab something.

Our flight was been delayed by an hour so we still had a little more time before we take off and I knew he was going to be back any minute.

At first, I thought he was coming with us to Texas, but then he said he had something he needed to take care of and that he'll catch up with us if he was done early before our return and I didn't ask what he needed to do, after all, he was the Alpha.