Chapter 4: 10 years

"Satoru! Are you leaving now?!" Sayaka screamed down from the hallway as she continued coaxing the two little babies in her arms.

"Yes, Sayaka-san. I'm leaving for my part-time job! I'm sorry I can't help out much at home." Satoru replied back as he tied his shoelaces.

"It's okay. I know you've been working hard to support us with your income as well."

"Haha! It's the least I could do to thank you for taking care of me." Satoru stood up and opened the door.

"Have a safe trip!"

Satoru just waved back and left the orphanage.

Ten years and a half years have passed in the blink of an eye (literally for the readers), and Satoru was now 14 years old, which meant that it was almost time for him to enter Yuuei (UA) High School.

He had gotten a part-time job at a local hot spring that doubled as a public bath just a few days after reaching 14 years old, the legal age to start working.

[A/N: It's actually 15 in Japan, but since quirks arrived, I bumped it down a little.]

The hot springs were massive, and not only did it look absolutely amazing, but the pay was also good, going at a rate of 1000 yen per hour, one of the highest paying part-time jobs Satoru could find.

Technically, he could also work as a model and earn a lot more, but he didn't want to spend too much time modeling as it required heavy commitment.

The hot springs might pay a little less than modeling, but it didn't require much commitment. Plus, the manager was a kind person who often allowed him to have free dips in the hot spring.

It was located at the edge of the city, which he was currently lived, Musutafu. Thus there was plenty of space to be occupied.

Over the years, Satoru has changed plentifully. He was no longer the ordinary kid he once was. He became slightly more playful due to the nature of Infinite Deceptions of Words, and his love for sweets also grew.

Perhaps he was slightly affected by the memories of Gojo, who also loved sweets, but even if it was true, Satoru didn't care much. How was having sweets a bad thing?

Thanks to having Gojo's body, Satoru also grew extremely tall and handsome. Standing at the height of 175cm at 14 years old, it was considered way above average, and that was even including mutant quirks that allowed a height boost.

His white hair grew out and spiked upwards, mainly because he had a blindfold on most of the time.

As it turns out, the blindfold wasn't just a decoration. The six-eyes was known as six-eyes for a reason; it didn't just allow Satoru to reduce his No energy consumption from technique activation infinitesimally near to nothing, and that he will never run out of No energy in a fight as a result.

That was merely one of the functions of the six-eyes - reducing the unnecessary loss of consumption of No energy for efficiency.

The six-eyes also helped improved his eyesight to a near inhumane level and allowed him to spot things that were usually undetectable at first glance.

The power of six-eyes mainly revolved around helping to augment the rest of his ability, not to help Satoru fight directly, as an auxiliary technique.

Thus, without the blindfold, he would be perceiving the world at a nearly molecular level, and all the information transmitted to his brain would be too much at one go.

The No energy did help to strengthen his mind to a very high level, reducing the transmission of information to a level where there would be constant buzzing in his brain.

It was more annoying and less painful; thus, Satoru decided to use a blindfold to help 'block' his eyesight, thus bringing a stop to the constant buzzing in his brain. Not to mention the fact that it did help train his other senses just by using No energy instead of directly seeing with his eyes.

Plus, since nobody knew that he could see under his blindfold, he could freely clean the bath and the hot springs without anybody stopping him.

"Yo! Manager-san~!" Satoru's voice resounded loudly early in the morning, where nobody was present yet.

"Jeez, Satoru-kun. Stop yelling so loudly in the morning. I'm paying you to help me clean the place and attract my customers with your looks, not scare them away with your voice." The manager was an older woman in her later forties who had been taking care of this hot spring for quite a few years already.

Perhaps it was because of the nourishment of the hot springs, but her looks, while not being exactly very flawless, was still smooth enough to pass off as a lady in her late thirties rather than late forties.

"Haha, as blunt as usual, manager-san. Good morning!"

"Morning. Now, go start cleaning the bathroom first. We'll be opening in less than half an hour."


Getting homeschooled is only a privilege for the rich, and the orphanage was anything but rich.

Satoru attended a public elementary school and junior high school like any other kid, and due to his ability to learn things faster, his grades were consistently at the top, allowing for a scholarship to promote to each grade.

Now that he was in the last year of his junior high school, nothing changed. He had several friends he hung out with once in a while since he needed to support the orphanage most of the time. Still, it didn't stop him from becoming a popular kid with his appearance and personality.

Ahem, not personality. Satoru's character often annoyed many of the teachers, but since he didn't really cross any boundaries or lines, they could only hold it in their hearts.

"Satoru, did you know why I called you here?" The principal of the school he was attending asked.

"Um...was it because of the time I missed school because I had something important coming out at the last minute? Or was it because some younger children tried to beat me up, but I beat them up instead since they thought I was quirkless? Or was it the time when -"

"Stop! Enough..." The principal didn't know what to do with Satoru. Everything about him was good, but his personality is just...annoying. Not in an awful way, but it still got on his nerves.

