Chapter 11: First day of School (III)

"Now that we have finished with the basic introductions let's move on to the next topic. Although I know everything about you from your data list, I still need to see it with my own eyes to make my own judgment."

Cementoss said as he placed his hands on the wall, and the wall 'melted' and split into two, revealing twenty suitcases with their respective numbers on them.

"So get changed, and we'll be heading downstairs to the field. Time is a precious resource to everyone, so try not to delay all of our time and change quickly, alright? Once you go out of the classroom, turn right and head down the corridor. Once you see the sign, you'll know that you're at the correct place."

Cementoss didn't say anything further and went out.

The class of future heroes didn't delay as well. Although they had all just met, there weren't any arguments or anything like that. All of them took the respective suitcases with their number on them and went towards the changing room.

"As one had said before, the best way for us boys to bond is in the changing room. Since we're all gonna be in the same class, let's hang out together!" Satoru started the conversation amid the silence as he changed.

"I'm pretty sure no one said that, and although I agree with you, we do need to be at the grounds like, now," Minori said.

Satoru watched in awe as Minori laid down and placed his neatly unfolded gym attire on top of him. And before the others could wonder what he was doing, his clothes suddenly changed from the uniform to the gym attire.

"Cool! That's a neat way of changing clothes! How did you do that?" Hasuko asked excitedly.

"My quirk allows me to be superimposed at a quantum level, meaning that I could either be wearing my gym attire or uniform at any one time, but never together. Since it could never be together, in this case, I just chose to be wearing my gym attire instead."

"I don't get it, but it looks cool!" Hasuko yelled excitedly.

"Did you mean, like this?" Juzo didn't fall behind and did the exact same trick as Minori, causing the rest of the boys to feel equally impressed.

"Woah! You two are amazing!"

"Yeah, Trick-san! Even knowing this should all just be an illusion, it still looks super realistic."

"I mean, that's the point of illusions, isn't it?"

Apart from those two, the rest of the boys quickly changed normally before heading out.

"Oh, the girls are done as well?"

"What? Did you think that girls would take a long time to change? If so, then you're very wrong." Maria snorted as she left with the other girls.

Ken didn't seem to take it to heart and merely shrugged at Maria's aggressive attitude.


Gathered at the field, Satoru noticed that Cementoss had already prepared everything that he needed.

"Now, let's test your quirks. Since Satoru-kun got first in the entrance exam, why don't you give a demonstration?"

Satoru didn't mind and took a step forward towards the circle drawn on the ground.

"Now, all of you should have been familiar with the standard no-quirks-allowed gym tests. But since this is the UA hero course, your primary focus should be on how to become a hero, and it's impossible to learn how to be a hero without first learning about yourself. Now, take this ball and throw it as far as you can."

Tossing a ball towards Satoru, Satoru merely smiled.

"What if I destroyed the ball?"

"Don't destroy the ball." Cementoss merely stated and waited for Satoru to start.

"How sad~. Then 3, 2, 1, here I go!" Satoru swung his arms forward using all the strength he had mustered, throwing the ball to an incredible distance.

He didn't use his quirk at all. Well, it's more like he couldn't. Infinity was a passive ability, while the other three were...destructive in nature. So far, all he had been doing was familiarize himself with whatever Gojo had already created and train in his control. He still hasn't developed his own techniques yet.

"Hm...800 meters. I didn't see you use your quirk, is there a reason for that?"

"If you watched my entrance exam, you should have known that I either destroy something, or I don't do anything."

"True, but being a hero isn't all about destroying robots. You are going to have a way to save others as well and stop villains without killing them. But that's for a later date.

Although Satoru-kun's demonstration wasn't my ideal one, you should get the idea by now. Since we're already here, let's start with the softball throwing."

According to their seat numbers, each person went one by one. Hasuko immediately broke Satoru's record as he stretched his hands almost 50 meters back before flinging it like a catapult, reaching an amazing distance of 1.2km.

Juzo tried to use his illusion to make it seem he threw his ball pretty far, and surprisingly, the device did not manage to accurately judge where the actual ball went.

Cementoss immediately figured out the problem, but he didn't bother to fix the machine. Since the device detected the distance based on light waves, Juzo's illusions, which was also light-based, could successfully fool it. But if any other type of machine used a tracker or heat sensor, Juzo would have no way of tricking it.

Ken also did quite a good job. He managed to hit 700 meters, scoring the third highest so far.

But when Maaya arrived, the device showed an infinity symbol.

"Do you not have any restrictions on your quirk, Awatsuki-san?"

"It just makes me dizzy for a while, and I cannot turn it back without touching it since the effects are permanent."

