Chapter 2: New 'Home'

" head hurts..." A young boy muttered softly under his breath. Despite the massive headache he was currently experiencing, he didn't let out anything more than a small groan.

The headache wasn't anything unnatural. The reason why the boy was hurting so severely was mainly because of two reasons.

One, he was currently processing three years worth of memories from his body in a few minutes. Compressing and stuffing it into his brain all in one go wasn't the most intelligent way to do it, but it did the job right of informing the boy who exactly he was, where he was, and any other crucial information.

And two, his body had experienced a heavy fall, knocking him unconscious before his 'soul' could actually enter and merge with the body. Thus, suddenly waking up from an unconscious state didn't help with the processing of memories either.

"Satoru! You're awake!" A woman's voice arrived, and before the boy could process what happened, he had found himself in the arms of the middle-aged woman, who was currently checking his body for reasons unknown to him.

"Ano...Sayaka-san?" The boy, deemed Satoru by the woman, spoke unsurely. According to his memories, this woman was the caretaker of the orphanage that he had requested to be in.

She had quite the plain look - average face, average figure - but her kindness made her quite popular amongst the ordinary people living around here.

"Satoru! Thank God you're awake! I was so worried!" Sayaka exclaimed worriedly, "I saw that you weren't bleeding, so I didn't send you to the hospital, but now that I think about it, I should probably be sending you to the hospital right now."

Just as Sayaka decided to call the hospital, Satoru quickly grabbed her hand and said, "It's okay, Sayaka-san. I'm fine. You don't have to waste more money on unneeded stuff. Use it to buy more food for the other children here, won't you?"

"Sigh, you're only three...I still don't know why you're so unlike your age..." Sayaka sighed, but she didn't argue with Satoru any further.

Satoru didn't know how to reply and just gave a wry smile. Even though the body was 'automated' without him being in control, it didn't change the fact that it behaved like Satoru would have if he was in control.

This was why he didn't feel uncomfortable in this new body of his. And it was also why Sayaka wasn't surprised at his way-more-mature-than-his-age-like reply.

"Fine. I'm only allowing you this because you don't behave like a child your age. But if I notice anything wrong with you in the future, the hospital will be the next place you'll be spending your time at." Sayaka wagged a finger at him as she started lecturing about safety and problems when one's head was hit.


Seeing Satoru nod his head in agreement, Sayaka sighed once more before telling him to rest while she was going to making dinner for the children.

"Rest well. Come down in half an hour, or do you need me to bring your food up here for you?"

"No, it's fine. I'll come down then."

Hearing Satoru's reply, Sayaka nodded before leaving the room, closing the door on her way out.

" head still hurts..." Satoru continued his grumblings as he looked at his surroundings and compared them to his memories.

According to his prior experiences, Satoru was dropped off in this orphanage the day he was born, and he had lived here ever since. He wasn't too interested in his real parents since he told God that he already wanted this to happen.

Too bad, Satoru had forgotten to mention what sort of orphanage he wanted to enter, and God ended up deciding for him. This orphanage was government-sponsored, but like all government-sponsored orphanages, they were given a limited amount of money each month.

The orphanage he was in wasn't the biggest, but it wasn't small either. Together with Sayaka, another two caretakers were available to take care of twenty or so children ranging from zero to eighteen years old.

The house they had had enough rooms to let everyone be comfortable. Babies shared a room with each other in various cribs, younger children like Satoru stayed together in groups of five per room, slightly older children lived together in groups of three or two, while the oldest among the orphans had a room for themselves.

Despite the slightly cramped living space, at least for the younger children, everyone did not complain. More like, they could not afford to complain.

Life was harsh, but it was nothing some hard work would be able to solve.

Everyone did their part to help run the orphanage. The younger children looked after the babies with the caretaker, the slightly older children did their respective household chores, while the older ones started to find work outside to become independent. This would also help reduce the orphanage's financial burden.

And so, being 3 years old, Satoru was in charge of looking after the babies that were dropped off at this orphanage.

His memories ended there.

Honestly, it didn't include many details. Being a three-year-old child meant that the freedom given to him wasn't too much, no matter how mature he behaved.

After finishing sorting the rest of the memories, Satoru looked around next to his bedside table and found a small note previously not there.

