Chapter 13: One Man VS Military (revised)

After Leo's body absorbs the energy from the man's body. Leo starts to look through his body and, he sees a military crest on the wrist of the jacket on the dead body. He decides to go to the nearby military base to visit them, as he heads there and, there were no magical beasts in the area. There were just trees and plants. He gets to the front he is greeted by 10 guards. Which started to ask him questions, when he didn't answer they started to attack him. Then he releases his blood lust and they all pass out he just keeps on walking to the central building. Everyone weak or weak-minded passed out which turned out to be everyone when he entered the central build he was greeted by 100 soldiers.

Leo just shake his head and said to himself looks like they looking down on me I should probably let them know to stop sending these clowns. He just releases his blood lust and they all pass out again he just walks from there and heads for the stairs. When he reaches the top he was greeted by more guards it got to the point where he was about to kill them all. He knocks all of them out again then he finally reaches the main room where the generals were located. When he got to the room one of the generals, asked him what does he want. He took out the body and threw it to them and said if you ever send someone after me again I kill every one of you. I already remember your faces and I also killed the two-star general Aaron moon and his whole family ok bye Leo says the generals all had the look of fear on their faces the body he just throws was one of their best soldiers and he killed a two-star general rank. Leo went to the alchemist department and was looking for Megan. When he reaches there he saw her selling potion when he walks in he says hello to her.

Leo - Hello Megan how are you doing today

Megan - Hi I am doing fine why

Leo - oh I guess the news has not spread yet

Megan - what news?

Leo - oh that I killed Lisa and her whole family

Megan - what you are joking right?

Leo - ...

Megan - right there is no way you can kill her she is your best friend she says while breaking into tears so how Leo was not saying anything.

Leo - hahaha my best friend just betrayed me and torture me for hours and hours for what a cultivation method or the fact that I save her from a magical beast. I was almost beat to death because of her and you say she is my best friend. That is the funniest shit I have ever heard in my fucking life. Leo knows it is not her fault for saying something like that but he was sad about what happened.

Megan - but she never does that she is a smart kind girl how could she do that her crying even more.

Leo - oh for really ok then he teleports to her and places a hand on her head I sent her his memory of what happened. She falls limp on the ground and starts to cry even more Leo walks up to her and pats her on the back. Into she stops crying he leaves the room and decides to try and leave this world because it has nothing left to offer him. So the best way to do that is the space element so Leo started to cultivate the space element.


(somewhere in a military base)

WHAT!!! a man yells at the top of his lungs he killed Aaron and Valerie and their whole family this can not go unpunished. Even if he is strong he can't take down the whole military he says yes sir the soldiers. Left the room the man call the rest of the military bases and order them to come to the academy they told him it takes a month so that is what the military did for a month.


(Back to Leo)

After a month his finish cultivating the space element to a mastery level and that was when he felt some type of pressure. But he just shrugs it off what he didn't know what a bigger force of the military was coming and releasing the pressure. But just how easy he shrug it even the Two- to three-star general would have a hard time dealing with the pressure alone. Then a loud voice came from outside and said Leo Reid we are here to arrest you for the murder of Aaron and his family. Come out peacefully and no harm will be done to you if you don't we will attack you with full force.

For a planet so weak you guys are cocky Leo sent Into their minds which made all of them scared for some reason. Leo gets up and walks out of the academy lazy he didn't even feel like fighting. He wanted to sleep after cultivating for a month but then the damn person with the microphone and use profound energy to enhance his voice. And yelled again Leo Reid you are under arrest for the murder of Aaron Moon. Leo woke up from his lazy state and try to teleport to the man which didn't work but luckily he had the space element. He teleported behind the guy with the microphone and stab him with a fork he created in the mouth and said if you live past today never yell in front of me again.

Everyone was shocked to the core by this how one arrogance does someone have to be to pull off this BS. In front of this huge army when they come back to their sense Leo says if you want to live you should leave right now. Because after 10 seconds everyone who is still here will be killed ok.





8 Leo starts to release some pressure some of the soldiers start to back up


7 one person leave


6 100 people leave


5 Leo start to release his bloodlust some pass out and some break into a cold sweat


4 about 5,000 people run for their lives


3 the general their start regretting their decisions


2 people start to run into their only 10 left the same people who decided to come here





Oh so out of your entire army you ten are still here welp I am a man of my word Leo takes his katana. When it comes out from its sheath they felt the pressure from it they start to tremble, Leo, starts to walk to them. One of the generals took the rest of his pride to try and hit Leo he gets close but his head leaves before he can touch him. But Leo is still in the same position walking to the rest of the generals. They are trying to run but they body won't listen to them one by one their heads fall off. Their bodies and end up on the ground Leo absorbs the energy from their body and heads back.