Chapter 10: First day of School (II)

"If there's nothing else, we can start with our introduction. Yasuko-san, you can go to your seat for now. Seat number 1, you can begin." Cementoss said.

"Hai! My name is Hasuko Hora, but you guys can call me Hasuko! My quirk is rubber. It allows me to change my body parts to have the properties of rubber! My dream is to be the greatest hero ever! Let's get along for the rest of our time here in UA!" Hasuko spoke enthusiastically, his stupid smile ever-present on his face.

Hasuko has shaggy black hair, round black eyes, and a slim muscular build under his blazer, which wasn't buttoned at all.

"Next..." Cementoss didn't delay it and immediately called out for the next person.

"Yo! My name is Juzo Trick. You can call me by either name since I'm half-Japanese. My mother is American, while my father is Japanese. My quirk is electricity. I can produce electricity on my hands."

As Juzo spoke, he also demonstrated a little of his quirk, causing some sparks to be emitted from his hands.

"Trick-kun, no false information about your quirk. I have a list here to confirm that you aren't sprouting any lies." Before the class could comment on his quirk, Cementoss interfered, causing the class to be confused.

"Tch, fine. My quirk is Trick art, which allows me to cast illusions on you. As for my hobbies...I guess, pranking people?" And as if to prove the point, he moved his electricity-filled hands towards the person behind him and touched him.

Although the person was shocked at the sudden movement, he was also surprised that he didn't feel anything.

Juzo had platinum-black hair, pale skin, and a very playful smile on his face as he looked around the class to look at their reactions. Some were disgruntled, while others looked impressed, Satoru being one of them.

Even Satoru was caught up in the illusion, which caused him to be mighty impressed. Though, if he took off his blindfold to actually 'see' and observe, he knew that he would have realized that it was an illusion, to begin with.

"My name is Kame Endo, an advocate of the environment! I love nature and trees so much that my quirk allows me to change rubbish to trees!"

Another over-enthusiastic boy stood up and said while showing a demonstration as he turned an aluminum can into a small tomato plant, causing most of the class to awe at that save for some.

As if to prove that he was really a nature advocate, both his cat-like eyes and semi-long hair were greenish-yellow in color and ear cones that resemble the eyes of a chameleon.

"Kaya Yasuko. My quirk allows me to hear and see whatever the person of a picture I'm looking at can see and hear." Kaya spoke softly and without any extra things.

The fourth person was the girl who followed Cementoss inside the classroom. Hearing her short and soft words, Satoru was very surprised.

With a quirk like that, she could literally be the best spymaster in the world. Regardless of any distance or defense, as long as she had a picture of the target, she would be able to gain all sorts of information just by staring at the picture.

It was no wonder why they (the government) decided to send her to UA to learn how to be a hero. Otherwise, the only real choice was to either make her loyal to Japan or kill her off.

It might seem far-fetched, but this was human nature. As long as they couldn't control something, they would kill it.

She had purple eyes and shoulder-length brown hair that was tied up in two pigtails at her sides with pink ribbons.

Behind Kaya was Ken Tairo, whose quirk was Equal Speed, which allowed him to continuously maintain the inertia of his thrown projectiles.

If he was in a manga or novel, then Ken would probably be a side character since he didn't have any features differentiating him from others.

He had the usual Japanese black hair and black eyes and looked average in everything.

'No offense.' Satoru mentally apologized for classifying him as a mob based on his looks.

"My name is Kuroka Toujou, nya~. My quirk is pretty apparent, I would say, nya. I'm basically a cat, and I have everything a cat has, nya. My favorite things include my little sister, nya~."

The following person on the seating list was Kuroka Toujou, a catgirl.

'Is she from Highschool DxD or something? Even her body is...ahem...well developed.' Satoru couldn't help but think as he tried to recall the 'plot' of DxD.

Boobs, power-ups from nipple touches, motivation was to get a harem, and lots of fan services.


'Yeah, great anime.'

After Kuroka was Maaya Awatsuki, a girl who could manipulate the buoyancy of objects she touches.

'Something similar to Ochako Uraraka, I guess? But instead of 'float', it's 'lighter' and 'heavier'.'

After Maaya was Maria Kumokawa, who could increase the centrifugal force of her attacks.

She has long black hair in ringlet curls and moderate chest size. She is cheerful, confident, and prideful, and her goal was to help as many people as she could, quite a contrast if Satoru would say.

She purposefully neglected the detail of how much she can increase the centrifugal force, something that Satoru noticed but didn't point out.

