Chapter 12: Revenge (revised)


(pov third)

Who am I you. both of you are so stupid. I am the person you tortured for hours. "Leo is that you," Lisa says with a surprised face. "why would it not be me do, you not recognize the face of the person you hate," Leo says in anger. "both of you are going to die today so any last wishes," Leo says as his eyes turned slit with a murderous smile was on his face. The mystery man starts to shake and says to Lisa "we have to go right now" "Why should we leave we have the advantage. we have more people than 40 people and, he is only one person," Lisa says with confidence "Oh," Leo says. SNAP!!! 40 of their people drop-dead. "what just happened" Lisa says with fear. "Oh, I killed them all what's wrong," Leo says with a smile. "we have to go now," the mystery man says in a rush. "Ok, father but how," Lisa says in a panic.

"Oh, so you're her father. ok, so you help your daughter torture the person who saves her life. but you are not grateful to that person who saved her. You're not even grateful that you can still see her so I guess you are just a bad father" Leo says. "SHUT UP!!! what do you know" Aaron moon says. "Oh, what do I know. I know there are two ways to raise a child the good way and the bad way. And what you have raised is a bad child" Leo says. "What do you know about raising a child you are just 16 years old don't talk like you know anything," Aaron says. "Oh, really I don't know anything. what way do you think you raise your child?" Leo asks "The good way what other way is their" Aaron says.

"You are truly stupid. let me explain the bad way is when you raise a child to think power and money are everything. this will eventually lead to their death" This is why it's a bad way to raise a child. The second reason is raising our children to be arrogant or make them think they are the center of the world. This will lead to their death this is the reason for so many young people dying in the cultivation world" Leo says. "And why does that matter," Aaron says. "First tell me what way did you raise your child for them to torture someone that help them. Was it the bad way I point out or some other way think because there no point in lying" Leo says.

Aaron looks down at the ground and says "the bad way" Lisa herself was looking at the ground so Leo says "so you finally learn something ok then I reduce your punishment," Leo says with a slick smile. He disappears and appears behind Lisa and places a hand on her head she was about to scream. but Leo says. "extreme lineage blood curse" Lisa's body went Limp and her face turned pale. Leo took his hand off of her head and opens his hand a blood-red ball was floating on top of his hand there are red threads connected to it. some of the threads were thick and small. "LISA" Aaron yells. as he runs up to her "don't worry she is not dead I just need her blood. Since you both learn your season I reduced your punishment all these threads are one of your family members from both the mother and father bloodline" Leo says Because Lisa doesn't have any kids she does not have a bloodline.

since you learned your lesson as I said I will reduce your punishment. Leo says "Wait please don't kill us please I beg you" araon pleads. Leo ignores araon pleads for life and infuses his chaotic energy into the threads. When it reaches the orb Aaron's body goes limp and falls then starts to shake. Lisa's body does the same. everyone that has a blood connection to Lisa bodies fell limp and started to shake after a while, all of them died. Welp that was a waste of time Leo started to burn all of the bodies in the room. then leaves he goes back to his dorm and goes to sleep.

He was now in a void again. "Wtf not here again did I fucking die in my sleep damn it whyyyyyyy, "Leo says "Hello young dragon," a mysterious voice says. "Who's there," Leo says. "Oh, I am an old demon you accept that old dragon power first so, I had to wait," the demon says. "Oh, so you were one of those voices that were talking to me," Leo says. "Yes but, that old dragon got to you first," the demon says. "so old demon what do you want now," Leo says. "I want to give you my power," the demon says. "why though," Leo says "because you did not even Flinch to kill all those people even if they were innocent," the demon says.

"How the hell are they going to be innocent. they all most beat me to death they deserve it" Leo says. "Do you accept my power or not?" the demon says. "OK, Ok," Leo says. A black mist orb flies to Leo it enters his second danitan and exploded it then went to his soul and fuse with it making his mind-realm bigger. Then the demon left Leo woke up and says "so I am a dragon and a demon now my wish finally came true I mean. Which type of anime lover would not want to be a dragon and a demon two of the strongest races"

Then Leo sense danger coming her way he took out his katana and let his chaotic energy flow out. The person who was coming felt the energy and, run away but, Leo was not going to let that happen. He teleported to the person. it was a man in a combat suit on he looks strong but not strong enough to make Leo scared. Leo cuts down with the katana the man blocks the attack with a dagger and takes his other hand and, try to punch Leo's face. Leo dodges it and makes another sword which catches the man off guard. Leo stabs the new sword into the man's heart and kills him. Then a black mist starts to come out from the man's body. And Leo's body absorbs the energy making him feel amazing.