Chapter 9: First day of School (I)

After that not-so-mini incident, life returned to normal for Satoru. In the new house, which was just slightly more spacious than the previous one, everyone now had more space for themselves.

There was a new garden that bloomed beautifully with flowers, new toilets that didn't smell, and furniture that didn't have splinters.

" least the government's compensation isn't too bad. If they actually gave us a house that was worse than our previous one...hehehe..." Satoru smirked evilly, causing Sayaka to tap him lightly on his head.

"Don't let out your villain laughter. Aren't you supposed to attend UA now?" Sayaka reminded Satoru as she tried her best to settle the children down.

Satoru had already received the letter from UA about a week ago, but he was thoroughly disappointed that it wasn't All Might but Nezu showed in the hologram. Although he wasn't a fanboy of All Might, he did enjoy seeing his younger siblings smile whenever they react to All Might's feats.

"Yep! I've been looking forward to going to the school for some time already, but since lessons don't start until 8.25 am, I can leave at 8."

"Sigh, you little boy."

"I'm not little anymore."

"Yes, yes. You're now 14 years old with a height of 175cm. You don't have to keep repeating your words."

'But you're the one who keeps mentioning my height, not me...'

"Hai, hai! Well, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving early then."

"Bye bye, onii-chan/aniki! Tell me more about UA when you come back home!" The little children surrounded him and clamored about.

"Don't worry, I will," Satoru replied while rubbing one of their head before teleporting away. The children didn't react to this and just went about their day after Satoru left.

After all, Satoru had been teleporting about almost every day after awakening his quirk. So, it's impossible for the children to not get used to it after seeing it every day from a baby.


"So this is the famous UA..." Satoru muttered. Today, he wasn't dressed in his usual full-black attire.

He was dressed in the standard UA uniform, which consisted of a long-sleeve, button-up white shirt, a gray jacket with blue-green stripes, and a red tie. The boys' uniforms also included dark blue-green pants, while the girls' uniforms include a dark blue-green skirt.

The color scheme of gray doesn't really fit Satoru's taste, but he had to wear it. It was school, after all.

He did keep his signature appearance - the black blindfold and spiked up white hair - something that caused quite a bit of attention to be attracted from the other students. Not to mention he was towering over most of them as well.

"Satoru-kun!" A lively voice could be heard as Satoru instinctively turned around to spot the familiar periwinkle girl along with her friend.

Satoru wasn't too surprised to see Nejire here with her friend. Otherwise, where would the 'Big Three' be if Nejire wasn't present in two years' time?

'Seems like she made it in. Looks like the anime wouldn't change that easily even with me inside it, huh?'

"Yo, Hado-san! Haya-san! I see that you two really made it here, huh?"

"Yeah! It's good to have another familiar friend in UA! I can't wait for UA to start! I wonder how different the best hero school in the west would be compared to other schools! Aren't you curious? Aren't you?" Nejire's smiling face was right in front of Satoru's as he tried his best to resist the urge of patting the girl's head.

"Good morning, Satoru-kun. I'm happy that you managed to enter here as well."

"Well, I already told you that I would definitely enter here, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did." Haya was now even more curious about the boy in front of her. It seemed that he was overflowing with confidence and wasn't overwhelmed at all by the majestic features of their new school.

"Satoru-kun, do you want to walk around the school now?" Nejire asked as she bounced about.

"Hmm...As much as I want to, I don't think we would have the time to explore now. Why don't we explore during lunch? We can get some bread and wander around UA while eating." Satoru thought for a bit before suggesting.

Since it was currently 8.10, they only had 15 minutes to get to their designated class.

As far as he knew, UA's land was vast and complex. Satoru didn't bank on finding the classroom within his first try; he didn't want to risk being late on his first day.

"For now, though, we can try to navigate our way to finding our classroom first."

"Sure! Let's go!" Nejire grabbed both Haya's hand and Satoru's arm without waiting any further and proceeded to drag them to the first building located right in front of the school gate.

Being in the place itself made him feel something surpassed any feelings from watching the anime.

The place where most of the story was centered around. The place where some of the greatest heroes graduated from.

He felt...amazed.

