Chapter 4 Prison Break

It was eleven o'clock in the evening, and after several hours of interrogation, Wang Xu was left alone in a room where he was temporarily held. The blood on his body was confirmed to be his own after laboratory tests. However, the police did not tell him about this situation. The police also checked other information about him. He was the only one in the city who was originally named Wang Xu, so even if he was on him Without any documents, his identity was quickly confirmed through photos and computer information, but it is very strange that his information is pitiful.

"Wang Xu, male, 19 years old, graduated from high school two months ago. His only relatives are his parents. They died three years ago. The current address is..." A young police officer in his early twenties was interrogating just now. Wang Xu's police officer reported that the police officer thought that Wang Xu could uncover some big murder and escape case. He immediately mobilized a lot of forces to investigate it, and it was almost a matter of setting up a special case team.

"Oh, it was also found that there was an explosion at his residence at around 5 o'clock this afternoon. The comrades who were investigating the site initially confirmed that it was caused by a gas leak. We also learned that Wang Xu had encountered an explosion on the road near his residence at this time. In the car accident, the crowd at the scene said that he seemed mad and ran into the city regardless of his injuries."

The police officer's brow furrowed deeply, and it seemed that he had misunderstood him. This person was 80% carbon monoxide inhaled and was a little unconscious. After escaping home, he was hit by a car again, maybe he was silly.

"Keep him off for one night. If he continues to go crazy tomorrow, he will be sent to a mental hospital. If he looks normal, let him go. It seems that this person is really unlucky..." In fact, the police officer wanted to miss a bit, Wang Xu Since three years ago, he has lived alone by himself. How did he live without relatives at the age of sixteen?

Although Wang Xu didn't know the outside situation at this time, he knew that his situation was already quite bad. This room cannot be called a cell, only a set of tables, chairs and a lamp, his handcuffs are gone, and no one is watching him. But he couldn't escape either. There was an iron fence on the window and the door was locked from the outside. Bamboo roll has been thrown on the desk of the police officer outside as a personal belonging. The thing is tattered to others, but for him, it is the only way to save his life. He still clearly remembered what the cat said...If he couldn't get to that shabby office today, he would die!

This is definitely not a joke! Until 12 o'clock, it's not over today. Last time the guy implicitly stated that he should be careful about everything. He has only half his life left. This time he clearly stated that he would "die", and that must be the end of the game.

Wang Xu was in a cold sweat, fearing that one to ten pairs of pale arms would suddenly stretch out from the wall of the room. Because of his nervousness, his breathing gradually became heavier. Suddenly he realized that the breath he exhaled had turned into a white mist. You must know that it is August in the south, and the high temperature has not completely passed away! Now the chill in his heart is increasing like being beaten by a diamond stardust fist. He immediately shouted: "Guard! Police officer! Anyone is good! Come on! I'm going to the toilet!"

While shouting, he seemed to feel that something was approaching. This was the first time that Wang Xu felt that the so-called "spiritual sense" was at work.

The familiar face of the strange-faced female ghost gradually appeared behind Wang Xu. Wang Xu had long known that this guy was very different from the gang in the graveyard, and guessed that this female ghost is not a ghost from that graveyard at all, so it is You can chase yourself, and most of the ghosts hit the wall are thanks to her, but now I don't have a life-saving weapon in my hand, I can only call people desperately and leave here to talk.

"What is noisy, what is it! I will die after holding back for a while!" An impatient voice came from outside the door, and then the voice of unlocking the key.

"Not far from death, big brother! Really not far from death!" Wang Xu yelled hoarsely. The man outside thought he was going to be incontinent, and really accelerated the speed. The female ghost was getting closer and her hand was already on. On Wang Xu's shoulder, the door opened at this time, and Wang Xu rushed out on the ground, shocking the police officer, but just now I heard someone said that this man was crazy, so he was not too vigilant.

Wang Xu thought that he was temporarily safe with the police uncle next to him. He unexpectedly turned his head and found that the strange face had been in front of him. The horrible fangs in his mouth stretched out. Wang Xu widened his eyes and screamed in his heart: "You dare to commit crimes against the wind in the police station, count you as ruthless..."

He bounced from a kick on the ground, his actions were exactly the same as those of street performers, and then he immediately swept the bamboo scroll on the table. He rushed over and copied it in his hand. The female ghost seemed to hold Wang Xu. Zhumaki's combat effectiveness was lingering, and it disappeared abruptly.

The police officer couldn't see any gods or ghosts. He was so scared that he took two steps back when Wang Xu leaped his hand, and then touched his hand on the truncheon. As a result, he saw that the guy went crazy and took the torn sheepskin. The bamboo book in the package, the monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out for a while: "What are you doing, you can be honest with me!"

"I..." Wang Xu wanted to give a reasonable explanation, but in such a short period of time, he seemed to have only the instinct of complaint at work, so he almost blurted out: "When I was growing up, I liked to squat and read some ancient books. Cultivating sentiments..."

Five minutes later, the police officer smoked at the door of the toilet. In addition to the white smoke from his mouth, he was still holding a black line on his head...

Wang Xu felt that if he delayed any longer, he would really return to his position. At twelve o'clock, there might be a crowd of monsters on the road, and he was like an ant in this city, a small ant that was stared at by countless wolves. So he must find a way to escape, only that bastard's office is safe...

