Chapter 28: I AM BACK RIGHT?

"I am in trouble? what do you mean by that," Leo asks in confusion?

"oh did you forget, there is a rule against killing other gods, you fool how did you forget Iris says in shock.

"oh, you still alive god damn. oh shit, I forgot about that rule I've been in too many timeloops," Leo says holding his head.

"what do you mean how am I still alive remember that our fate is Link together my dear husband," Iris says with a joyful smile on her face.

"Oh brother, come on my dear wife but did you have to stab me in the heart," Leo says holding his heart.

"How can you say that after stabbing me in the head and kissing another woman," Iris says with pure jealousy on her face holding her arms.

"you lucky it was just your avatar that killed her so no ill-feeling there ok," Leo says with an annoyed face.

Leo and Iris fly out of the dark void where they were summoned but when they come out there was a nice surprise for them waiting.

"what up my fellow's gods so could you tell which one of you killed the god of time?" Aries the god of war says with a murderous grin. he is a 5'11 tall, buff male. his race is white and he has brown hair and hazel eyes. he is wearing plain clothes with a great sword at his back.

"oh shit, they are here already come on," Leo says with a worried face.

"who the fuck told you to kill the time god you should have just taken his powers dumb ass," Iris says.

"oh, it's just one god," Leo replies relieved.

"oh ok drain god or whatever I sentence you to death for killing the time god," Aries says.

"oh how do you know my name, and besides that what's the point in asking if you know it was me," Leo remarks with an irritated face.

'so it looks like it is true Aries is a true dumbass ha,' Leo thinks to himself

"oh, Aries the god of war right, I am the Exhaurire god, and what gives your the right to be in my business, or do you think that just because you are a big god that everyone knows it gives you power over the lower gods," Leo responds as he cracks his neck and knuckles.

"oh so you want to fight, ok then," Aries says replies with a powerful girn.

"wait Leo stop are you dumb Aries gets power from fighting people," Iris warns in panic.

"oh my dear Iris are you worried I lose a fight vs another god," Leo claims with a smile.

"yes you dumb ass, Leo why the hell are you going to fight the god of war of all people," Iris responds as she facepalms herself.

"come on I won't lose," Leo says with a serious face.

"fine Leo but if you die by yourself you won't come back remember that," Iris says with a tab bit of worry on her face.

"hmm ok my dear, anyways god of war let's fight and I kill you too," Leo announces with a serious face.

"big words little man, you don't look a day over 5,000 how could you be so confident what are you hiding," Aries says while he releases a chilling aura bring out his great sword from his back.

"oh bet let's get this started," Leo declares as he summons two of his katanas.

Leo flies up to meet Aires there Leo spreads his aura around both of his swords. Aries release is his god aura and charges at Leo. He swings down with his great sword Leo blocks it with both of his swords but takes the drawback of blocking it so his hands start to shake.

' damn what with the strength behind that swing,' Leo thought to himself.

this time Leo charges and starts attacking Aries but Aries easily just blocked them with a bored look on his face.

"How the hell did you kill the god of time with this mediocre strengthen I don't understand show me what you are hiding," Aries says with an irritated face.

He charges at Leo overpowering him. Leo's swords start to crack at every one of Aries's swings. Leo has a panic face Leo back up he releases his sword's aura.

"Oh so you were holding back on me" arise says with a grin.

'crazy battle manic,' Leo thinks to himself.

Aries charges at Leo but this time coats his great swords in his war aura. Aries swings his sword again breaking Leo's swords and slashing him from his chest to his lower stomach.

"Argg" Leo yells out.

"Leo what tf are you doing I though you said you would not lose," Iris yells.

"haha I think I am going to lose this one," Leo says with a chuckle as he summon New swords and coat them with his drain energy. Leo charges at Aries and they clash again and again. this time with the arise losing power Leo thought he could win but Arise has a trump card.

"hohoho looks like I have to get serious now," Aries says as his release is his true aura.


"what going on why is the space around us breaking," Leo says worriedly.

"haha this is my true form you small underrate god, you will regret kill the time god," Aries says as his body gets eveloped in Neon red and black aruoa. his body start to expand the world they were in could feel the rage of a god there.

Aries form changes he is now Neon red and black with a human form.

"hahah time to died little god," arise says in a overbearing voice that fills Leo and Iris minds.

Aries puts away his great sword but rush at Leo with his fist he punch Leo in his stomach, mouth, and chest before Leo can react.

"Arggh" Leo yells out.

"oh I didn't make the fight fair I let you transform to go ahead," Aries says

"what how I do that," Leo says with confusion.

"aye jeez since you don't know i just kill you their no point of this fight," Aries says as he pulls out his great sword he takes one step and flies away.

"Leo... Leo... Hey, Leo why are you just standing there," Iris says as she flies up.

Iris looks at Leo and he is crying black tears.

"Hey Leo why are you crying," she says as she brings to cry.

Leo smiles at Iris before his head falls off

"LEOOO!!! NO, not again why why why," Iris yells out in a saddened voice.

"I kill him I kill him I kill you Aries....," Iris says but stops in her sentence.

'ha dead again look like I didn't keep my promises' Leo says as tears fall out of his eyes of his fall head as his mind fades out.


Leo opens his eyes again. 'hmm I am alive how and why is it dark' he thinks to himself. 'i have been here before right' Leo says with a sense of familiarity with where he is.

"Oh your back again, ok get out now I'm tired of seeing your face," a voice says.

"huh," Leo says as his vision black out again. Leo opens his eyes to see and hear cars and buildings. he gets up and looks at the build he is at. then starts to cry he falls down to his knees on the ground, and starts balling his eyes out into he could barely breathe.

"I am back right?" Leo says outloud.