Chapter 7: Nejire Hado and Yuyu Haya

"Are you sure?" Cementoss opened his mouth to ask with a serious tone.

Inside the principal office gathered all the teachers of UA.

"What do you mean? This level of destruction is horrifying. Did you see what he did to the robot? All he did was point his finger at its head, and the entire 10-meter tall robot gets split in half! What we should do is pretty clear in this state." Snipe said.

He didn't like what he saw. Granted, Satoru might have a very high degree of control over the destruction he possesses, but it was ingrained in human genes to be afraid of the strong. Especially the type of strength that was unreachable by themselves.

"I don't think that we should be worried about him in the first place." A loud voice attracted everyone's attention as Present Mic continued talking, "If you all actually saw the videos about him, you should be able to tell that he has perfect control over his quirk. His smile didn't even waver for a moment throughout the entire test."

"And that is precisely what makes him so fearful, isn't it? Imagine if he doesn't care about the lives of his allies and just randomly throws that blue ball of destruction. And that ball was only 5 centimeters in diameter. Imagine that same ball with a radius of 30 centimeters instead."

"Yeah! Not to mention that red ball, which was even more frightening than the blue ball."

"Relax, all of you have a point, but Present Mic's words do make the most sense. What Satoru had shown us was a power beyond the average hero. He also has tremendous control over his quirk and doesn't fear his own power."

"Yeah...cause he seemed drunk in it."

"Really? And when did he show that?"

The person who retorted softly didn't have the evidence to provide to Nezu and could only remain quiet.

"Furthermore, it wasn't as though anybody was injured. If that level of destruction was truly uncontrolled, the students who were nearby wouldn't have gotten away without a single scratch. This proved Satoru's perfect control. And it wasn't like it only went around destroying robots."

Nezu said as he showed them the charts of every participant, with the most obvious one being Satoru at the top of the list.

"80 villain points and 44 heroic points?"

"Yes. A total of 122 points and a far cry from second place. So, even if you don't want Satoru here in UA, he could easily go to another hero school that was as good as ours. So, vote for Satoru's entry to this school?"

A total of 6 people raised their hands.

"And against Satoru's entry to this school?"

A total of 5 people raised their hands.

"Haha, good. With my vote, it would be 7 to 5 votes for Satoru's entry to this school. I would be handing the new timetable, attendance list, and schedule for the teachers in three days. If there's nothing else, this meeting is dismissed."


After getting the limited edition sweets that he really wanted, Satoru himself staring at the cafe that opened just opposite the sweets stall.

"Do I have enough money? Well, I'll just bug manager-san for early pay, I guess."

Deciding so, Satoru walked into the cafe and was greeted enthusiastically.

"Good afternoon, sir. How many people would be dining today?"

"Just me alone. Can you get me your sweetest parfait?"

"Will that be all, sir?"


"Then you'll just have to wait a few minutes. Here's your table." After guiding Satoru to his seat, he took out his phone and started using it.

He had a phone. It might not be the newest one or the smartest one since it was hella expensive, but it still worked as good as any other.

"This guy is pretty cute, isn't he~?" A pair of girls was seated beside him, and one of them pointed at Satoru discretely and spoke, though Satoru could hear and see everything that she was doing.

"Really? Hm...ano...can I ask what is your blindfold for?" The girl beside him asked as she leaned in towards him, causing the girl sitting opposite her to pout.

"Shouldn't your first question be, what is your name?" Satoru looked up and faced the girl, only to be surprised by her appearance, though he didn't show it on his face.

"My name is Nejire Hado! What is your name? Are you still studying in school? Why are you so tall?"

"Nejire! Stop asking a passerby your random questions! Not everyone can take it well, you know?" The girl opposite her stopped Nejire before continuing even further before turning towards Satoru and apologizing for her friend.

"Haha, it's no problem! It's refreshing that someone actually came up to me and started talking rather than just talking behind my back. Nice to meet you, Hado-san. My name is Satoru, and you can just call me Satoru."

"Is that your family name or first name?"

"First name. I was abandoned before I had even gotten my name from my family, so I only had this name that Sayaka-san chose for me."

"Oh, I'm sorry...I didn't know." Nejire's smile faltered a bit as she quickly apologized for being tactless.

"Haha, no worries! I don't have any memories of my parents, so I don't really care. Besides, the orphanage can be a nice place, you know?" Satoru wasn't exactly hiding the fact that he was from an orphanage.

If people pity him, so be it.

If people mock him, so be it.

After all, their impact on his life was non-existent. Why should he care about some mob's view of life?

They were mobs for a reason.

"Really? I didn't know that orphanages could be a nice place. Everyone usually just mentions orphanages as a desolated place with mean caretakers and abused children..."

As Nejire continued on and on about the various stereotypes of orphanages and orphans, Satoru had to resist the urge to laugh.

The girl in front of him was too cute!

Nejire was a fair-skinned girl of average height with wide, curious eyes. Her upper eyelashes are long and thick, and her irises are a royal blue. Her hair is periwinkle, and it reaches all the way down to her knees, twisting around itself at her waist and curving inwards around her legs.