" Ignoring what you said about beating up those kids, I called you here because you have once again received plenty of scholarships."

"Is there one for UA?"

"Unfortunately, no. UA is a school that doesn't provide scholarships before you join them. Although they do have good grades, they focus primarily more than just academics, as you would have known."

"Yep! The best hero school in town!" Satoru grinned as he took a look at the various offers he had, ranging from the regular academic schools to the private schools, with conditions such as getting number 1 consistently or coming to work for the family who sponsored him after graduating.

"So, seeing those offers, what did you think?"

"Nah~. Although some of these offers were good, none of them had what I wanted."

"Why are you so adamant about going to Yuuei anyway? You have never shown much about your own quirk during the three years you have been here, and you do realize that if people didn't judge your quirk, no one would be willing to sponsor you to go to Yuuei, right? No one would risk spending their money on something that they weren't sure about."

The principal's tone didn't fluctuate much, though Satoru could see that the principal truly cared about his well-being.

"Take my advice, either reveal your quirk and possibly gain some sponsorship, or give up on Yuuei. Even the fee for the entrance exam isn't low, you know?"

"Don't worry, principal. I have my own way of getting money."

"You aren't planning on doing anything illegal, are you?" The principal narrowed his eyes as he asked.

"I'm hurt, principal-san~." Satoru faked a sad expression as he dramatically clutched his left chest, "I'm shocked that you could even think that I'm that sort of person~."

"Now, stop acting in front of me. Do you really want to go Yuuei?"

"Yep. It's time to step into somewhere I never stepped before."

Seeing Satoru's firm and determined eyes, the principal sighed once more before eventually saying, "Fine. Here's the last scholarship for you."

"Hm?" Satoru was curious about the last folder he was carrying and hurriedly looked through it before being surprised.

"This is from..."

"Me. Yes."


"Although you're always sleeping in class, missing out on classes for some reasons here and there, always 'playing' around with your friends, never handing it work on time, and many others I could not be bothered to say, you are still, after all, the top student that I'm very proud of." As the principal listed down every one of his habits, Satoru felt various arrows pierce through his heart.

"I don't know whether you are trying to compliment me or insult me." Satoru's mouth twitched.

"Haha, but then again, since I don't have much information about your quirk, and I don't plan to find out more unless you tell me of your violation, I won't invest much money in you. All I'm giving is the money needed to take the entrance exam, but there are various conditions."

"Yep, I read through it. Still, don't you think the conditions are too much?"

"What do you mean? All the conditions there is to ensure that you become a better student."

"Do you mean that I'm not a good student?"

"Remember the time you took the bag of chips that I have stashed inside my cupboard?"

"Ahem...that was a one-time thing."

"How about the time where you cheated the stall auntie of 100 yen?"

"Come on, that was her own fault for skimping on materials. Every single penny I spend must be worth its price, and I'm sure as hell not paying a single yen extra for a bunch of chicken skin rather than its meat."

"How about-"

"You know what? You made your point. But can you at least change the last condition so that I can at least miss a few days of lesson per term?"

"Nope. Like I said, forcing you to follow this contract and not skip or miss lessons unless it's for a valid reason is a good thing for you."

Satoru stared at the principal while the principal returned a stare with an amiable smile of his own.

"Fine. I'll accept your scholarship then."

"Good. Let's hope you can actually get into Yuuei so that I don't lose my money."

"Like hell you're gonna lose your money when I'm supposed to pay you back regardless of whether I entered Yuuei or not!"

"Hahaha. You should just be thankful that you even had the chance to go to Yuuei in the first place."

Satoru knew that he would have gotten to Yuuei in one way or another. The only reason he hadn't used his IDOW to make himself rich was that he wasn't that type of person. Otherwise, he would have just destroyed Japan in the first place. Why bother with all these people?

Still, he thanked the principal before leaving the office. After all, the principal did still help him get into Yuuei, and regardless of any reason, it was still a reason to thank him.


A/N: I'm using Gojo and Satoru to differentiate the two people. Satoru doesn't have a family name since he is an orphan, though I might consider using his girlfriend's surname instead. His class would be occupied by some other characters from other anime, most from Toaru world, while some are my original ideas.

P.S. Do you want a sneak peek of the events planned? Give me a year from 1-4, and any month, and I'll give you a teeny bit of information. It's up to you how you readers want to decide to tell me.

A/R: One skill I wished I had was to be able to animate and code. That way, I would be able to create an algorithm to form patterns on voice actors/actresses' voice, pitch, tone, and more to be able to make up what I want them to say without them actually saying it before planting it in a fanfic anime that I could create with my animation skill. Don't you think that it would be fun to be able to create an anime out of a fanfic?