"Hado-san, the door is actually almost three times my height," Satoru commented as they had finally found their way to their designated classroom.

To say that he was shocked was an understatement. Standing at 1.75 meters tall, he would have at least assumed that he was 2/3 of the door's height.

But reality proved that money can slap your face. Hard.

Who on earth would bother building a door with a height of 5 meters tall?!

"Wow! This door is so massive! I wonder why it is built this way! Yuyu! Are you looking at this?!" Nejire couldn't calm down at all.

In fact, the number of questions that she had seemed to be increasing over time.

"Calm down, Nejire. We're all excited as well, but you really need to tone it down and not scare away our other classmates. It's already a big surprise that Satoru-kun didn't get repulsed by you after knowing your tendency of asking too many questions." Yuyu added as she turned to look at Satoru.

"Hai~!" Nejire replied to Yuyu, but it was unknown if she really would follow Yuyu's advice.

"Well, let's stop talking in front of the door and enter, shall we?"

Nejire nodded her head and pushed the door open. Surprisingly, for a size of a 5m tall, pure steel door, it wasn't heavy at all. Nejire easily pushed it open and strolled inside the classroom...

'But with less confidence? Where did your confidence go, Hado-san?'

Satoru found it weird that her enthusiasm was quickly diminishing inside the classroom.

Inside, Satoru could see that some people were already inside. Well, most of them, anyway.

Since they all didn't play too much of a part in the anime, Satoru had no way of recognizing them, though it was interesting to see those new people.

There was a girl with black hair and cat features, which made it apparent that her quirk probably gave her a cat's physiology. Satoru also assumed that she had inherited all of what a cat could do. If not, he knew that she would at least be more flexible than others.

Another person had a waterfall as her hair, though it immediately evaporated before it could hit the ground. How queer...Satoru wondered what her quirk really was. Some water-related, probably...

Then there was a tall man of fair complexion. He has messy short black hair, blue eyes, and a very handsome profile.

'Not as handsome as me, though.'

But apart from that, his entire body was covered by a huge blazer, meaning that Satoru had no clue at all to what type of quirk he had.

There weren't many mutant-type of quirks present in this class, something that Satoru had realized. But that made it all the more enjoyable.

It wasn't like mutant-type quirks were worse than emitter-type or transformation-type, but it was the most straightforward and boring abilities out there.

"Oh? The last trio, huh? I wonder how you guys will fare." A person who looks as though he was constantly shifting in and out of reality spoke.

"Hello there! Welcome to 1-A!" A boy with a stupid grin on his face spoke loudly. Unnecessarily loud.

"Ooh....we have a pretty boy in our class, nya~." The girl with cat features commented, her voice sultry, but her eyes were eyeing them curiously.

"Stop that, Toujou. Stop seducing every pretty boy you see."

"Can't help it, nya. Boys like pretty girls, so why can't we like handsome boys? Plus, he's not only pretty, but he's also super tall."

The girl conversing with the catgirl had pale skin and dark circles around her eyes, and her hair was tied up in a bun. She didn't look very interesting compared to the people here, but she looked intelligent.

"Then admire them quietly. There is no need to speak all of your thoughts."

"Satoru-kun! Our class looks fantastic! I hope we have a good year!" Nejire commented as her eyes quickly scanned over each and every one of them.

"Yep. Can't wait to get to know our classmates better."

Comparing the class of the main characters and this class, Satoru couldn't help but pity the main characters. While this class looked full of variety, after watching the anime repeatedly, the main character's quirks looked...boring.

But Satoru won't judge until their class truly became one.

Seeing that the time was now 8.25 am, they quickly found their respective seats and sat on them.

Like the anime, the desks were arranged in a 5 by 4 arrangement. There were 5 rows and 4 columns from the teacher's perspective in front of the class.

Satoru's seat was the fourth row and the third column, while Nejire's seat was just two seats before his, and Yuyu's seat was just diagonally behind to his left.

Seated to his right was the guy who was shifting in and out of reality, and seated to his left was a guy(?) with brown hair tied in a ponytail. Satoru wasn't sure since the person to his left looked very feminine.

'Is that even within the school regulations?'

