Chapter 5 Memory Awakening

Naturally, Lord Cat would not hear Wang Xu's complaint. At this time, he was busy with other things. In fact, he originally wanted to stay in the office to help Wang Xu, but the unexpected situation made him overwhelmed. Fighting against a beautiful woman on the rooftop of a tall building was bloody. (PS: This PS is to prevent you from having unnecessary misunderstandings about the sentence just now)

"The Ripper, it's been a long time since I saw you, you seem to be more masculine."

"Long-winded...little ghosts love to listen to this. Uncles like me like to hear "You haven't changed at all" and so on." Mr. Cat said as he lit a cigarette, blood kept flowing from his cuff. He came out, but he didn't seem to care, he still looked sleepy, spitting smoke lazily.

"But you don't seem to be as good as before. Are you too alcoholic?" The beauty who called the cat the ripper said again. She didn't seem to have any wounds on her body, but blood was obviously spilled from the corners of her mouth.

"Ah... Well, I'm worried that I will really drink too much after you fall into my hands." He added an accent when he said erotic words...

The beauty twisted her long hair that was scattered around her waist with a sharp steel needle in her hand. Her face was paler than the cat, and she did not know whether it was because of internal injuries or she was born like this. "I have no interest in fighting anymore today. Ripper, I will come to you again, I want to take back what belongs to me."

"Cut...Is really a wayward woman. It's been five years. Are you still attached to the title of'Cat Lord'? Haven't you already got the highest title in other cities? I remember it should be called'Thousand Winds'. Isn't it just an excuse for simply wanting to be entangled with me?" The cat master knew that if the other party made up his mind to escape, he would definitely not be able to catch up, so he could only use his usual tricks to provoke the other party.

Unexpectedly, the beauty was silent for a few seconds, and then her eyes solemnly said: "I just don't want to lose to you, that's all." After speaking, she jumped and jumped off the roof of the tall building, and then she turned into a thousand winds. Generally disappeared in the air. The cat immediately sat down on the ground and smoked a cigarette.

"It seems that we still care about was not impossible for us...hey." The cat sighed and looked at the starry sky with his eyes that seemed to be kept closed forever. I don't know how long it took him to stand up swayingly. Obviously he was injured very seriously, and it seemed very difficult to walk.

He walked to the wall and sat down against the wall, then turned on the phone, and found that it was already two o'clock in the morning, "I don't know what happened to that kid, the spiritual sense seems to have not disappeared yet. Let's take a brief treatment and help him. It's good, if he was still alive then..." Thinking like this in his heart, he opened a document in the phone, and the title of the document was "Ten Jia Tian Shu".

The Dunjia Book of Heaven is "The Book of the Blue Bag" written by Hua Tuo. It is divided into three volumes, the first volume "Human Dunshu", the second volume "Tianshushu", and the second volume "Di Dunshu". It is said that this book has been in the Three Kingdoms era. After being burned, only one or two left pages of the medical technique continued.

There are also legends that the Dunjia Book of Heaven is no longer the classics of human medicine. Except for the book of Human Dunge which was written by Hua Tuo, the other two volumes were not written by Hua Tuo, but he obtained it from the immortal. Supernatural powers, so it is rumored that it was only the "Blue Bag Book" that was burned at the time instead of the real Dunjia Book of Heaven...

Now this treasure is actually stored in the mobile phone file by the unscrupulous old man, Mr. Mao. If Hua Tuo has eyes in the sky, I don't know what to think...

The words were divided into two parts, and Wang Xu was already exhausted and exhausted. Although relying on his otaku biological clock, he is basically an all-night veteran, but in this highly nervous escape, the degree of fatigue is not the same as surfing the Internet.

Two hours ago, Wang Xu aggressively wanted to slaughter the gods and exterminate the demons, but he found that the actual operation of the things in this world really fell short of his ideals. First of all, the dagger can cut ghosts, but it is a dagger after all, not a machete. It cuts down with a single knife, very good, very powerful, leaving a scar, and then the ghost screams twice as if it is all right. There are dozens...Wang Xu still has to run away.

