Chapter 15: New world new me (2)(revised)

pov change)

The door opens and a beautiful girl walks in looking like she was about to die. this was Megan coming back from her traumatic experience.

Megan - were you trying to kill me and what that she says pointing to the pad on the ground.

Leo - first I was not trying to kill you I told you to come inside if you didn't want to die. second, you ask me how am I going to leave. This is the answer this is a teleportation pad it converts the built-up of the space element to power itself and teleports people to different places. So I will channel the space element to the pad and use it to leave this world and go somewhere else.

Megan - wait you don't even know where it will take us. and, how you will channel the space element and what is the space element.

Leo - first no. second I have the space element and the space element is one of the elements you can master. Leo says with a confused look on his face.

Megan - what their another element why has nobody heard of this she says in shock.

Leo - oh I forgot your planet or realm only has the basic elements like Fire, water, earth, lightning, wind, light, darkness, and light. Theirs more than that you can even create new ones. that why I have the space element.

Megan - why do you have the space element and all this knowledge? she asks confused.

Leo - I can't tell you that yet Leo says with a smile on his face.

Megan - oh ok so do you know where this thing is going or how far it take us?

Leo - I am guessing to up to the amount of the space element it has is how far it go and I don't know where it will take us as I said before

Megan - that is not what I am asking I am asking where will you land if you teleport do you know?

Leo - Ummm no.

Megan - so you want to teleport to a random place without the knowledge of anything there. What happens if you are attacked by a magical beast or some other threat. you don't even know what there it's too dangerous.

Leo - in the world of cultivation you have to take risks if you want to get stronger. like they say no pain no gain. Plus we are 100% going to land in a good place.

Megan - how would you know that.

Leo - because why would the people who use this make it go to a bad place so they can die.

Megan - that true but still what are the risk.

Leo - I am 50 % sure he says while grabbing her hands and pulling her to the pad then started to channel the space element into it.


Leo - this is not really kidnapping you wanted to go. the pad started to glow and started to take all of the energy Leo is transferring to it he passed out as the pad start that the space element from his body then they disappeared.

where am I Leo says looking around this is the pocket world but what am I doing here then a text appears in front of him.

[ Hello]

Leo - who are you?

[ Hello host I am the chaos system ]

Leo - WHAT!!! you're a system the god has blessed me


Leo - what?

[ System is being corrupted corruption has started ]

Leo- wait WHAT! stop stop it he says confused

[ corruption at 20%]

Leo - nononono why me stop it fix yourself, please he says begging

[ corruption at 35%]

Leo - why god why do you have to do this to me he says with tears in his eyes out of all things to get destroy why does it have to be a system. damn you whoever watching me

(A/N damn it not that serious and I am not doing this to make the word count higher)

[corruption at 50%]

Leo - how do I save you please don't die on me

[corruption at 70%]

Leo - I thought systems were all-powerful why are you being corrupted

[corruption at 80%]

Leo - ...

[ error system corruption at 95%]

Leo - man what a fucking waste

[ system corruption at 98% ]

Leo -...

[system corruption has stopped]

Leo - what you not destroy

[ system has two main functions left ]

Leo - what are those function

[profile/ store]

Leo - is there nothing else

[ system only has two functions left nothing else]

Leo - why this is a curse to all anime watch/readers

[system power levels are at 50%]

Leo - now that I think about it show me my profile

Name: Leo Reid

bloodlines: Human, dragon, demon, divine, unknown

Title: none

Class: none

Level: 1 (weaker than an ant )

Power LVL: 50 ( the commoners on this planet can beat your ass)

Quest: 4

Chaos coins: 0


Leo - what up with the unknown in my bloodline. I know about the rest of the but I still have more. how many bloodlines do I have?

[??? Unknown bloodline]

Leo - probably the other voice I heard

Leo - no title or class I guess that makes sense

Leo - what weaker than an ant so how weak are those people of the planet I came from if I am weaker than an ant.

Leo - you fucking prick of a broken system a commoner can beat my ass why do you have to be so rude

[ because Host is one of the weaknesses people I have seen]

Leo - ass hole

Leo - what are Quest

[ Quest are how host earn chaos coin and points by completing them]

Leo - what can I even do with chaos coins and points?

[ you can use them in the store ]

Leo - but will I need those things I can just make them with the power I got from the creator god

[you can't make the thing in the store ]

Leo - ok can you tell me my unknown bloodlines


Leo - why

[ host doesn't have enough points]

Leo - did you have any other host that are still alive

[ yes ]

Leo - who

[ you ]

Leo - I am not talking about me I talking about people from this planet

[ you are from this planet ]

Leo - what that can't be true I am from the earth right he says with a red face

[no you came from this planet your soul was split into two one here and the other on earth]

Leo - what are you saying that I am from here

[ yes ]

Leo - are my parents alive

[ no they die saving you ]

Leo - so I guess I am just a useless son like I thought I am and why do you know so much about me

[Host doesn't have enough points to know]

Leo - can't you just tell me and put me in debt


[ Host is in danger!!! ]