In front of him was a girl who seemed to be engrossed in her books. And behind him was another guy who was sitting upright, patiently waiting for the class to start.

'Seems like we have a quiet Iida in our class as well. Indeed, there will be every type of student in every class.'

And just in time for the bell to ring, the door slammed open once more, and a pair of people walked in.

"Good morning, class. Today is your first day of school, so we won't be following the timetable today. But before I get into the fancy stuff, let's all start our self-introduction to get to know each other better, shall we?"

"I'll start. My name is Ken Ishiyama, and you can either address me by Ishiyama-sensei or by my hero name, Cementoss. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the next three years, assuming that you don't drop out halfway."

Cementoss looks like a humanoid block of cement with black, seemingly shut eyes and gray hair tied into a short ponytail. His body shape is evenly blocky all around his body. His eyes are tiny, and his lips are pulled upwards.

He was currently in his hero costume, which consisted of a sleeveless brown suit with yellow stripes, shorts, and an elongated collar. He also sports gray shoes with yellow soles.

While the class made a commotion about the fact that they could actually drop out of UA, Cemetoss didn't even bat an eyelid at them. This wasn't the first time he had taught a batch of students, and it won't be his last anytime soon.

Over the years, there were plenty who had dropped out for various reasons. And as much as Cementoss pitied them, he had already gotten used to it.

"Enough. As long as you work hard, you won't be dropped out. Moving along, I'll also double as your Modern Literature teacher. As for my quirk, it allows me to manipulate any cement-based material that he touches, allowing him to deform the object into various shapes and sizes, changing its appearance. I hope we can get along for the next three years. Any questions?"

"Must we say out loud our quirks?" As soon as he finished, the person with the stupid smile asked.

"Although I would recommend it, it is not necessarily. Though you have to at least say the name of your quirk. As for a reason? It is because, as a class, all of you would need to work together sooner or later. So saying it now or later would make no difference.

Of course, you can keep your worst weakness to yourself if you don't want others to know how to beat you. Plus, it will also help others to train their intelligence to find out about your weaknesses. Any more?"

"What else do we have to say?"

"Who is the girl beside you?"

"Whoever asked the first question, please don't be stupid. Just say what you would typically say for a self-introduction, like your name, hobbies, goals and dreams, quirk, and anything interesting about you.

As for the second question, she is a special case. She didn't go through any of the entrance exams. But, the principal allowed her in here because of the particularity of her quirks. If you think this is unfair, then, by all means, go and complain to the principal.

Let me remind you, however. The moment you stepped into this room, it means that you should have readied yourself for an unfair fight. Because once you're out there in the real deal, unfairness would be the only thing you would face as a hero.

So, if anyone doesn't feel like this is it for them, you can leave now."

Everyone was stunned after hearing their homeroom teacher's words, but they recovered fast.

"I worked hard to get here, so I would know all about hardships and unfairness. So, nope! I'll not be leaving this school anytime before three years have passed." The person sitting directly behind the guy with the stupid smile spoke loudly.

Although no one else spoke, their eyes all showed a firm determination to not give up on this path of hardship.

'How interesting. Different teachers, but their mindsets are all the same. While Aizawa directly threatens us, Cementoss placed a huge psychological burden on us, though it was now broken by one person...'

Satoru's smile grew deeper.

He had expected that this class would have been boring since the anime didn't really show much about Nejire's class.

But looking at these people around him, he changed his mind.

These two years before Izuku's generation was going to be more interesting than he had expected.


A/N: I'm going to introduce all the classmates in the next chapter. It will be sort of an information dump, so please bear with me. Most people have been created by me, and any similarities with other characters that you might know are purely coincidental except for the catgirl. That is obviously Kuroka from DxD. I like her, so here she is, and some from Toaru no Index and Law of Ueki. There would be plenty of OCs as well, of course, and I promise you will not be disappointed.

And for those fans who know that Tamaki Amajiki was originally from class 3-A, I changed it so that he would be with Mirio in class 3-B instead, so there would two of the big four (temporary name, and I will change it later on) from each class.

P.S. The popularity of this fanfic is insane. I never thought this random idea would get popular. Thanks for all your support!