Chapter 3: Discoveries; Quirk awakens

During dinner, everyone was busy fussing over him due to his supposed head injury, but Satoru didn't feel irritated or annoyed. Although none of them were related to each other in the slightest, they recognized each other as family.

After all, in this small but cozy orphanage, they were the only people who would ever care for each other. Without them, one might as well have stayed on the streets.

Not all children were abandoned as a baby. Most were sent here after their parents died, whether because of villain attacks, part as their hero jobs, or some other reason. And others were abandoned because, well, they simply didn't live up to their parent's expectation of having a 'good' quirk, or any quirk at all.

You would be surprised at how cruel one's parents can be in the midst of this quirk-orientated society, where quirks determined whether you were part of the upper class, middle class, working-class, or just dregs of society. The moment their child was deemed quirkless, 'useless', or had a 'villainous' quirk, the child would definitely be either abused, 'reformed' to their liking, or abandoned.

Of course, there were exceptions to all rules, but rarely would any parents not succumb to the pressure of society and keep loving their quirkless child.

After the quick dinner, Satoru went back to his room and continued pondering.

During this one or so year before he awakened his 'quirk', he was planning to use this opportunity to learn more about the Infinite Deceptions of Words.

If Satoru had to choose one power over the other, to be completely honest, he liked the IDOW a lot more than Gojo's power. For one simple reason - it is a lot more versatile and a lot more fun to play around with.

Infinite Deception of Words is an ability that allows him to bend reality through lies and deception. By telling a lie and manipulating somebody into rejecting that claim, Satoru creates a 'lie of a lie', which by proxy makes the initial claim real.

This power allows Satoru to reverse the cause and effect by making the person under his spell deny what she asked. The reality that was bent will have its effects stuck in the real world.

Of course, although Gojo's power doesn't allow him to manipulate reality as IDOW does, it is still as powerful as IDOW because it doesn't require many conditions to activate, unlike IDOW.

The IDOW can only be as powerful as the user's intelligence due to the specific conditions needed to be fulfilled before bending reality.

As for the various conditions that might or might not be needed to be fulfilled were for later experiments.

"Satoru, are you awake?" A knocking came from the door as Sayaka entered.

"I'm still awake, Sayaka-san. What's wrong?"

"Sleep well tonight, all right? You don't have to look after the babies just for this one or two nights." Sayaka looked worried as she continued patting the young boy's head.

"Alright. Thank you, Sayaka-san."

"What are you thanking me for? It should be my fault that you had slipped and fallen head first on the floor, causing the injury. Now, go sleep."

"Alright then. Good night, Sayaka-san."

"Good night, Satoru."


Thus, for the next year, Satoru had started experimenting with his IDOW. And as he had expected from the ability, it was nothing short of amazing.

IDOW allowed him to change anything as long as someone denied his claim. From creating and destroying items, becoming stronger or weaker, having multiple quirks or not, as long as someone said 'no' to his lie, it would be able to come true.

However, there would obviously be limitations which he found out. The several facts include:

1) It only works for lies. So even if Satoru told the truth, but they didn't believe him and denied his claim, the IDOW wouldn't activate.

2) Satoru must know that the person denied his claim, meaning that the person has to physically speak and deny his claim such that he could hear it. Thinking about it doesn't work, but denying the claim through telepathy does work.

People who were thinking about not believing the claim but physically voicing that they do wouldn't activate the ability. This means that people who couldn't speak out would be a good opponent for Satoru, that is if he didn't have Gojo Satoru's power as well.

3) There were no limitations on how much he could bend reality. He once told someone he could summon a meteor into the ocean. That someone obviously didn't believe him and denied his claim, causing the news to report a vast meteor strike in the middle of the pacific ocean, causing disastrous losses. Not only that, after the incident, when another person denied his claim of being able to return the ecology of the sea back to normal, the next day, the meteor disappeared. The sea went back to normal without anyone noticing otherwise, causing the media to have a field day.

4) The time frame between the moment he activates his ability and when the reality changes depending on the scale of reality being changed. Something as big as the meteor shower took about a night, while small things like materializing objects took less than a second.

5) The ability wasn't automatic. This meant that as long as Satoru chose not to activate the power, even if the person could deny his statement all he wants, reality still would not be bent. Imagine having to speak the truth all the time in case someone accidentally denies one of his lies, and reality was instantly warped. Of course, he would be able to return it to normal, but it would just be extra trouble.

These five facts were the main things Satoru needed to know about IDOW.

