Chapter 6: Entrance exam ends easily

Satoru could fly; that much was apparent if you actually watched the anime. But why could he do it?

At the base level, Limitless is an innate technique that is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space, allowing them to manipulate it at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability.

Thus, it was a straightforward matter to allow Satoru to control the space to let him fly around, whether to 'support' his weight or teleport around the area.

This is also what Satoru planned to tell Nezu when asked about his quirk. A very simple Limitless that allowed him to have control over space.

As he moved around from place to place, he didn't just use his Limitless ability. He also used his immense strength and speed to destroy robots and save some people on the way.

There would be no fun if all he did was use his space control to create black holes over and over again.

"5 minutes and 28 seconds left~!"

"And how many did I destroy and save again?" Hearing the announcement by Present Mic, Satoru paused for a while to calculate the number of points that he had earned.

[Human detected! Initia-]

"Shush. I'm trying to calculate my scores." Without even waiting for the robot to finish its opening speech, Satoru had already punched a hole to its core and ripped it out.

"Eh? Now I need to add you to the equation as well...and just as I finished calculating. Are you one pointer or two pointer robot?"


With powers like Satoru, people would eventually start paying attention to him. Especially the immense blue light that caused a vast crater a few meters deep and 1 kilometer in diameter.

"Hm...? Who is that?" Nezu asked curiously. He wasn't too concerned about the destroyed buildings; he was more worried about his potential students being in the range of that crater.

"Umm...there is no one in our records that showed an explosion quirk or any quirk that would have this effect." Midnight used the computer to check the details of every single student that was taking the test.

Hearing her words, Nezu frowned.

"Principal, do you think it's a villain attack?" Snipe asked.

"It shouldn't be. Firstly, our security defense isn't something a villain could easily go through, and secondly, if any of the students had died in that explosion, do you still think I would have been here talking with you?"

"Wait, so nobody died? That's impossible! Look at that crater!" Vlad King exclaimed with shock.

"Yes. Look at that crater. You can still see various pieces of land that allowed the students to remain standing there. Plus, just before the test, the bangle that we have given to each student doesn't just serve as a gift. It also monitors their heart rate and pulse rate, and an alarm would sound in this very room if any bangle could not sense their pulse anymore."

"But how is that possible?"

"Control. Someone who managed to control their quirk to this extent is nothing short of a miracle. Midnight, have you figured out who the culprit is?"

Midnight's eyes never left the screen as she silently gulped a mouthful of saliva.

"Principal, can I take this year's freshmen class?"

"And your reason?"

"I like this guy." Midnight turned the computer screen so that everyone in the room could see the picture of Satoru smiling brightly with a blindfold over his eyes.

"Name: Satoru (has no family name)

Birthplace: Unknown

Relatives: Unknown

Age: 15

Current place of living: XXX Orphanage

Blood type: A+

Last height and weight recorded: 140cm and 40kg, 5 years ago.

Quirk: Unknown. Suspected to be something related to his eyes."

Quirk potential: Unknown

"Why is his eye blindfolded?"

"No one knows. But the data here says that it could possibly be because of his eyes."

"Yes. I can read that by myself." Nezu thought for a while before turning his attention back to the big screen.

"What do we do about him?"

"How sure are you that this is caused by him?"

"About 75% sure? None of the other examinees' records matches the descriptions, and those who could match it, wouldn't be able to do it to this scale. So the only logical conclusion was him, someone whose data wasn't included in the first place."

"I see...then keep an eye on him for the rest of the time. If he performs extraordinarily well, invites him to have a chat with him immediately after this."

"Oh yes, and Principal?"


"Please make me the homeroom teacher for his class if he gets in."

Knowing the kink of this R-rated hero, Nezu was in serious deliberation about Midnight's suggestion.

"Well, I'll think about it."


Satoru realized that the frequency of him meeting a moving robot had drastically decreased as time ticked by.

He was also trying to figure out which girl was it who shouted together with him when he realized that they might not even be part of the same group in the first place.

Thus, he gave up on searching both the mysterious girl and the robots and instead started to get ready to search for any trapped participants and earn some hero points instead.

However, just as he was about to do so, he suddenly heard a loud noise.

"Oh my, that's a zero pointer?" Satoru quietly spoke as he looked at the giant robot crushing the building with its mechanical hands, "I mean, come on. If you wanna destroy things, do it as cleanly as I do. Does UA like to clean up messes made by themselves?"

Looking to be reflecting on something for a few seconds, Satoru finally concluded with a slap.

"Let's spend my pocket money for this week on the new sweets. Let's hope that it is as good as it says it is."

Immediately teleporting a few hundred meters each time, he finally reached the top of the robot, where Satoru got a great bird's eye view of the city.

