Chapter 5: It's the wrong year?

As expected of Satoru's performance, his grades didn't drop at all, even at the final exam of junior high school.

And today was the day of the entrance exam of Yuuei.

The UA High School Hero Course! It's a course designed to give students everything they need to go pro! It is without a doubt the toughest and the most popular hero course in the country, and only 1 in 300 applicants is accepted!

There is All Might, who magnanimously declined the People's Choice Award!

Then, the man who's stopped more crimes than anyone else in recorded history: Endeavor!

And the guy who's won the best Jeanist Award eight years running: Best Jeanist!

It seems graduating from UA is simply a requirement for becoming a great hero!

[A/N: I just copied my previous work since I'm too lazy.]

But Satoru wasn't going to UA to become a hero. He knew that even if he went to other hero schools with his ability, he would still become a great hero.

But more importantly, he just wanted to witness the amazing events that class 1-A would go through.

A lot of students were going to take the exam, each one of them filled with hopes. They all wanted to be heroes, all for varying reasons.

While some wanted to earn a lot of money, others wanted fame. A few rare ones wanted to be like All Might, saving the day with a big smile on their face.

But among all these hopes, Satoru was taking the exam as well. He was clothed with a simple school uniform from his old school that was pure black in color. His eyes were blinded with a blindfold as usual, and the fact that he was towering above most of the 14-15 years old in height didn't help reduce the attention he was receiving.

Unlike the various expression of nervousness or anxiety present on other people's faces, Satoru's face had a huge grin on it. And while others were desperately trying to warm up their bodies or cramp some knowledge into their minds, Satoru munched on some hard sweets, causing some of the nearby people to frown in annoyance.

"Ano...can you stop chewing so loudly?" A brave soul came up to him and asked politely.

Satoru only raised his hand to ask him to wait while continuing to chew loudly.

A few seconds soon passed, but Satoru hasn't finished chewing at all. In fact, the chewing had gotten louder, and now more and more people were annoyed by it.

"Um, please stop chewing now."

"Are you hoping that I would die?" Satoru immediately frowned as he questioned back, causing the boy to become startled.

"Hah? How would stopping you from chewing result in you dying?"

"Because if I don't chew, the sweets would obviously be big enough to get stuck in my throat and possibly stop the airflow, resulting in me having a lack of air and eventually dying. Therefore, I need to chew." Satoru replied seriously.

"?!" The boy couldn't think of any refute to that logic. It was obviously correct, but why did it sound wrong as well?

"Well, the entrance exam is starting. You don't want to be late, do you?" Satoru 'kindly' reminded the boy before leaving for the venue himself.

"Oh! Shit! We're late! And why can't you just chew softer?!" The boy yelled out after Satoru after finally figuring out that the problem wasn't that he was chewing, but the volume he was chewing at.

And thus, because of Satoru's loud crunching of his sweets, many people did not get a chance to get some last-minute revisions, resulting in many people not doing as well as they hoped they would have done.


The first venue was a small classroom that only had one desk and one chair present. According to Satoru's usher, he was supposed to start doing the paper once the digital clock on the wall showed 09:00.

He noted that there weren't any teachers present to supervise him, though he managed to spot one closed-circuit television (CCTV) present at one corner of the room.

'They trust us so much to not start before the designated time?' Satoru couldn't help but wonder.

'No...the test has already started. Heroes should not cheat, huh?'

Satoru couldn't help but sigh at such simple tricks.

Little did he know, it wasn't as simple as it sounded. Not every student had the habit of checking their surroundings. They didn't notice the CCTV hidden in the shadows of one corner, and seeing that they only had an hour to complete a paper as thick as a book, the temptation to start early was huge.

And so, about 20% of the students were already excluded from the screening process before the actual test even started.

UA didn't need heroes who would cheat. They were one of the best hero schools in the west (Japan); they had no shortage of people begging to enter their school.

As soon as the clock hit 9am, Satoru casually flipped over the front page and saw nothing but blank paper.


As it turned out, the actual questions were only included in the last few pages. The first and last 20 papers were merely blank papers used to create an illusion of having plenty of questions when the total mark was just 50 marks.

There was also a reason why the questions were placed in the middle of the paper. It was to differentiate the lazy ones from the meticulous students. If the students were too lazy to flip every single page and check for questions, they would have definitely missed out on a few questions.

"Hahaha...UA...truly. This is just the beginning, and I'm already much more interested than when watching the anime. So many many tricks."


After the written paper, it was time for part two of the entrance exam. As a school for heroes, it didn't just purely depend on academic performance; they needed to assess your ability and potential to be a hero as well.

Being ushered to what seemed to be a huge-ass lecture theatre, he sat where he was supposed to sit. In fact, he was even surprised that he could find his seat amongst the two thousand plus seats present.

It didn't take long for all of them to settle down, mainly because the lights had immediately dimmed, and the podium's light came on instead, revealing a person on stage.