Of course, during this year, he didn't just focus on IDOW. Whenever he wasn't busy doing his chores around the house (baby-watching) or studying how to use IDOW, he would learn how to use his No energy system instead.

The result? Satoru concluded that it would be like mana, reiryoku, and ki mixed into one, not that he had seen mana, reiryoku, or ki before. Taking the properties of three and mixing them together would result in this No energy system.

The mana property that was present made it a very versatile type of energy. Although Satoru wasn't able to perform magic, it did allow him to adapt to situations more easily, whether from the cold or heat, or even electricity.

The ki property that was present made it a powerful physical type of energy, enhancing his physique by quite a large margin, which was only increasing as time passed. Of course, he wasn't All Might strength yet, but as soon as he had awakened Gojo's power of limitless, All Might wouldn't be able to land a single hit on him since the infinity between him and All Might's fist would exist.

The reiryoku property that was present made it a beneficial type of energy in enhancing mental strength. Not only did it make his mind clearer, but it also made his ability to learn increase as well.

All in all, although Satoru knew that this shouldn't be the full potential of the No energy system, it was good enough for him, for now.

Apart from that, the promised dreams that God said he would be giving also arrived nightly. Every night, he would just receive bits and pieces of Gojo's life experience.

Though little by little, it didn't make much sense, slowly but surely, his combat ability had improved leaps and bounds even without any real training over one year.

He not only combat experiences but also various life experiences in general, including murder.

That was how Satoru had spent his past year.

On this good, fine day, Satoru woke up at 7am like any other day.

"Strange...I feel a lot stronger than last night?" Satoru mumbled to himself as he got out of his bed and went downstairs after washing himself up.

'And my eyesight is a lot better than before?'

"S-Satoru? Did your quirk manifest already?" Sayaka's first words weren't the usual greeting, causing Satoru to be confused.

"Why? Was there anything about me?"

"Well, you were always cute, but this mutation has caused you to become even cuter?" Sayaka phrased that as a question, causing Satoru to be speechless as to answering that question.

"How so?"

"Go and check your eyes."

Heeding Sayaka's words, Satoru immediately rushed to the toiler and saw his reflection in the mirror.

'How did I not notice this when I was brushing my teeth just now?!' Satoru mentally screamed at himself as he looked at the mirror, reflecting his familiar face with one pronounced difference.

His pupils had turned from black to a very exotic bright blue.

'But damn, no matter how many times I have seen it before, this is hella awesome!'

"So, Satoru? How was it? Cute, isn't it?" Sayaka appeared from the door and spoke with a smile.

"Yeah!" Satoru wanted to say that it made him handsome, but as a child, he knew that there were only two types of children: the cute ones and the uncute ones. There were no such things as pretty children or handsome children, so he didn't argue against Sayaka.

"Well, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Do you want to report to the doctor?"

"Hm? I thought it was compulsory to report to the doctor after awakening your quirk?" Satoru asked.

"And who told you that? Most children who just awakened their quirk would indeed report to the doctor, but it's mainly because they are worried that their quirk would hurt themselves. After taking care of you since you were just a baby, I know you best, and I don't think your quirk would injure you. That's why I am giving you this choice."

"Well, there's no need to spend extra money for something unnecessary, right?" Satoru replied with another question, his smile shining brightly.

"Hah...That's what I thought you would say." Sayaka sighed a little before continuing, "Don't over-exert yourself, alright? Now, come down for your breakfast."

With the new addition of Gojo's power, there were more things to familiarize himself with now. But Satoru wasn't flustered. If anything, he was very excited to be able to get started.

The use of six-eyes, limitless, No energy along with the rest of his powers, domain expansion, reality-warping through lies and deceits, and many more were just waiting for him to be familiarized.

"It's going to be a fun ten years before canon starts."


A/N: Btw, MC is not the same age as Izuku. He just assumes that he was born in the same year as Izuku and company. He's slightly older, so there will be two extra years of blank space that I have free reign.

I'm going to time skip all the way to UA's first year. So don't worry, although the canon would come like way, way ahead, I will give you two years' worth of unique activities that would be on par with canon (at least, I hope so).

Note that these three chapters will be a trial read. If I receive positive feedbacks and reviews about it, then I'll continue writing this. Note that this would not be my main one, so like the other 4, I'll be posting this whenever I want. If the popularity for any of the four exceeds my main one, which I don't think would be possible, then I'll switch my main one to the post popular one.