
Just like what had been going on for weeks now, I woke up in the cottage house that I end up finding myself each time with no recollections of what happened before or how I even got there or even what day it was.

This was something of the norm to me now and it doesn't bother me as much as it does at first.

However, this time around something felt different I tried to recall the last thing it was I did with my senses intact and a frown made it up my face.

I had gone to the hotel lobby to meet the supposed Dorothy who was supposed to have answers to all that was going on, but the odd thing is I don't remember meeting her or not as my memory stopped right when I took a seat at the hotel lobby to wait for her.

I was still sprawled on the floor of the living room that was covered in layers of dust where I woke up and since I was pretty much used to this kind of situation I didn't try to get up quickly like I did the first few times this happened.