Chapter Twelve Silver Fangs

Wang Xuqi said: "Hey...Is there a ghost like me who rides a bicycle to take an exam under the big sun?"

The cat master said: "I'm just saying that in theory, you may be the first person in the ghost hunting world who can use the ability of'possession'."

"You mean this ability has never appeared before?"

The cat master finished eating the popsicles, then lit a cigarette: "I'll explain to you the theory of possession."

"First, for example, if you are a ghost, your body is dead, and there is no connection between the spirit and the body, then you can possess some weak-willed people, or old people, and people who are dying. It's also known as the upper body of a ghost."

"But a living person is different, because your spirit and body are still one, as if a mold has been added. For example, your body is a square mold, so as long as you are still alive, your soul is square, and The body of others is like a mold with a different shape from yours. Even if it is weak-willed or something else, your soul will definitely not get in. So far, do you understand it?"

Wang Xu nodded, and the cat went on: "Furthermore, the average living person can't get out of his body. It must be done at the time of death or through some corresponding rituals, and even if your soul has gone out. , As long as the body is not completely dead, it still has a fixed shape and cannot be attached to others as I just said. Only when the relationship with the body is completely separated, the soul will become truly "invisible", and if it has to be possessed, even It's a ghost, but it must also be a stern ghost with a lot of hostility and resentment. Not everyone can do it."

"Then I am still the first person to possess someone else without dying? I didn't expect me to be so powerful, hahaha..." Wang Xu was happy, because he didn't know why at this time. Thinking of what she could do after being possessed by Shang Lingxue.

"This is not true. In the legend, some demon-level characters can do it, which is the so-called'robbing the house.' For example, Hades, the Hades, etc., anyway, I haven't seen it with my own eyes." A basin of cold water.

"I think you read a lot of comics...Aren't we Buddhism and Taoism? The things in ancient Greece have crossed the border..."

"Oh, by the way, you said you cheated today by copying a person named Qi Bing?" The cat suddenly changed the subject.

Wang Xu said: "Yes, this man is so strong, he can finish all the papers in one hour, and I also rely on him for cheating in the afternoon."

"Well... the second young master of the Qi family has also mixed in. It seems that this time you can really treat it as a vacation." The cat master looked down as if thinking about something.

"What is the second young master of the Qi family? Do you know him if you dare to love?"

"Ah, I've seen it a few times. On the qualifications of catching ghosts, he entered the industry ten years earlier than me. He was already very famous when I entered the industry."

Wang Xu was silly when he heard it, Qi Bing wouldn't be more than twenty years old no matter how he looked, he actually entered the industry ten years earlier than your fellow? Could it be that he can catch ghosts in his mother's womb? The cat master saw his doubts and said, "I know what you think, but the second young master of the Qi family has indeed set foot in this industry since he was three years old. That is, sixteen years ago, he was a rare encounter in the Qi family in a century. The prodigy of, has been working hard since he was a child to point to the position of the Ten Temples, and it is a world of difference from someone like you who takes an otaku as an ideal."

Wang Xu was angry at that time: "Bah! What a world of difference, you don't look at what you are like now, but you still say me."

"Ah, me... In fact, six years ago, I was a honours student who graduated from a medical university. I was awarded the title of'Cat Lord' after only one year in the industry. At that time, I was a new talent who was highly regarded by the ghost hunting community."

Wang Xu continued to cast contemptuous eyes: "You seem to have failed many people's expectations as you look now..."

The cat master ignored Wang Xu's words as if shielding him, and then said: "The second young master of the Qi family is even better. He is known as the silver white fangs. When he is ten years old, he has the opportunity to be awarded the title of "Peachwood" in the city of T, but he However, he refused because his qualifications were insufficient. This person's strength and equipment are by no means trivial. Since he has also arrived at Xiangyi this time, it seems that you and I can indeed watch the show."

"I just watched a movie and I spent all the money. I can enjoy my college life." Wang Xu got up and loosened his muscles. "I said you can drive me in the afternoon. If you ride like this, I will become an adult. It's done."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the second test began, and Wang Xu was indeed as good as the others when he arrived. There are only half of the 400-odd people in the morning. Many people came to the teaching building and were told that they were no longer qualified to take the afternoon exams, and they had to leave in anguish.

After reallocating the classroom, Wang Xu did not see Shang Lingxue and Professor Zhang Lao again. However, he was lucky enough to be in the same classroom as Qi Bing, and he was sitting right in front of Qi Bing, so his exam was not much worse even if it was not a perfect score.

In the few hours at noon, Wang Xu tried his possession on many different people, but ended in failure, even the beggars on the street, the drunkards who were drunk at noon, or the elderly like Professor Zhang. Tried it, it has no effect except to let the other party know that his eyes are sharp. Wang Xu understood that the state of concentration and euphoria in the morning, and that stare was a coincidence. It seemed that this ability could not be used at will, and he couldn't help but feel depressed.

This time Qi Bing was even more shocking. It took 40 minutes to leave, and Wang Xu followed closely. The invigilator looked at the same test paper filled with correct answers.

After the two of them walked out of the classroom, Qi Bing, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly and turned around and said to Wang Xu, "Are you Guiguzi?"

Wang Xu was taken aback for a moment, then he remembered that people in the hunting world would use nicknames for each other, and then he said: "Yes, should I call you Senior Silver Tusk?"

Qi Bing pushed his glasses, still expressionless: "We still call each other by our real names in school to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Can we take a step to speak now?"

Wang Xu shrugged his shoulders and said that it didn't matter, so the two of them went to a cafe on campus to sit down. Wang Xu almost didn't escape seeing the decoration of the shop and the price on the menu until Qi Bing used the poker. He didn't dare to sit down until he said "I treat" on his face.

"Are you the cat's apprentice?" Qi Bing spoke first.

"Of course not. I just worked in his trash dumping office to pay off debts. I don't know him very well, really." Wang Xu looked bitter and bitter, not like a lie at all.

Qi Bing was strange in his heart. This Guiguzi provoked a big event like Tu Baigui as soon as he entered the industry. There are rumors that it was the cat who pleaded with the five sense organs to carry the matter down. Now he says he is not very familiar but why . He was puzzled, but his face was still frozen: "How much do you know about this incident?"

"Oh, it's nothing more than 20 years ago that some idiot who complained about women had emotional entanglements, and finally got a life and death, and now I don't know why they came out to be scary." Wang Xu copied the only description of the mission from the cat.

Qi Bing was shocked after hearing this. This kid, ah, there are at least six or seven places in this school where grievances are soaring, none of them are ordinary characters. Even if he doesn't dare to make rash assertions before finding out what happened, and three Five students died here a month ago, and one of them was also a well-known ghost hunter. This incident is definitely worthwhile. Unexpectedly, this person could sum it up in one sentence. Listening to his tone, the grievances here are like papers, whether this person is full of confidence or not knowing how to live or die.

"Well... this is my mobile phone number. If we have the opportunity, we can exchange messages to facilitate our actions. You shouldn't have any major problems with this exam. We will be classmates in the future." Of course, Qi Bing knows that Wang Xu is peeking. In his test paper, a classic ridiculous line by Wei Tsai in the hero is "I know you saw it, I let you see it deliberately!"

The two exchanged some information and then left the cafe. Because Qi Bing always had a poker face, Wang Xu didn't hear anything wrong. In fact, Lord Cat was afraid that he would not come, so he didn't tell him many things, which caused Wang Xu to suffer in the days to come.