Ten minutes later, the police officer yawned and looked at his watch, "Are you done! What are you talking about, Master NND?"

No one answered, he shouted again, and there was still silence in the dimly lit corridor. The police officer yelled badly in his heart, maybe this kid ran away! So he rushed into the toilet. As a result, he had just stepped into the dark toilet and was hit hard on the back of his neck. The last thought he had before he fell into a coma was, oh, what this kid said...

Wang Xu lowered the brim of his hat, and headed out of the police station along the way. This police uniform was a good fit, at least much more comfortable than his muddy clothes. He walked quickly on the road, he could feel that there was a "spirit" in this city, but most of them did not have that terrible aggressiveness, and seemed like a quiet melody, which might be unstoppable. Things can't leave this world, so they are still wandering, but there is a very close and aggressive spirit approaching from time to time on the road behind him. Wang Xu didn't even think about it and knew it was someone who had knotted with him. The guy who got off the beam is here again.

But at this time he was not far from the destination, and he had enough rest in the police station, so he started to run. Finally ran to No. 13 Dongfang Street. On the first floor is a bar called "Black Cat". There is no ballroom in this bar. There is only a bar and a few tables. It is more like a cafe. It is surprisingly quiet. Wang Xu is wearing a police uniform. After a few glances at the door, he was stopped by a big man like an iron tower.

"Who are you looking for?" The big man fixedly stared at Wang Xu's face with a forty-five degree look down.

"Do you have anyone called Lord Cat?"

The big man looked relaxed when he heard it, "Oh, it turns out that you are his guest. It's not from here on the second floor. There is a staircase to go up in the alley next to it. Don't go wrong next time."

Wang Xu nodded and just wanted to leave, but the big man said abruptly from behind him: "Something is following you, so be careful."

Wang Xu just wanted to ask the hunk if he could help him resist for a while, but when he turned around, he greeted the door slamming. He sighed and looked back at the street. There were no pedestrians on the road at this time! This is absolutely impossible in S City, where the nightlife is so rich, and in the middle of the road, dressed in white clothes and a hideous smiling face, standing alone, walking towards him step by step, and then walking out of the alleys around the fork. There were nearly a hundred ghosts with pale faces, or lack of arms and legs.

"I rely on... Hyakki Yakou, and each look looks like two brushes. How did things get to this point... Speaking of which, I should be regarded as a wanted criminal who assaulted the police and escaped from prison, right? Maybe it's going to be on TV tomorrow! Will there be clues and rewards that will be broadcast after the show!" He spit out while running to the side alley, and saw one leading to the second floor. Then he rushed up the stairs. The glass of the door said "Detective Agency". He now knew that the word "Lingyi" in front was the same as the address on the business card, and he could only see it if he had the ability of "Lingsight".

Wang Xu didn't care about knocking on the door and wanted to smash it open. When he pushed it, he found that the door was not locked at all. He rushed into the room and touched the light switch. Then he found that the office was completely empty, only garbage on the floor. , A dilapidated desk, you can tell from the look of the sofa that this is both an office and a cat's home.

Then he saw a dagger on the desk. It looked absolutely not the kind you can buy in a hardware store, but more like a weapon described in a martial arts novel, with a note under the dagger.

"If you can get here, you have passed the preliminary test. Basically, there are still things I haven't told you. The reason you were chased and killed is very special. You can escape, but this so-called "Crying Ghost" is also time-limited. They will not keep making trouble like this. As long as tomorrow morning at four o'clock, which is twelve hours after you have been chased and killed, then it has been counted from the time the spirit weapon appeared Twelve hours in ancient times, or twenty-four hours, will be fine if you are still alive."

"Since you have passed the preliminary test, even if you are working with me, I didn't say anything about it. This dagger can restrain ghosts. You can use it to save your life. Don't bother the people in the bar downstairs. , They are much more difficult to deal with than ghosts, haha. Book of Lord Cat."

"PS: I checked the weird-faced female ghost I encountered in your house today. She is very active recently. It seems that she died when she was cheated on the Internet. Therefore, it is really impossible to find an otaku. The girl in the rebellious period is really unacceptable. As for Li Yu, because her grievances are surprisingly heavy, she is a little harder to deal with than ordinary ghosts. I hope you will not encounter someone as powerful as her during this period."

"PS's PS: I suggest you still use my dagger. Actually, the bamboo scroll can only hit the ghost when you are highly concentrated or emotional. It's just because of the special material that you mainly rely on your own strength. If you become distracted, you will lose power. After all, that thing is not a weapon. Anyway, be careful. I will come to you tomorrow morning."

After reading the letter, Wang Xu crumpled the paper into a ball, picked up the dagger, and rushed out the door. His face was as black as carbon, gritted his teeth, and muttered half-madly: "'ve fucked it up again, hehe...also PS , PS, you guys, the elementary school teacher didn't teach you to write a letter, did you? What Hundred Ghosts Ye Xing, what weeping ghosts, chasing and killing otaku for a long time is still a rotten girl... You bastards, pipe You die, I will go out now and pounce them all on the street, and tomorrow I will tie you to your broken Honda and push you off the cliff! Did you hear that asshole!"