If she wanted to hide it, then so be it. It wasn't like Satoru was very interested in it. Even All Might wouldn't be able to pass through his natural shield of Infinity, so what's the use of doubling the force of something that wouldn't even tickle All Might?

The only thing that could pass through Infinity was Infinity. But no matter how many times one multiplies something by, it would never reach Infinity.

The following person was the guy who constantly shifted in and out of reality, seated on the right of Satoru.

"My name is Minori Yamamoto, but you can call me Schrödinger. My quirk is Schrödinger's cat, named after the famous thought experiment that illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition. It allows me to replicate that experiment on myself, allowing me to exist in two states at once if I wish to."

"So this is why you are constantly glitching." Nejire suddenly commented, her eyes glimmering with curiosity as she looked at him.

"I wouldn't say that I'm 'glitching', but yes." He slid his glasses up his nose and replied, "You get the idea."

"My goal is to spread the amazingness of Schrödinger's cat and its paradox. And the best way to do that is to become a hero, where fame is most prevalent."

"So you're becoming a hero for fame?"

"Yes. I'm not sure how I would use my quirk to help others just yet, but I'm hoping for UA to help me figure it out." Minori replied to Cementoss, his eyes hopeful.

"Don't worry, Yamamoto-kun. UA will not disappoint you."

"Thank you very much."

"My name is Miranda Lotto, and I'm from Europe. Due to various reasons, my parents decided to migrate to Japan. My quirk is reverse, which is to reverse things back to the state that I desire. I'm not really one for combat, but more of one for support. But my quirk isn't permanent, and the effects will automatically be canceled after an hour, or I cancel it myself, or I get knocked unconscious."

"So, you're a healer?"

"More of a first-aid box that makes sure that you don't lose your life until you get actual medical attention."

"Interesting, any combat ability?"

"No. I got in here because of the number of people I helped, so I'm fortunate and thankful to be in this school."

Cementoss didn't speak any further and gestured to the next person to continue.

"Good Morning, Ishiyama-sensei! My name is Naruzo Machio! I work part-time at Silverman gym. My quirk is Muscle, which literally helps me to become a lot stronger. Though the drawback is quite harsh, I'm training so that I can last longer." After he finished his introduction, he smiled brightly.

And like an anime character, his surroundings suddenly brightened up a lot as sparkles started to form.

"Now, this is a surprise. I never expected what seemed to be the scrawniest boy in class to have such a quirk." Satoru was very surprised, and so was the rest of the class.

Who knew that what was hiding behind such an innocent smile was a bulging mass of muscles.

"Hell, even you look more muscular than him, Yamamoto-san! And you aren't the combat type!"

"Please, call me Schrödinger, or Minori. And should I take that as an insult to me?"

"Minori it is, then. And no. I'm just making a comparison."

"I see."

"A bit stiff, aren't you? Like a scientist and stuff like that."

"Well, my quirk was named after a famous physicist, so I'm trying my best to not let his name down."

"That's admirable. Let's be friends!" Satoru held out a hand, and Minori took it.

And just like this, a new friendship was born.

After Naruzo was Nejire.

And as expected, her introduction included every single question that she had for the class. Not only were they directed to each of the students personally, she even included Cementoss in her questions.

However, not many of her questions could be answered due to time constraints, leaving her dissatisfied, but she sat down anyway.

Sitting in front of Satoru and behind Nejire was Saiai Kinuhata. Like her delicate appearance, her quirk wasn't combat orientated. It allowed her to make barriers by compressing nitrogen gas, a gas composed of 78.09% of our air.

She didn't speak much, only the necessary details, before sitting back down and continuing with her book.

"Yosh! My name is Satoru! I had lived in an orphanage since forever, and I don't know who my parents are, so I don't have a surname. My quirk is Limitless, allowing me to have space control. My favorite things are sweets. As for my dream...well, it's to witness the birth of a new generation of heroes!"

"What do you mean by a new generation of heroes?"

"That is a secret for the future~." Satoru placed an index finger on his lips, causing the class to be more interested in it than before.

"How tall are you?"


"Do you have a girlfriend, nya~?"

"Not for now, but maybe in the future?"

"So does that mean I have a chance, nya?"

"We'll let nature take its course."

"S-Stop flirting already, Kuroka. W-We're in the middle of l-lessons." Miranda spoke from the back of the class, though she stuttered a bit. She was also the one who was conversing with Kuroka before class started.

