Chapter 13 Choice

On the third day after the entrance exam, Wang Xu received the letter of admission. Although he passed the cheating, he was very happy to be able to study in Xiangyi for a while. I don't know if he was so happy because he was able to study. It was because of a certain woman to study in the world's first university.

Of course, the cat saw him through at a glance, so when Wang Xu was happiest, he poured a bucket of cold water on him.

"Shang Lingxue, nineteen years old this year, she has been studying in a church school before high school, but you can rest assured that she is not a nun. Next is the important point. She is the only daughter of Shang Weiguo, and Shang Weiguo is currently a national antique. The leader of the industry, he served as a soldier when he was young, and was once a regiment-level cadre. He was suddenly expelled from the army more than 20 years ago. The reason is unknown. But now, several military commanders including S City have worshipped him. Brother, his business is so natural now that he can't get rid of this relationship." Mr. Cat was reading there while holding a notebook, Wang Xu looked out the window in a daze, and after hearing what he said, he asked: "This is the level. What's up with me?"

"Ah? I finally helped you find out the family background of your little girlfriend, you won't thank you." The cat master smiled strangely.

This time, Wang Xu looked listless: "I'm not a stupid. You mean that I and her are very different. It's better to get out of trouble, right? I didn't mean it to her, so don't worry about it. ."

"Oh, that's good, then let's talk about business now." Cat Lord looked at Wang Xu's frustrated face and didn't want to continue teasing him: "I want to teach you some practical methods when fighting ghosts."

Wang Xu asked: "You just need to give me a weapon similar to that dagger?"

"That's useless, you should know. Your situation is quite special. Generally, if you want to officially enter the ghost hunting world, you must have your spiritual consciousness awakened to a considerable extent and have your own corresponding fighting ability before you can pass the referrer. Acknowledged, but you are the chosen master of the Demon Chapter that records Ghost Valley Taoism, so it is another matter. Now I will teach you how to fight against ghosts without the help of props and rely on your own power."

"Hey... Didn't you say that I only need to watch the show this time? Is that silver fangs fake?"

"Oh, there are some things I may not explain to you." When the cat master said this, his face turned to one side. His action made Wang Xu feel very bad.

"You definitely have something to hide and you didn't say it at all. It's a very serious matter. Are you going to yin on me again?"

"It's just a small matter, um... You first take a look at these photos. I got them from a friend in the police station." The cat threw an envelope to Wang Xu. Wang Xu opened it and looked at it. Spit it out.

This is a group of photos of people who died accidentally, along with the files and autopsy reports of those deceased, there are a total of five people, three men and two women, of which two men and two women died by drowning, with extremely strange expressions on their faces. , The eyes were not facing upwards, but staring down, as if something was being pulled into the water before death, but the corners of their mouths were still smiling. This kind of death makes people see the hair standing upright, the horrified eyes and the smiling corners of the mouth, and the appearance of the skin soaking white in the water is really disgusting.

The last boy was even more miserable. This guy named Yue Zhen had his whole body broken from the middle, and many joints were deformed. His face was broken into a pile of rotten flesh, just like a giant grabbing his feet and smashing him. Use it as a nunchaku and throw it away when it's rotten.

Mr. Cat began to smoke again: "This Yue Zhen nicknamed the soul town clock. He has been trained in iron cloth kung fu since he was a child, and his spiritual ability is immovable. The ordinary ghost magic and ghost attacks have no effect on him. I have been catching ghosts for several years, and I have been a few of them in S City."

Before he heard him finish Wang Xu, he yelled: "Damn! Didn't you say it was easy to handle? Now the iron cloth shirt is beaten like a torn sack, you want my life!?"

"So now I want to teach you how to use your spiritual abilities. Even if you can't help Qi Bing, you can protect yourself."

"Hey! Isn't it okay if I don't go? What Xiangyi, can I go home and be an otaku?"

At this time, Lord Cat was uncharacteristically serious: "As long as you enter this business, you must have the consciousness of sacrificing for others. Qi Bing alone can protect himself, but it may not guarantee that no one will die. Those students are innocent. They If you don't know it, you have become a victim of a lifeless soul. Now you have the opportunity to stop but you are indifferent, just like you killed them."

Wang Xu was bluffed by Cat's sudden robber logic, and was unable to speak for a while. Cat Cat took a deep breath: "I remember I told you when I first saw you, there is spirit in this city. Are there not many people with knowledge? This city has a floating population of more than 10 million people every day, and there are only about a hundred people with spiritual consciousness, which is far more than the concept of no one in a million, and not every one has Qualified as a ghost hunter, if you don't want to do it anymore, you can leave my office and count as I misunderstood you." After speaking, he opened the door and looked at Wang Xu.

Wang Xu stared at him for two full minutes, sighed, and then walked towards the door. He did not go out, but closed the door again.

The cat master walked to the desk and sat down. When he turned his back to Wang Xu, the treacherous smile on his face is indescribable...

Wang Xu sat opposite him and sighed again: "Let's talk, I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to defending world peace."

The cat nodded. He knew that Wang Xu was really determined to do something for others at this moment, so he began to understand: "First of all, your soul has a power of your own, which can be manifested in various forms..."

" didn't mean to talk about Zanpakudao, right? I'm telling you this is plagiarism..."

This sentence was ignored again.

"I used to be called the Ripper. I can directly damage the spirit body with the scalpel made by the soul. I also told you about Yue Zhen's ability. Then all you have to do now is to discover the ability of your own soul. ."

"Oh, do you want a blood test or something, will it hurt?" Wang Xu's complaints were not effective on the cat, but he continued to work hard.

"The easy way is to ask your own soul."

"Hey...what is that, Uncle Zhanyue? You are plagiarism! Hey! Listen to me!"

The cat master rummaged in the drawer for a long time and found a porcelain bottle. After opening it, there was an indescribable smell. He took out a strange purple pill and put it into Wang Xu's mouth. Wang Xu struggled several times but ended in failure.

"This pill is actually a common internal vision pill in the ghost hunting world. It can put you into a state of self-hypnosis, and then you can talk to yourself in the subconscious. I know..." Wang Xu passed out before the cat's words were finished.

Wang Xu seemed to be walking through a cosmic space, and everything here seemed familiar to him. He was walking through the stars, and there were many pictures of his previous memories flashing on those planets. Then he suddenly felt dizzy, as if he had fallen to a deep level. In the bottomless abyss. When Wang Xu regained consciousness again, he saw someone who looked exactly like him. That Wang Xu has long gray hair and blood-red eyes. His eyes are like chaos, trying to drain the human soul. How terrible this person is, as long as you get close to him, you can feel the helplessness of the kind of life already controlled by others. And this man looked so lonely and bleak, it seemed that his breathing was sad, and he couldn't help but want to get closer, even if it was just a greeting.

The existence of such a contradiction is Wang Xu's "intrinsic self". He bears all the pain in Wang Xu's heart and seals Wang Xu's true power. At this moment, he has not waited for the "self" Wang Xu to speak. : "I know your problem, I will tell you what you can tell you, and then you can go back."