Chapter 6: The Academy (2)(revised)

After waiting for an hour or so, they hear a voice.

??? - Everyone who wants to become a student of the academy comes to the left side of the building.

Most people inside the building started moving to the left side, followed by Leo and Lisa. When they all arrive, they get teleported into a maze. Then they heard a voice again.

??? - this is the first trial to become a student of the academy you, all will have to pass through this maze in 5 hours. If you don't come out, you fail and will teleport outside the academy, you can start now.

Everyone who heard this started running followed by Leo and, Lisa then came to a crossway that separated girls and boys.

Lisa- look like we part ways here.

Leo - it looks like it sees you on the other side.

Lisa - not if I beat you first.

They finally separated Leo starts, running forward. Next, Leo begins to phase through the walls that were, blocking his path. He reaches the end in ten minutes. He stops and sees two big doors he doesn't see Lisa or another path coming from the other side. So he just walks towards the two doors when he arrives a person teleports in front of him. This is the second trial you need to kill at least 100 tier 1 magical beasts in two days, he teleports away after saying that. Leo was not worried or anything he had been hunting magical beasts up to tier three so, they posed no threat. Leo walks through the door he is greeted by roars of different magical beasts. Leo takes out two swords and starts the hunt.

Leo's first prey is a wolf-type magical beast its a tier-one it Specializes in its speed. Leo rushes the wolf he uses to speed up and appears in front of the wolf. Before it reacts, he cut off its head it body disintegrated and leaves a beast core. Leo takes it goes into his hand after that Leo, hunts the rest of the beast in a day. When he kills the last one he was teleported to the last trial room someone appears and says.

??? - hello there for the last trial, you need to answer some questions.

Leo - ok.

??? - a screen will pop up in front of you to answer those questions to the best of your ability.

Leo - ok thank, you.

A screen appeared in front of him it asks for his name he put Leo Reid Next question was why do humans need to get stronger. Leo answered humans need to get stronger to protect each other so everyone can be safe. And will not worry about losing someone close to you. The next question is you took something of grave importance from the aliens so, they kidnapped your wife and child. They give them back to you if you hand over the thing you stole. If you do that it will lead to the downfall of your race. What would you do Leo, answered I would save my family first and kill the bastard who lay a finger on them. Then give the stolen thing to the human race.

??? - it looks like we got a unique answer.

??? - look like we do send someone to watch this boy's name, Leo Reid.

??? - Yes, sir.

After Leo finished the test, he was teleported to a classroom he looks around he sees that there was no one else but himself. There was a board that say put on the watch on your deck it will tell you what to do. Leo looks at his deck he sees a watch that was not there before he put it on and, a screen pop up.

Name: Leo Reid Quest: 3

Rank: F

Academy Points: 1,000 + 50

Element: Lightning, Fire


Power: 1,260

Strength: 120

Agility: 110

Dexterity: Max

After Leo check his stats his check his quest


Kill 100 beast and give their cores to the blacksmith guild

Reward: (100 academy points) Time limit ( 1 week )

Get three Fire spirit plants Reward: (200 academy points) (3 weeks)

Yearly Quest break though to Intermediate Spirit profound realm (Rewards: depends on how fast you finish the quest )