New Habits

"... I feel like you're basically forcing me up against the wall here on how I can advance my psychokinesis skill, System." Daniel muttered, voicing his obvious discontent when he saw the three skills that were available to him. "Can't you get me a skill that is more normal?!"

[From what I assume to be Master's definition of 'normal', wouldn't it suffice if you were to choose to advance to choice no.3, Psychokinesis Advanced?] The system replied as though he had no idea what Daniel was talking about.

"With the condition of only being able to use that skill once in 4 days without actually increasing the potency of the original psychokinesis skill, who the heck will actually choose to upgrade to such a new skill?!" Daniel retorted. "It would actually be better to physically walk a little further and use the original psychokinesis skill than to use Psychokinesis Advanced only for it to become unavailable for the next few days." He continued to explain, rolling his eyes in contempt.

[If Master is that adamanant about not choosing the third option, then shouldn't you just choose between the first and second options?]

"That's rich coming from you!" Daniel snorted. "You act as though I actually have a choice! Now that I have to suddenly 'upgrade' my psychokinesis skill, I would not be able to use my skill until it's upgraded, right?"

[That's correct, Master. Since Master is able to achieve the breaking point in increasing the efficiency for the operation of your spiritual energy within your soul, it would be too much of a waste for you to use your psychokinese skill now. Therefore, even if you want to use your original psychokinesis skills again, you would need to upgrade the skill first?]

"Will there even be a difference after the upgrade except getting a new skill?" Daniel asked.

[The manual that was uploaded into your brain when you first obtained the Psychokinesis skill is much more inefficient than the three skills displayed. Therefore, once Master decides between one of the three skills, you will also be able to operate psychokinesis more efficiently!]

"How efficient are we talking about here?" Daniel sneered, not having any expectations from the system which has only caused him misery since the very beginning.

[There will be no more cooldown periods for the use of your psychokinesis skill. However, since our creators encourage people to start practicing higher-level skills after the upgrade, your original psychokinesis skill will become capped, meaning even if you practice psychokinesis in the near future, you won't be able to upgrade the skill anymore.]

"..." Daniel thought deeply for a while before he finally started to complain again. "That being said, I'm still forced to choose the 'Second Chance' skill, aren't I? I'm not diabolical enough to want to actually practice the 'Time Kill' skill and the 'Psychokinesis Advanced' skill is really too useless..."

While speaking, he mentally chose the second option within his head.

[Ting! Detected that the host have chosen the skill 'Second Chance'. Transferring the operation manual for 'Second Chance' now. Synchronizing...]

At this moment, wave after wave of information started pouring into the neurons of Daniel's brain. Luckily, with the biochip within his head helping to process such a large packet of information, it wasn't such a burden and the only thing Daniel had felt during the entire time was a faint headache. After a minute or so, the headache was gone.

[Updating status of host...

Name: Daniel0777

Age: 16

Level: 2/?

XP: 5/20

HP: 100/100


STR: 6

AGI: 6

Unallocated base points: 1

Supernatural Skills: Psychokinesis (Lvl Max), 'Second Chance' (Lvl 0)

Normal Skills: Karate (Novice)...]

"Well nothing much has changed, has it?" Daniel muttered to himself. Since he currently had no weapon with him, he could not try and activate such a skill at this time. Of course, he wouldn't have tried even if he had a gun with him since even if he managed to dodge the bullet, the bullet itself would impact against the wall of a dorm and make quite the dent and noise. He would not be able to explain to the teachers or his roommate why the heck he did that if they were to ask.

"I'll rent a slot in one of the school's shooting ranges tomorrow and activate the skill then." Daniel thought to himself. "That being said, my mission should also be approaching soon, it's best to upgrade the skill as fast as possbile before then just in case something happens... It's unfortunate that I would only be able to use the skill once a wekk."

With Daniel deep in thought, he did not even realize it when his roommate came out of the shower and started doing squats and other exercises on the floor next to him again half-naked. Though, since 666 had already done the majority of his daily exercises, the things that he's doing now are just to stretch his body a little before he eats dinner.


Since Daniel obviously does not have the supplies needed to spend the night within his own dorm, he had to order it online immediately. Luckily, the delivery services nowadays are advanced enough that they would be able to arrive about an hour after being ordered online. Therefore, after Daniel planned his training within his head, a large package had already gone through the security scan system on the ground floor of Building D and arrived before the entrance of his dorm room in no time.

Sounding the doorbell, Daniel opened the entrance door to find a drone carrying a rather large package mid-air scanning his entire body. After the full body scan, Daniel allowed the drone into the room and had it place the package on his bed before leaving.

"Your stuff has arrived?" 666 asked in a monotone voice when he saw the rather large cube-shaped package before the both of us. "Do you want help unpacking your things?"

"I'm fine." Daniel shook his head, giving 666 a grateful look to show that he appreciated the other's generosity.

Since Minerva has already been informed that Daniel would be moving, it had already allocated the free credits that a citizen can use as part of their annual 'moving fee' allowance. Therefore, as Daniel did not even need to hire a moving service, he directly used some of his allowance to buy the duvet, pillow and bed sheets, making everything free of charge since it's paid for by the government.

Daniel also got allocated with some 'miscalleneous student materials' fee and 'travel' fee as perks for being enrolled in one of the Big Three military academies on Earth. When Daniel looked at his bank account a while ago and saw the amount of money suddenly appearing in his savings account, he could not help but widen his eyes a little bit.

Unfortunately, being pocketed by someone as thrifty as Daniel meant that these credits will not see the light of day in the near future, being spent investing in the stock market and more stable government bonds.

Meanwhile, 666 seemed to have left right when Daniel was in the middle of unpacking his stuff. When Daniel took a look to the side, he simply saw 666 donning on a leather jacket over his bear chest and wearing a pair of ripped jeans before leaving without even saying anything. When the door shut and automatically locked behind him, Daniel simply shrugged and coninuted unpacking. Although he was slightly curious as to why his roommate would head out at this time, they were not close enough that Daniel would simply open his mouth and ask such a personal question.

"He's probably just going out for dinner." Daniel thought to himself.

Little did he know at the time, since 666 has only ever eaten nutritional tablets in his life, he would usually just buy them before hand or have them delivered to his dorm room every time he required sustenance. Therefore, unless there is some business that he needed to do, he would not head out of his room in the middle of the night especially since he had been tasked by David to monitor Daniel at all times.

Daniel headed to dinner on his own after he found that his roommate doesn't seem to be returning any time soon. However, since this is still only his second time here in the academy, the only place where he know to get food is the cafeteria located right on the ground floor of his dorm building. It will only be later on that Daniel will find out people would generally not eat inside the cafeteria of the dorm buildings and head out to the shopping street for dinner if they are free most of the time. Either that or they would directly eat inside their rooms if they are too busy.

Thus, when Daniel entered the cafeteria for the second time, he found that there were much less people there than he had originally thought.