Meanwhile, her friend wasn't nearly as pretty as Nejire or as cute as her. She had short, cropped, dyed reddish hair and reddish-brown eyes with long lower eyelashes.

Satoru didn't know her name and was waiting for Nejire to introduce her, but it seemed that the time for her introduction would never come.

"Stop, stop. Hado-san, your knowledge about orphanages was interesting, but I'm afraid you have a massive misconception. How about you introduce your friend as well? She seemed pretty pissed that you were ignoring her."

"Oops, hehe...Yuyu is Yuyu!"

"Sigh, I'm very sorry for Nejire, once again," Yuyu apologized for Nejire once more, causing Nejire to pout before continuing, "My name is Yuyu Haya. Nice to meet you, Satoru-kun."

"Nice to meet you as well, Haya-san. Oh, my parfait is here. It was good talking to you, but this parfait takes precedence over everything." Satoru spoke seriously, causing Nejire and Yuyu to giggle at the contrasting appearance of an earnest man in front of something cute like a parfait.

"Ah~. This is life~." Satoru almost moaned in pleasure as he ate the parfait with relish. If not for people around him, he would have definitely let loose of himself.

"That gap is!" Yuyu whispered to her friend, who agreed with her.

From what Satoru knew of Nejire from the anime, she was a very kind, talkative, and endlessly curious girl who shows great interest in people's unique physical features and is easily distracted by them.

However, it was also due to this that Nejire can be very blunt, often asking somewhat invasive or off-putting questions, which resulted in her not being very popular in her middle school. Otherwise, just based on her looks, she would have been very popular.

On the other hand, Satoru didn't have a single impression of Yuyu from the anime, so he didn't know how to judge Yuyu as a person.

"But can I ask why you have a blindfold on? Why is your hair sticking up? And is that a uniform? You seem to be older than us. How old are you?"

As soon as Satoru finished his last bite of the parfait, Nejire's questions couldn't be contained anymore, and her usual bombardment of questions appeared once more.

To be honest, Satoru never expected Nejire to last this long without questioning him. As he was eating his parfait, he could sense Nejire staring at him often, as if urging him to quickly finish his parfait so that questioning could start.

But since Nejire didn't disturb him when he was eating his parfait, Satoru decided to answer some of her questions.

"I have a blindfold because of my quirk, you could say. My hair sticks up because of my blindfold. And yes, this is indeed my uniform from middle school since I just finished my entrance exam to UA."

"Wait! You managed to answer every single question that Nejire asked?" Yuyu was so shocked as she slammed her hands on the table as she stood up, causing some stares to arrive towards her.

"Oops...sorry for disturbance." Yuyu quickly became embarrassed as she sat down with a red face.

"Why? Is that a very huge thing to answer questions?" Satoru replied to her question with a perplexed look.

Wasn't it just questions? Does she need to be so surprised that he could answer them?

But it wasn't just Yuyu who was surprised. Even Nejire was surprised that someone unacquainted with her managed to answer each question of hers without a problem.

"N-No...well, more importantly, you are entering UA as well?"

"Yeah. Are you girls from UA, or are you taking the entrance exam as well?"

"We just took the exam as well! So what did you think of the exam? Was it hard? Did you like it?"

"Hmm...the exam itself was pretty fun and easy. The robots were destroyed quickly, and I could test some techniques that I usually can't do in public. I wouldn't say I liked it a lot, but I didn't hate it either. UA's exam is quite unfair; that is my honest opinion. Quirks that are not as destructive as ours are fated to lose, even if they could theoretically save more life than others."

"Hm? How did you even know that our quirks are destructive? We didn't even reveal any information about ourselves." Yuyu and Nejire became curious about how Satoru managed to know their quirks.

"I don't exactly know what your quirks are, but I do know that if you're in this fancy cafe celebrating right after UA's difficult entrance exam, then you probably are confident that you passed. And to pass, both your written exams and practical exams must be done well. Let's assume that the written exams would always pass, leaving the practical exam, which requires a destructive quirk to pass. So, how is my deduction?" Satoru concluded rather proudly.

"Wow! I'm very impressed!" Nejire's eyes sparkled as she asked, leaning even closer towards him, "So can you tell me what your quirk is? And can you take off your blindfold? I really want to see what you're hiding underneath! And how are you so tall? You seem to be about 10 cm taller than us!"

"Haha, little girl, you're asking questions that you shouldn't be asking a stranger; no one would just tell you their quirks right to your face. If they do, then they're probably fake information, arrogant, or just stupid. I'm 175 cm tall, but I also don't know why. Maybe my parents' genes? As for your last question, if you really want to see what's under my blindfold, I can let you."

Satoru was about to flip open his blindfold when his phone rang.

"Moshi Moshi?" As Satoru continued hearing about the news on the phone, his expression started to distort into anger before the phone was crushed into pieces.

"I'm sorry, Hado-san, Haya-san. If we were to meet in UA again, then I'll let you have an opportunity to see my eyes. But for now, I have something that I need to do. Please excuse me."

Without saying anything more, Satoru immediately teleported off, but not before paying for the parfait.

As for where his destination is?

His orphanage.


A/N: Finally, some actual fight scene next chapter. I think I made this world way too peaceful.

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