"Hm?" Satoru sat up on his bed and started reading through the note.

"Dear Satoru-kun, this is your God here! I'm writing this note to finalize some of the details that I might have forgotten to include when I hurriedly kicked you out. Firstly, since you wanted all of Gojo's powers, I took the liberty to give you his body as well, if you don't mind."

At this point, Satoru quickly looked for a mirror in his room, and finding a small mirror on his friend's bedside table, he looked at himself.

"Wow...this is not too bad...but my eyes...?" Satoru continued reading the note after noting that his eyes weren't the same as Gojo's.

"I have made it so that you will receive Gojo's power at the age of four, as your 'quirk', so if you're curious about why your eyes look different, just know that it will change when you receive your quirk. As for the combat and various experiences of Gojo, you will receive them at night when you're sleeping. Of course, you won't receive everything in one night since his life experience is pretty...fulfilling, I would say, with a lack of better terms. But by the time you awaken your quirk, you will have assimilated everything smoothly.

Of course, although Gojo's power will act as your 'quirk', it is nothing like a quirk. And while it cannot be stolen or destroyed in any way, it can be copied temporarily. Though, you will have to warn the copier that if he or she wasn't strong enough to withstand your power, they would end up exploding should they choose to use your power. Especially your domain expansion, if their mind wasn't strong enough, they would end up permanently becoming retarded due to the number of things they would experience, even just for a fraction of a second.

Moving on to your second ability, the Infinite Deception of Words (IDOW) would not be your quirk; more of an ability, which also means that you would be able to start using it immediately now. Of course, since I didn't give you the original user's experience, how you're going to use it would depend entirely on you. Unlike the former, which shows you a complete guide, you will have full reins on this one.

The next thing would be the energy system that you would be using. The No energy system is already present in you. You can start training by testing various things out.

Here's a hint for you to start off: Despite being part of the negative energy system, it isn't as negative you would think it is. Here's a poem for you:

Day and night, push and pull, light and dark.

Two opposing forces intertwine their destinies.

Forces that complement one another,

complete one another,

don't compete for control,

create a balanced interaction.

One last thing, you can travel in the universe with the two abilities you have, should you know how to do it. If you don't, well, it would be nice to live an extraordinary life in this world as well.

But in the end, this life is yours and your only. Enjoy it the way you like it, and decide on decisions that you wouldn't regret, that's my advice for you. That's all from me for now. Good luck!"

"So that's it...Gojo's power will act as my 'quirk', and the IDOW would be my ability?" Satoru muttered while he started pondering about his future.

He knew that in this world, a quirk is a superhuman ability that a person can possess. Besides being unique to each user, quirks were sorted into multiple categories: emitter, mutant, and transformation. Quirk users are also limited to one ability and are thus unable to achieve any other, with the exceptions of All for One and his nomus.

So the question now was, should he reveal that he was born with two quirks, or should he keep one of them a secret from others?

Honestly, Satoru didn't really care what would happen if he chose to do the first option. But then again, if he revealed everything to his enemies, where would the fun in that be?

And thus, Satoru chose to do the second option. Maybe it would work as his quirk for a persona he is planning to make in the future.

There would be two different identities with two different quirks, but only one person. Wouldn't the shock be great?

As for the universe travel part, he temporarily kept it at the back of his mind. He only planned to leave this world after the 'story' had finished.

For now, until the day his quirk awakens, he had two primary goals to achieve.

One, discover more about the No energy system. An idiotic name, but if its as powerful as God says it is, then the name wouldn't matter too much. It wasn't like he was going to scream this out to the public anyway.

And two, discover more about the IDOW. Since he could use it now, he might as well get started experimenting with it. It's never too early to start practicing on anything.

Just as he was about to continue his planning, he heard a knock coming from the door.

"Satoru? Sayaka-san called you downstairs for dinner." A black-haired boy with white pupils entered and spoke.

He was the complete opposite of Satoru, and he was blind due to an eye condition known as white spots. But despite being blind, he had adapted to it since birth. Now, with the help of a walking stick, he could easily move about pretty much everywhere.

"Oh, thank you, Gin. I was thinking about some things just now and didn't notice."

"What things are you thinking about? Your quirk?"

"Yea. Sort of. Well, let's go down now. In case Sayaka-san becomes angry again."