'That is...Present Mic?'

Present Mic was a tall, slim man with long blond hair, which he wore spiked upwards in a huge tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache. He has rectangular eyes with concentric greenish-yellow pupils, and he is almost always seen with a giant smile on his face.

He seemed to be about to talk normally, but as soon as his mouth was opened, a voice loud enough to be transmitted through the whole lecture theatre sounded.

"Welcome one and all to my live show~! Everybody say 'HEYYY'!!"

'This guy is interesting. Let's humor him a little~."

"Heyyy!!!" Satoru yelled out with all his might, which was as loud as Present Mic himself.

Both Present Mic and Satoru were surprised, but for different reasons.

Satoru was surprised because he wasn't the only one who yelled out. Another girl did as well at the opposite side of the lecture theatre, but he couldn't see that far in the dark since he had his blindfold.

On the other hand, Present Mic had been doing this job for a few years now, but this was the first time two new students ever bothered to reply. Loudly, at that.

"Hahaha! I've got shivers down my spine from your enthusiasm! All right, examinees, I'm gonna give you the low-down on how that'll go down! Are you ready?! If yes, everybody says 'YEAH!'!"

""YEAH!!"" This time, probably because of the two voices before, more and more people dared to join as well, causing Present Mic to smile even wider.

After the more enthusiastic cheer, Present Mic explained how they would be evaluated, his voice even louder than before due to the great feedback he had received.

"As for the fourth type of villain that you'll encounter, it would be worth zero points! Let's call them 'arena traps'! And in each area, one of them is present. They would start their rampaging when 7 minutes have passed or when most of the robots get destroyed."

Waiting for the students' voices who understood what he wanted to say, he then spoke again, making all the students present nervous and excited again.

"If there are no other questions, let's move on to the main event!"


Standing in the preparation zone just before the big area, Satoru was stretching his limbs to warm himself up while observing his surroundings and the bangle the school had given to every student.

He was perplexed about the lack of events.

Firstly, he had noticed that there wasn't any sort of news about a sludge villain, so that means no children were taken and held hostage.

Secondly, as much as he tried to look, he couldn't find a hint of a certain explosive loud boy.

And thirdly, there was no interruption when PResent Mic was speaking, meaning that -

That was when Satoru realized something wrong.

"I'm in the wrong year?!"

"Huh? What are you talking about, dude?" A boy who stood nearby asked in confusion as he wondered what Satoru meant by being in the 'wrong year'.

"Sorry~. And it's nothing. I'm just confused for a moment." Satoru gave a slight grin in his direction.

"Heh. As long as you don't get injured out there." The boy replied.

"Nobody has ever gotten me injured before, and I don't think that would change~."

"What do you -"

But before the boy could ask any further, Present Mic's voice came through the speakers, marking the start of the test.


Everyone paused for a moment before another statement was announced, "What are you waiting for? Time is ticking! And villains don't wait for a time to start fighting!"

By now, everybody has already sobered up and immediately flew towards the city-large playground.

"My, this is so exciting~. Can I finally let loose of limitless?"

Satoru didn't wait any longer and started making his way to the robots. Everybody has already started fighting, but Satoru wasn't in a rush.

"Human detected. Initiating offense mode." A robot suddenly sounded behind him, and he felt a gush of wind as the robot dashed to him and tried piercing him with a robotic tail.

"My, I'm so lucky. My first robot is a three-pointer?"

Satoru didn't feel scared facing the tail who was trying to stab his head. The tip of the tail was only a few centimeters away from his forehead, but it could never reach.

"Infinity is truly broken, isn't it?" Satoru mumbled to himself as he lifted one finger.

[No technique amplification: Blue], and a small blue ball formed at the tip of his index fingers.

"I'm at the center of the city, right? Well, see ya, robot-san~."

A bright blue light suddenly shone in the middle of the city, attracting plenty of attention.


A massive cloud of dust rose up as every single robot and building got destroyed within a half a kilometer radius.

Yet, despite the massive area of effect skills, all the other examinees were free from a single scratch. It was as though they weren't in the range of effect at all.

This is due to Satoru's precise control of his little blue ball of attraction. If he really went all out as Gojo did, plenty of examinees would be severely injured and might have even died.

If it really happened, Satoru could forget about becoming a hero. If Satoru wasn't given the title of a villain, it would already be a lucky thing.

But since no one was injured and he had gotten his points, everything was indeed done well.

"Yay! That settles everything! But damn, not having the main cast with me is pretty sad...well, I'm now more interested in the other brave soul who shouted with me. I don't remember anyone like that in the canon. But then again, nothing about the year twos or year-threes were shown so..."

Satoru placed a finger on his chin and muttered thoughtfully for a few seconds before clapping his hands together.

"Well, let's continue on our rampage!" Satoru smirked as he started floating in the air.