Chapter 14: New world new me(1)(revised)

Leo goes back to his dorm and starts to meditate about what his next move is. Leo's final decision is to leave the planet. His plan to leave is to find whatever the other humans use to leave this planet. Teleporting to the upper realms or other planets would kill someone at Leo's level. they must have used a teleported and, where they teleported from has a mass amount of space energy located there. Leo starts to spread his space energy around the entire planet it takes about three days. he finally finds the place but, when he was about to teleport there he gets a knock at the door.

??? - Hello Leo, it's me, Megan, open up and, I know you are there

Leo was thinking about how she knows, where he lives because he never told her.

Leo - just open the door it's open.

Megan - oh ok, she opens the door and walks in. she walks in front of him and just, stands there was a peaceful silence about this but, then Leo says something.

Leo - So what is it you want.

Megan - I was going to ask how you are doing and say I am sorry for blaming you... Lisa brought it upon herself for betraying you. she says with a sad face looking up at the ceiling.

Leo - I am ok and, I am getting ready to leave.

Megan - leave to where this entire planet is full of magical beasts beside this place. she says worriedly.

Leo - oh I am leaving this planet and realm to go to a better place for me.

Megan - so you are leaving to get stronger c-can I come with you she says with a shy face.

Leo - I don't mind but, still you didn't even ask how am I going to leave this planet

Megan - Fine, Leo, how are you going to leave this world.

Leo - oh, I just going to China and use their teleporter and leave from there.

Megan - what did you just, say she asks in shock.

Leo - that I am going to China why what wrong? Leo asks confused.

Megan - no. no, you can't go there it to full of magical beast

Leo - I can kill off the entire army without breaking a sweat what are a few hundred magical beasts going to do to me. I have to leave soon the more time I spend here the less time I have to get stronger.

Megan - Leo, what the point of trying to get stronger if you are dead.

Leo - I am not going to die beside your coming right.

At this moment Megan was hit in the back of the neck and, she passes out. Leo places her on his shoulder. he takes her and teleports to china. when he gets there he sees broken buildings and a lot of trees. Not even a bone was their only dirty trees and a little bit of grass. he can hear roars of various magical beasts. Then one comes out of nowhere and starts to attack him. it's a lightning tiger it has a fast attack but a weak defends. Leo jumps back and places Megan on the ground. he uses and appears in front of the tiger. It swaps its claw at his face. he dodges then Leo reduces his strength and starts punches its face. he keeps going to its face is swollen and pasts out. then Leo snaps its neck.

He goes back and, picks up Megan, and, starts walking in the direction of the place. he was attacked by hundreds of magical beasts. He killed all of them as fast as he could. when he reaches the place it is the only building that is not destroyed it is the only build he has seen that is complete. When he walks in front of the building he feels pressure coming from it at this time Megan wakes up.

Megan - where I am? she asks confused.

??? - oh, we are in china right.

Megan - WHAT!!!

Leo - I told you, I was coming here and you said can I come, and now here we are.

Megan - How long have we been here.

Leo - about 1 hour and I fought hundreds of magical beasts.

Megan - oh, ok, so what this place she says while looking up at the building.

Leo - this is the place that we need to be to leave this world.

Megan - oh, ok but it feels dangerous.

Leo - it's fine. no need to worry.

Leo walks to the front of the building. it's just a regular building but, that is what makes him cautious about it. He places his hand on the building, and then he gets teleported inside. He sends a message to Megan saying. "don't come into the building till I tell you" When Leo gets inside the building he is sent to a hallway. it's just a plain white hallway. After, a while he is attacked by more magical beasts. He just uses and uses his full strength to punch them and, they are all just dead from the first hit.

After that, he just walks forwards I mean their only one path for him to go. He gets to the end of the hall what he sees is a door it's a big red door with a black doorknob. He goes up to it and opens it and, he sees a pad. He sends a message to Megan to tell her to come through the door unless you want to die that is.

(pov change Megan)

"Where did he go," Megan says to herself. she was about to run-up to the door but, then she gets a message in her mind. "Don't come into the building till I tell you," says Leo in her head. "oh, so he is fine. wait why am I worried he kidnapped me and brought me here of all places why to china" Megan says to herself in anger. "You can come through the door now unless you want to die that is," Leo says through her head. "what does he mean," she says to herself. ROAR!!! "OH FUCK!!" she runs to the door without looking back she touches it and, she is teleported to a plain hall with white paint.

She just stands there looking at the hall then she hears Leo's voice in her head again "come on you are taking too long," he says. she walks down the hall and sees a big red door. She opens the door she sees Leo and a giant pad on the ground.