He tried his best to make a blood path, of course, it was his own blood... all of them were scratched and wounded. Maybe someone wants to ask again, how much blood did Wang Xu bleed after coming down to crash twice this day, and now being chased by ghosts? How much blood can he shed? In fact, there is not much. It is estimated that it is a little more than the amount of unpaid blood donation, but it is certainly not deadly. Moreover, an otaku like him who has no girlfriend usually has an excess of blood and blood, so bleeding can also reduce the false fire.

Maybe Wang Xu himself hasn't noticed that he is already much stronger than the average person. If a person with no spiritual sense encounters this situation, they may be scared countless times by scaring. The feeling of fear is not because of this. How timid people are, but people who have no spiritual sense encounter ghosts as if they are standing in the snow without any protection. The spirit and brain will be controlled by ghosts' illusions. A little stronger may be able to resist. But after being touched by the spirit, he couldn't move, and he couldn't make any sound in his throat, so he could only be slaughtered.

Naturally, Wang Xu didn't know this. He was already panicking at the moment. Obviously he had entered a state of a ghost beating the wall, and at this time he had no way to relieve it. He was running on the streets without people. , He even felt that he was no longer in the city of S City. There were no lights in the surrounding buildings, only the dim street lights were still working. And he couldn't stop and rest at all. Every time he turned a street corner, there might be a face from a horror movie that would come up and attack him while screaming.

As Wang Xu ran, the fire became more and more intense, why these ghosts could touch his body, but he could not attack the opponent actively, and could only escape with the protection of the objects. Why can only temporarily kill these spirit bodies, but not completely eliminate them? There are so many things he wants to know, but this kind of random thinking will definitely not get the answer, so Wang Xu's mood becomes more and more irritable. At this time If something aroused his crazy desire for revenge, he would surely be broken into pieces.

But the strange-faced female ghost did not know good or bad, and appeared in front of Wang Xu at this time, and the road behind her was actually full of ghosts. It was almost impervious to the wind, and it was impossible to pass. Wang Xu wanted to look back. He ran, but found that there were no fewer chasing soldiers behind than in the front, which really pushed him to a dead end.

"I will die with you!" Wang Xu shouted. At this moment, he was already in madness, holding a dagger in his right hand, and holding a bamboo scroll in his left hand, rushing towards the female ghost in a double wave, "charge" and "broken the tendons." "Blood Rage" and "Death Strike" at this time, Wang Xu used the classic glove-lifting path of a fighter in an online game. Of course, he thought it was just a set of eight punches in the eyes of others.

Wang Xu was instantly submerged in the tide of ghosts. The dagger had fallen to the ground, and the bamboo scroll seemed to have lost its effect. It should be that his nerves had reached the limit, as if a tight string suddenly broke. Wang Xu lay on the ground and was bitten by a hundred ghosts, and gradually numbed the pain from his body. At this moment, he thought that dying like this might also be a kind of relief. There is nothing in this world that he has nostalgia for, and then I closed my eyes...

Suddenly, a white light burst into the sky on the dark street. The ghost near Wang Xu's body in the ghost tide disappeared instantly. Wang Xu stood up, and the "Volume of Demons" was fully unfolded. The unfolded bamboo scroll seemed to surpass. In accordance with the laws of physics, it was surprisingly long like a chain, suspended in the sky around Wang Xu, and it emitted a faint light.

Wang Xu remembered a lot of things when he was on the front line of life and death. He remembered himself three years ago. At that time, he had different eyes from others, and he could see things that others could not see, but he never told others. , Even since he was sensible, he kept denying himself. At that time, he was taciturn and there was always a vague red light in his eyes. Others always felt that this child had a quirky personality, so his classmates and teachers stayed away. He didn't even have a friend.

Until the death of his parents, he saw his mother and father, and saw that they were still with him without going to another world. One month later, he discovered that his parents were actually very painful. They did not want to leave, but were tied to him. He understood that he has a very powerful power, not only can see, but can even dominate the souls of others, so He used this power on his soul, he forgot everything about the spirit, hypnotized and sealed himself, and became an atheist. And now, the vague red appeared in his eyes again, like blood swirling in his eye sockets.