Telling Ashley

Breelia's POV

"What are you talking about?" I asked eyes still as wide as saucers.

Mr Bryan had just told me what they were asking for, they asked my father to marry me off to them as a treaty.

This wasn't some damn historical fiction why the hell would they as for something like that, I thought not voicing out my thought to the people seated around the table.

"That's why we suggested you find your mate early," the man spoke again and a look of understanding dawned on me.

They weren't worried because I was a lady, they had a genuine reason to demand I find my mate.

That leads me to wonder though, were they not aware of the fact that I had already found him? Or are they asking me to find him again now that he was gone?

I was sure the news of him leaving his pack has travelled around now as words get out fast in the worlds of werewolves.

"Schedule a meeting with their leader," I ordered and Mr Bryan nodded with a slight bow.