Although Satoru attracted quite a bit of attention, it was like any other student present. They were all interesting in one other's eyes in their new class.

"Alright, that's enough." Cementoss interfered once more before the questions started again, "Next."

"Good morning. My name is Tamotsu Ishikawa. Nice to meet all of you. My quirk is Lock, and it allows me to lock things. I hope we can all get along for the next three years." Tamotsu bowed before sitting down again, ignoring the rest of the class's confused gaze.

"Ishikawa-san, you're so rigid and stiff~." Satoru leaned back and spoke to him.

"I'm not stiff. I just like to be formal in front of people I just meet to leave a good impression. As we become more familiar with each other, you'll find that I'll be less formal." Tamotsu shook his head and replied.

"Is that so? Well, I hope we can get along as well."

"Same goes to you."

Since Tamotsu had already sat down, the class didn't get more opportunities to ask him some questions before the next person stood up.

If Naruzo Machio had the gentle big brother-type of aura, then Takeo Yogi had the little brother aura. His entire being was tiny, and as he stood up, everyone could see that he was trembling.

"M-My n-name is...T-Takeo Y-Yogi." Here, Takeo stopped for a while and took a deep breath before continuing, "M-My quirk warcry."




The entire class 'Eh?' -ed for a moment, except for Cementoss, who had the list.

The guy who only stood at 158 centimeters and looked like he was about to cry anytime had such a domineering name for his quirk? He looked pretty cute as well, with a rounded face, large scarlet eyes, and pale features. He has short white hair, as he is an albino, and two side spikes in the back. The two tips of the spikes from his hair, which are sticking out above his ears, are lavender.

"Y-Yes. I get t-that reaction a-a lot. My quirk m-makes my t-t-tears special. Those w-who c-come into c-contact w-with my quirk become s-stronger, while t-those who ingest my t-tears can heal m-minor w-wounds."

"Oh, no wonder it's named warcry, nya. The more you cry, the stronger people around you get, nya. But asking people to drink your tears is a bit..."

"Hey, stop talking already! He looked as though he is about to cry!"

Unfortunately, before that person could warn Kuroka, Takeo started wailing out loud.

"..." The whole class was speechless at the fact that Takeo really started crying.

Even Cementoss didn't expect that and could only rub his tiny eyes in disbelief before taking out his phone.

"Hound Dog? We need you here to console a person."

After about 1 minute or so, Hound Dog arrived and took Takeo out, allowing the classroom to return to its original silence.

"Ahem...that aside, let's continue with the last four, shall we?"

The following person was the girl who had what seemed to be a mini-waterfall as her hair draping behind her.

"My name is Wannai Kinuho."

As soon as she talked, the entire class, primarily boys, became alert. Her voice was charming and soothing as water, and her appearance was amazing. She was like a water fairy, especially with those clear, bright blue eyes and her astonishing figure.

"My quirk is water manipulation. From its name, you can probably guess what I can do. And before any of you can ask, my hair isn't water. It's some sort of gel that evaporates really quickly if it's not connected to my head. My goal is to help others, especially the poor who have no clean water supply to drink."

Her introduction was really clear and concise, and no one needed to ask her anything.

The following person was Yakumaru Itsuki, and she looked like the opposite of Wannai. If Wannai was a goddess that no one dared to go near, then Yakumaru was the type that looked very approachable. She had brown hair and bright green eyes, and a small smile that made her look very attractive.

Her quirk was Mixmaster, and it allowed her to mix and separate several things together, forming a mixture.

Yori Miyasaki was the 19th on the list, and his quirk, Flux Coat, allowed him to manipulate the viscosity of asphalt to the point of reshaping it. Straightforward and simple, yet deadly where almost 100% of the roads were made of asphalt.

He was tall as well, though not as tall as Satoru, and had brown hair tied in a ponytail. He wore a casual smile as he greeted the class. But the most important detail about him was that he looked like a girl. If his voice wasn't deep like the other boys and was currently wearing the boy's uniform, everyone would have just assumed that he was a girl just based on his face.

Lastly, it was Yuyu Haya. Her appearance didn't attract much attention as her quirk did.

Delay. It allows her to delay everything within a range of 2 meters around her. Simple usage, but powerful nevertheless.

Satoru was wrong. She didn't have a destructive quirk as Nejire had, but it didn't mean that she was any less valuable.

Finally, after a tiring 20 minutes, everyone's introduction was complete. Now, it was time for the next activity.


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