Chapter 27: Time loop restarts part 2

The top of Aria's body drops to the ground and, then her lower half follows.

"Finally It is done," Leo says with a sad expression.

After Leo starts to walk away a black aurora surrounds Aria's body a minute later.

"hohoho, she died awwww. finally, I am out," Aria says with joy as her body gets up.

"what?? why are you still alive???," Leo says in confusion.

"Are you the one who killed Aria," she says holding her arms together.

"what are you talking about aren't you Aria? why are you still alive," Leo asks bewildered tilting his head.

" you are right but, wrong at the same time," She says in a joyful tone.

"I am so confused. I just cut your body in half. how are your still alive?" Leo says puzzled holding his head.

"well if you really want to know Aria was just a vessel for me to reside in. because just like you we are not supposed to be here," she says releasing a murderous aura.

Leo becomes on guard. "hold on if you are not Aria we don't have to fight," Leo says In a panic.

"oh, but we do, we don't belong here, and plus the next hell will start soon after," she says with a smile as she charges at Leo.

Leo summons his swords And charges at Aria's body.

"also my name is Iris you should remember that at least," Iris says.

"What?" Leo says but stops in the middle of his running. the world slows down as new memories fly into his mind. he closes his eyes and everything goes dark. Leo slowly opens his eyes to see Iris in front of him. she summons a sword and, stabs it into Leo's heart. with the last of his strength, he summons a dagger and stabs it into her head.


What does one do when one end leads to starting again and again. Two souls who can't meet the end of their destiny. which always bends towards the beginning and the chaos of a god what shall my fate lead to and what will be at the end. These words keep replaying in Leo's mind as his original form starts to come back and, all his memoirs from his place lives come back.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH your back again how was it this time," an unearthly voice says to Leo.

"Hahaha, chaos god you really think you're smart. which Time loop is this. it the 12,224,938,303 Time loop right. hope you like watching me suffer you old bastard," Leo says annoyed.

"haha, your fault for pissing me off. even if your a god I am the god of chaos even the god of gods is afraid to make me mad," The chaos god says to Leo in an arrogant tone.

" but every time loop you put me in has to lead me to this one moment," Leo says "thank you for cultivating the new god," Leo says with a smirk.

"What?" the chaos god says in confusion.


"FINALLY HAHAHAHAHAHA I AM OUT," Leo yells in happiness.

Leo's whole body starts to change. He becomes older and his hair grows out and turns white. he is in full-body armor without a helmet. " Come hear Great holy shield sliver abyss," Leo says out loud.

(A/N - basically the cover)

A big shield with a blue eyes ball in the middle comes flying to Leo.

"hahaha, how amazing let fight than," the chaos god says with a sinister smile.

the chaos god comes out to reveal his body which is tall about 5'8 inches. 42 looking male. his skin color is black. he flys towards Leo while Leo starts to charge at him. the chaos god fires balls of chaos energy. Leo uses his shiled to block it then summons a spear to attack from long range. the chaos god easily dogdes all the stabs and jabs Leo throws with the spear.

Leo throws the spear then summons two daggers and throws them after the spear. he charges mana into the shield then throws the shield. so it starts to spin the air.

"oh look like you have gotten better,"" the chaos god says as he summons a swords of his own. he parries Leo sword and daggers. then accordingly blocks his shield. the shiled cuts the chaos god face since the shield was spinning. A drop of black and white mixed-blood comes out from the cut.

"How dare you make me bleed. you have a death wish," the Chaos god says in a blood fit rage.

"oh is the god of chaos mad about one tiny cut boohoos so sad," Leo says chuckling.

"haha, you're real funny. The first stroke of chaos swordsmanship {Chaos Cut Air}," the chaos god says with a dominating voice.

Leo jumps backward " First stroke of the Draining swordsmanship {Drain Cuts Energy}," Leo says in a powerful tone.

They both swing their blades at the same time clashing multiple times.


Both of them jump backward. "Are you done now," Leo says wiping blood from his mouth. Leo's armor is destroyed barely any parts are still connected. but the chaos god is not in better shape he is cut everywhere and is blooding a lot.

" let just end this," Leo says tried.

"ok," the chaos god says in pain.

"Final stroke of the chaos swordsmanship "Chaos Cut dimension" "Final stroke combo Phantom drain Slash," Both of them say at the same time.

*BOOM* and again their swords clash against each other, but something was different this time.

" what going on? why Is my power leaving me," the chaos gods says in fear.

"haha you finally figure it out," Leo says with a smrik.

Leo starts to swing his sword faster making the chaos god having to keep up with his pace. after 5 min all of the chaos gods power was tranfted into Leo.

The chaos god is now his knees afraid.

"tell me thy chaos god. how did you trap me in a Time Loop? time is not in the range of your powers so I'm confused," Leo says holding his sword to the chaos god neck

"i will not tell you" the chaos gods says with fear on his face.

"oh you won't," leo says with happy grin.

Leo place his hand on top of the chaos god head and starts to sap the rest of the chaos god powers.

"STOP!!! STOP!! PLEASE STOP!!!" the chaos god yells in pain.

"than tell me now how you put me in a time loop," Leo asks angrily squeezing the chaos god's head.

"fine, fine," the chaos god says as he takes out a pure white whistle from nowhere and blows it.

a white ball appears out from nowhere and reveals a pure white body with black eyes "which one of you retard bastard summoned me here," the white ball says In an annoyed and aroggant way.

"it was me you fool god of time," The chaos god says.

"oh chaos god so why did you summon me this time," The time god says a tab bit worried.

"anyways can you tell this person right here how you put him in a timeloop," the chaos god says in shame.

"what? and why are both of you so beat up? why are you on the ground knelting down to him I am confused," the time god says.

"just shut up and tell me how you put me in a fucking timeloop you talk to much," Leo says in an overpowering voice.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT," the god of time yells.

"shut up he beat me in a fight," the chaos god says in shame.

"what? how is that possible how can an underrate god beat you," The god of time says.

"oh an under-rate god you say," Leo says with a smirk.

"what?" the time god says.

Leo flies upwards and puts in the chaos god in chains made of Leo's powers which will drain his power every time he moves. "so you think I am a under rate god." Leo says a tab bit annoyed.

"than what are you? i don't even know you your name," the time god says.

"oh you can call me the Exhaurire god I guess or your worst nightmare," Leo says he takes out a swords and inbutes It with chaos, mana, and astral energy.

"oh so you have learn the way of the weak human," the time God says in a haughty tone.

"and so what if i have," Leo says with a calm tone and face.

"i don't really believe you beat the chaos god in a fair fight. so I will allow you to hit me once i won't even move," the time god says with complete arrogant on his face.

"hoho ok what ever you say," Leo says

'Oh this complete idiot why did I ask such a stupid god for help' the chaos god thought as he looks down on the ground in complete shame.

Leo release his swords arua and start to swing his sword but before he could finish his swing the time god says "i give up please spare me i am sorry,"

"oh, why ain't I just an underrate god anyways put the chaos god in a Time loop," Leo says.

"what i can't do that," The time god says in a panic.

"Oh why you did it to me though so it should be fine if you do to the chaos god," Leo says staring into the soul of the time god.

"Fine," the time god says in a sad tone.

the time god raises his hands and the chaos god gets enveloped in white light and he disappears.

"aw finally now to wrap up loose ends," Leo says as cut swings his blade cuts the head off the time god.

"oh so you really killed a god good for you but know you are in big trouble," Iris says with a smirk.

To be continued.