Having seen plenty of students and all their unique quirks already, he still didn't manage to determine which part of the timeline he was currently in. Using the year to deduce is stupid since the anime didn't actually use a year as a benchmark, but when Deku his journey to become a hero.

Noticing that there were plenty of students running away from the robot he was currently sitting on, Satoru decided not to waste any more time. Although UA was a famous school, it didn't reduce the danger of having such an exam. A giant robot that wasn't manually controlled could easily be a factor in some students' death if they were unlucky and incompetent.

[No Technique Reversal: Red] A small red dot floated above his index finger, repelling every single thing that came near it apart from Satoru himself. Even air was ejected, creating a slight vacuum of space where the red dot occupied.

"Now, say 'ahhh', robot-san."

The robot obviously couldn't understand what Satoru was saying, nor did it even realize that someone was on top of its head. Thus it just continued what it was designed to do in the first place: wreak havoc in this area.

" don't want to open a mouth? Then I'll just open a new hole on top of your head then."

The small red dot 'dropped' on the robot's head, and within seconds, it had dropped down the entire robot's height, leaving behind nothing but a bunch of separated metals that were repelled from one another.

Since Satoru made a very tiny red hole, the effects were as damaging as the blue hole. Even so, it was unexpected that the giant robot could still move.

"Wow...praise whoever made this. Even after being separated into halves, it could still move...never mind." Satoru was about to continue praising the creator when the robot stopped moving there and then before falling towards the ground, which, fortunately, was devoid of people.

"Rest in peace, robot-san. Your sacrifice will always be there in my heart. But why can't you last longer..." Satoru complained as he leisurely walked back to the entrance of the arena, "I couldn't even show off my purple balls...that sounded so wrong."

"Congratulations! The test is over! Everyone, please make your way back to the entrance, where you will be checked for any injuries before you are allowed to leave. Should you be selected to join UA's hero course, a letter of acceptance would be delivered to your house in a week. As for the rest, thank you for your enthusiasm, and may all of you continue living your dreams!"

Hearing the announcement, Satoru felt pretty good. Although the test was meant to last ten minutes, it immediately ended when the giant robot 'died', so technically, Satoru was the one who put the test to an end early.

"Now that I have some free time, should I search for the person?"

Thinking for a bit, Satoru smiled and decided.

"Nah~. Why should I bother to search for someone? If she would attend UA, then I'll naturally see her again. Otherwise, well, I guess we were not fated then." Just as Satoru was about to leave the school compound after being judged as 'perfectly healthy' by the weird little grandma, another announcement could be heard.

"And Satoru, please meet us at the principal's office."

"And should I know where the principal's office is?" Satoru mumbled at the unreasonable request. He was about to get some new sweets that were going to come out after this, so he deliberated on which should be his priority.

"And it obviously should be -"

"Meeting the principal."

"AHH!" Satoru let out a small shriek as he jumped out five meters in the air and remained there, causing the few people present to look at him with interest.

"Ahem, I'm sorry for interrupting your monologue, but the principal figured that you probably didn't know where his office was, so he sent me here to guide you there."

"Um...can I not go?"

"And is there a reason why?"

"Yes. My sweets are on sale."

"Don't worry, you can always buy them tomorrow. The principal's call for you is very important."

"It's a limited edition sweet."




"Don't worry, after I get in, you should have more time to talk to me than now. So, if there is nothing else, please apologize to the principal for me." And before Vlad King could do anything, Satoru disappeared.

"How rude..." Vlad King grunted as he made his way to the principal's office to report what had happened.

"What's wrong?" Nezu's voice sounded, "And where's the student?"

"Buying sweets."

"Pft..." Nezu immediately spat out his coffee in shock as he rubbed his ears, "I'm sorry. Could you say that again?"

"He's buying sweets."

"Did you tell him that it was important?"


"And he judged buying sweets to be more important than a principal's important call?"

"Yes." Vlad King was about to say something more when he decided not to. However, Nezu caught Vlad King's hesitation and asked directly, "What else?"

"Um...he also said that there would be plenty of time and opportunity to talk to him after school starts."

"Hoh? So he already knew that he was going to get inside this school? How arrogant..."

"Um..he wasn't arrogant, principal. Everything he stated was as though he was just saying a fact. It was neither proud nor arrogant; his tone was neutral."

'The in an orphanage and brought up using limited resources, where did his confidence come from?' Nezu thought before Vlad King spoke up again, seeing Nezu was silent.

"So what are we going to do about that kid? Are we going to accept him?"

"Of course! He has such a dangerous quirk, and we should keep him under our surveillance." Nezu replied with vigor, "Besides, I'm also very interested in him. He reminds me of someone..."