Chapter 29: I Am Home?

Leo gets up from the ground and yells " I AM FINALLY BACK FINALLY," but people started looking at him weirdly. "hahaha Leo starts to laugh," awkwardly.

WARNING!!! WARNING!!! ANOTHER ATTACK!!! people of Akihabara city please head to you near Bunker to wait for the nearest chasers to finish their duty.

Everyone started to run in the same direction while other people stood still and went into their house.

"What's going on," Leo says in confusion.


Three ships fly into the earth from space. The ship looks like a triangle with three rockets on its bottom{reference the Royal Talon Fighter from black panther, or something like that} the ships were enormous and they released more than 100 thousand soldiers and monsters.

'What the heck happened to the earth when I was gone,' Leo thought to himself.

"HAHAHA, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED," a loud voice yells. as this voice had appeared out of nowhere a group of 50 people arrived they started to fight off the monsters and soldiers. They fought for an hour straight before the group of people had killed the last monster. After the last monster was killed a red and black hole portal thing was left.

The ships left and peace was restored; there was minimal amount of damage to the city.


People started to come out of their building and from the evacuation bunker and go on with their daily lives. Leo starts to walk around and goes up to a random stranger.

"Hello, what is the date and time," Leo asks with a look of confusion on his face.

"wtf are you wearing? Are you homeless or did you come out a of stupid convention," the person says before leaving.

what is he talking...' Leo says as he looks down and slaps his face. He is still wearing the beat up armor he walks to a corner. and try to use magic but it does not work then tries to use his astral energy but that does not work either.

"What the heck why is it not working," Leo thinks, a bit irritated.

[ hello master what's new ]

"what you're still here and why do you sound like that you're not my system from before right," says in confusion.

[ oh you figure that out so fast man anyways i am your new system nice to meet you]

"why i like the other one," Leo replies in a sad tone.

[ no need to feel sad i am a better system and you be able to get more done with me ]

"Oh ya like what," Leo says.

[ Hey, first I'm completed system unlike the other one. i have more than one function, but you are two low leveled anyways level up for more information]

"how do i do that and why can't i uses any of my fucking powers the hell," Leo says in anger.

[ because you are under another world's influence. you need to raise your power again from the ground level in this world ]

"but is this my home world what the fuck i started everything here why why why," Leo says angry and annoyed.

[ i don't know why and i don't care anyways here your first quest]

{ sign up at the chaser association and get your first rank } {rewards 100 CC}

"What are CC," Leo asks.

[ it is chaos coins anyways bye ]

"wait..." Leo says.

'Oh well,' Leo thinks he walks around and goes to a random lost and found and puts on clothes from there and shoes. 'Ok this should be good enough,' he thinks. Leo walks up to another person and asks for the data and time.

"Oh it is 2023 and it is February second," the random person says to Leo and walks off.

'No no no no it can't be i only left in 2006 what going on i been gone for 17 years is my family ok,' Leo thinks in a panic. He runs to the nearest police station then heads inside and walks up to the desk person.

"Hello, how may I help you," the police officer says.

"Umm I've been gone for 19 years can you see if my family is still alive," Leo says.

"Oh, really ok what your first and last name," the policeman asks.

"My first name is Leo and my last name is Reid,"

"Oh an english name but you speak good japanese hmm anyways sit down in the chairs or there the policeman," said while pointing to a chair across from him.

After five mins the policeman calls Leo back with a sad face.

"What going on," Leo asks in a worried tone.

"I am sorry your parents are dead and your little sister is in the hospital right now because of an accident," the police man says with a sad face.

" what hospital is she in?'' Leo asks in a panic.

"Regulator hospital," the policeman says.

Leo bolts out of the police office and runs straight to the hospital he goes to the deck's lady.

"Hello, how can I help you today," she says.

"I am Leo Reid. I am here to see my little sister," Leo says with a worried face.

"Oh, a Reid I thought you all died beside her,'' the lady says.

"Anyways she is in room 202 here your pass" the lady says as she hands him a pass.

Leo takes the pass from her hands and runs straight to room 202 all he sees when he walks in is a girl with white hair sitting up on her bed. she turns and sees him and tears come to her eyes.

" ," she says.

Leo walks up to her and gives her a big hug and calmly pat her head and says "i am sorry for leaving i am so sorry i didn't mean to i wish i could have protected and saved mom and dad and help you, i am so sorry," Leo says while crying. He backs up and asks her

"what happened to you why are you in the hospital,"

"Oh, about 10 years ago an alien race called the raider's came and attacked the earth. For ten years we have been fighting them. When they come and attack they leave dungeons to other worlds. Which makes our lives harder. They said they are after the chosen one but no one knows who that is. I got attacked and ended up here mom and dad died trying to protect me.." she says with tears and a pained face.

"Oh i see" Leo says as he holds her and pats her head.

'' Waits aren't those the aliens race that attack Lisa world.. No that impossible Leo thinks to himself'

"Heyo system, do i still keep my Authority powers," he asked in a hopeful tone.

[ yes why ]

Let's goo,' Leo thinks to himself.