"So that means that we will never get back that ball?" Cementoss muttered as he nodded his head, and his expression didn't change at all. He just took a new ball and gave it to the next student.

When it came to Naruzo, his gym attire ripped to shreds as a huge 1.9-meter tall person took over, revealing a deceptively large, bulky, and well-defined physique, a complete contrast to his babyface.

"Did he literally ripped apart his clothing?"

"Is that speedos that he's wearing?"

His baby face's smile didn't waver at all as he took the ball from Cementoss confidently.

And as expected of a man full of muscle, the ball flew to a distance way over Satoru before stopping.

"1.25 km. Good job. But what are you going to do about your uniform?"

To Cementoss's question, Naruzo took out a tracksuit from who knows where and shrunk back down to his normal size as he wore it.




Even Satoru was flabbergasted at the science involved.

'How is that even possible! That is absolutely stupid!'

Though it didn't change the fact that Naruzo had successfully made an everlasting impact on the class.

After him was Nejire, who shot out spiral waves from her palms to propel the ball forward. Although it was slow, the wave itself was powerful and provided an excellent boost to her score.

After her, no one else made any interesting runs anymore.

Following softball throwing was the standing long jump. Although Cementoss said it was a long 'jump', the true meaning was that as long as one was not touching the ground, they could go as far as they liked.

Once again, the first two boys, Hasuko and Juzo, scored a super high score again. Hasuko stretched himself as far as he could while Juzo just made it seem as though he was floating. Since Cementoss couldn't tell where the actual distance was, he just put it as infinity.

Kame took out some pieces of used paper and grew some trees to climb onto before repeating the same actions over the entire long-distance 'jump'.

Surprisingly, Kuroka had a pretty good score since an average healthy cat can jump up to six times their height in one jump.

Since Naruzo was a muscle freak, he ripped off the same tracksuit that he had just worn and jumped quite far as well, though not as far as the infinity Juzo.

Nejire used her quirk to float herself over the long jump before becoming tired, while Satoru just did the same as Juzo, floating across the entire thing.

Cementoss noticed that Satoru wasn't tired at all, and seemed as though he could last floating in the sky for quite a period, so he placed his score as infinity as well.

Yori managed to use the little bit of Asphalt found in the track to make a 'platform' of sorts for himself to float, and like Nejire, stopped before he got too tired.

Just from these two exercises, Satoru could already judge the overall level of this class, and he was impressed in every way.

Although most of them didn't display too good results, each of their quirks was used in a creative way to boost themselves to the maximum.

They might not beat the future class 1-A in terms of power now but in terms of versatility and potential? His class far exceeds them.

After going through with the rest of the exercises, Cementoss displayed a list of names.

"This is your current rankings in your class. Of course, we all know that this isn't entirely accurate, but it is a good benchmark to see where you currently stand."

Looking at the list, Satoru found that he wasn't number one, surprisingly.

The number one was the rubber guy who had the stupidest grin in class, whose use of rubber was idiotically creative. He even wrapped his arms over the grip test over ten times and used the elastic force in his arm to pull the machine back.

1) Hasuko

2) Satoru

3) Juzo and Naruzo

4) Kuroka

5) Maaya

6) Nejire

7) Maria

8) Minori

9) Tamotsu

10) Yogi

The other eight had quirks not suitable for these tests, so their rankings depended on their physical capabilities. Meanwhile, Takeo was still at Hound Dog's office, trying to stop Takeo from crying.

"I have seen your quirks and the way you use it, and it's pretty good. As for the other eight of you who couldn't use your quirk even once on this dry land, you have to submit a very detailed equipment plan to submit to the support department if you don't want to be removed from this course.

Although I understand that your quirks are not the most impressive due to various reasons, it won't stop the principal from shifting you to other departments.

Now that it's 10.40 am, all of you will have free time until 12.30, your designated lunch period. I would advise you to take a walk around the school, familiarize yourself with it, and start planning for your future in these 2 hours. Report back to class by 1.20 after lunch. If there are no other questions, all of you can change back to your uniform before walking around. Class is dismissed."


A/N: A bit lack of interactions, but making a totally new class with twenty different personalities is a lot harder to do than I imagined. I have to decide on a specific character for everyone. I also have to see who belongs to which cliques, what each of them loves/hates, and so on.

So if anything is lacking or anything that you feel is wrong, do give me comments and suggestions to improve my characterization.

This would be my last chapter for quite some time as I really cannot focus on all 6 fanfics at once. Please go to my patréon and read the notice posted that is released for the public for more information.

If you want to support me or/and want chapters in advance, link:
