Chapter 7: Quest Grinding (1)(revised)

After Leo looks at his quests, he waits for Lisa to show up he gets up and leaves the room. After 4 hours, he sees Lisa.

Leo - what took you so long.

Lisa - how you finish so fast that maze was hard to get through.

Leo - I use a skill to get through I thought you were going to beat me.

Lisa - be quiet or, I will not talk to you again.

Leo - ok, come down I, am going to start my quests want, to come.

Lisa - I am going to start my quests after I do something so, I have to say no.

Leo - ok, then bye.

Leo disappeared from his spot and, he reappeared in a forest you can hear magical beasts roaring all around him. Leo took out one sword this time and begins to hunt he finds his first prey its a fire lion-type beast. It uses fire and its strength to beat it, enemies, and it is slow. Leo rushes it he uses to appear in front of it. But, didn't aim for its head he cut off one of its paws first then cuts its head before it can make a sound. He takes the paw and stores it away with the beast core then finds another beast. He finds it a deer-type beast it uses its speed to attack its enemies or run away. when it sees him it starts to run away Leo uses to catch up to it. He tries to cut its head off but it dodges Leo take out the second sword. He then coated his blade with lighting and slashes the air where the deer was. The deer senses danger and dodges the attack before it was too late.

Leo started to get irritated sending, four more slashes but. It dodges the first three then the last one finally hits it. When Leo takes the core, it disappears from his hand he wonders where it was. after a while, he does not take it to his mind. He starts to hunt more beasts his first day ends with 50 the next day passed also he gets the rest of the beast cores he needs. He goes, back to the blacksmith guild. when Leo walks in you, can see weapons of all kinds there. There is a person behind the counter Leo walks up to him and says hello.

Leo - Hello, where can I turn in my quest items? he asks with a curious face.

??? - right here, my name is max. what was the quest? he says with a smile

Leo - to slay 100 beasts and bring their core here he says with an indifferent face.

Max - Ok can I have the beasts cores.

Leo's hands max the beast cores and, max approves that he has done the quest Leo has 1,150 academy points now. Leo starts to head to the next quest. Which is to find a fire spirit plant they grow in a hot place. Leo gets teleported to a volcano where there is only fire-type of magical beast. When Leo gets there, he is attacked by a lizard-type magical beast they have hard skin. Their attack or not slow but not fast enough to dodge Leo's first attack. And take his swords out and coated them with lighting the slash through the lizard's hard skin.

Leo starts running to a cave because about 20 magical beasts are chasing him. He gets into the cave he sees the fire spirit flower. It was a light-blooded red flower with white lines passing through its petals. Leo carefully unroots the flower and places it in a specials box to hold it. He teleports back to his room and sits down on a chair. He was about to die again he doesn't want to go back to that void but, now he feels more motivated to get stronger. He was about to get up when he heard a ding from his watch. It is a friend request from Lisa.

She texted Leo to meet her in front of the alchemist guild he needs, to go there anyway. He gets up and goes to the alchemist guild. In front of the door to the alchemist guild, Lisa is there waiting for him.

Lisa - Leo over here, come on, she says with a sly smile.

Leo - ok hold on he says with a happy smile.

Leo walks over to Lisa takes his hand and, drags him into the door. When they enter, they smell something a nice fragrance. Leo was about to ask what that smell was but, someone says something to them first.

??? - welcome to the alchemist guild, My name is Megan are you guys here to buy something or turn in your quest items? she says with a warm smile.

Lisa - hello Megan, how are you today she says happily.

Megan - Oh, it's you, Lisa, what are you here for? she asks curiously.

Lisa - I needed to buy some healing potions.

Leo - so why you bring me here then, he asks angrily.

Lise - I know you didn't use your academy point because you are too stingy with money so, I know you didn't spend anything, she says with a devilish smile.

Leo - that is not true I was too busy to spend any academy point

Megan - Lisa who is this

Lisa -oh, this is my friend Leo.

Mega - ok.

Lisa - Leo I call one of my favors for you to buy me some healing potions.

Leo - fine how many?

Lisa - I need 10.

Leo - Hello Megan how much for ten healing potions.

Megan - 200 points.

Leo - what are you sure!!

Megan - yes healing potions are hard to make

Leo - didn't you get over 1,000 points when we first got to the school

Lisa - yes but, I spent it all

Leo - how the hell you spend 1,000 points in two days you know what never mind, can you take out of my quest money

Megan - which quest would that be

Leo - find three fire spirit flowers

Leo takes out the fire spirit flower and hands them over Megan takes them and takes out ten healing potions and gives them to Lisa. Lisa then disappeared and, Leo follows after her he goes and gets a key for a dorm room. Then goes to his room he has no roommate yet he makes a bed and sleeps and entre the pocket world.