Chapter 30: registration at the chaser association Pt 1

'If I still have my authority then I can use my authority powers,' Leo thinks to himself.

Leo takes a look at his sister and activates a new skill he has obtained.

{eyes of perception]{one of your eyes will be able to see any problem or weakness a person has }

Leo uses his new power to see what is happening to her body.

"Hey sis what has the doctor told you about what going on in your body," Leo asks.

"Umm they told me I have a bone stuck in my spine, making it impossible to take out and to use my legs," she says in a saddened tone with a tear coming out of her mouth.

"Don't worry i can help you turn around and lay down on your back," Leo says

"Ok," she says she was struggling to turn over so Leo helped her out as she was laying flat on her stomach.

'Ok, creates blood Qi stone," Leo says out loud. a blood Qi stone appears in the room and Leo starts to absorb it Qi. He focuses on the part where the bone is located and using his Qi. he slowly leads the bone out of the spine. Leo summoned more than 20 Qi blood stones to keep up with this process. Leo drags the bones away from the spine and Leo starts to destroy it little by little. He also places a little Qi in the place the bone made a hole in her spine. Leo finishes and takes a healing pill he was covered in sweat after he was done.

"Ok turn over now," Leo says to her.

"What did you do," she says with a curious face.

"Don't worry about it and just turn around please," Leo asks again.

"Ok," she says. she starts to turn her body over but doesn't feel the pain anymore and then the feeling in her legs has started to come back. her eyes started to water " what did you do, i can feel my legs again," she says while crying.

"I am sorry i could not help you before, but i am here now you don't have to worry about anything anymore. I am here for you now," Leo says with tears in his eyes patting her head.

"Thank you," she says while hugging him

"anyways you will have to do physical therapy for a month or two to get back to using your legs again," Leo says with a smile.

"Ok," she says with a happy tone.

"Anyways i have to do i need to do stuff before i can take you out of here i see you later," Leo says as he walks out of the room. "Bye big brother," she says before he leaves. He waves to her as he walks away.

' I don't know how or why you came back but thank you' she thinks to herself, holding her hands together and closing her eyes.

Leo walks back to the front decks and returns the visitor's pass then walks outside the building. 'Ok Let's get started,' he says to himself. Leo goes out on a run. He runs all the way to the bank. Then he walked inside the bank. The floors were wood and the front decks were painted white with the building name on the front of them in black. There are stairs and escalators too. Leo walks up to the front decks and says hello.

"Hello Obasan," Leo says to her (Obasan means auntie in Japanese)

"Oh hello what can i do for you today Amaimono," she says in a polite tone.

(Amaimono means sweetie)

"I would like to check my account please," Leo says.

"Ok what is your name," she asks.

"My name is Leo Reid," he replies.

"Ok," she says as she types his name in the company computer "umm it says you've been dead/missing for 19 years, how are you here now," she says.

"That is a story for another time anyways…" Leo says with a weird tone.

"Oh, ok can I take your fingerprint," she asks.

"Ok," Leo replies as he puts his hand out to her. She takes out a small device with the center the same size as male figure Leo places his index finger in it. Then it lights up green which means his fingerprint matches. if it went red that means it doesn't match.

"Ok how much money do i have in my account," Leo asks

"Umm you have 20,000,000,000 yen in your account sir," the lady says.

"Oh nice can i make another card and transfer 10,00,000 to my new card.

"Oh ok do you want to reclaim your buildings," she asks

"No not yet," Leo says. 'I know the bastard who took my building. Let's see how much you are able to take after I am done with you," Leo thinks to himself.

After the bank makes Leo a new card he pays for making it on the right now. after that he just leaves and goes and rents out a hotel. Leo walks up to his room and gore s to the bed and thinks to himself. 'Ok new beginning, restart from zero again, nothing that I am not used to at least i keep some of my powers,' he thinks to himself.

"Ok system see me the goodies," Leo says out loud.

[what goodies are you going crazy or something] it says in a confused tone.

"Show me my stats god," Leo says annoyed.

[oh why didn't you just say that] it says irritated.

'idiot make my life easier' the system think to it self,"

' Why can't you just read my mind and get what I am thinking about fool make my life easier,' Leo thought to himself.

[here are you stats] it says in an angry tone.


Name Leo Reid

Class- Jack of all classes

Level - 0

Race - dragon, demon, human, elf, monster, Hidden???

Power Level - 600,000,000

Mana - 0


Health - 1,000,000,000

Strengthen - max

dexterity - max

Agility - max

Crit rate - 96%


Fusion swordsmanship (1) Fireball,(2) chaos energy(78) creation(max) fight(ma) perception(max) night vision(max) magic infusion(max) holy light(1) paladin call(1) swordsman zone(1) drain touch ( max ) chaos body (ma) magic shield (max) dragon transformation (max) demon transformation(max) dragon demon transformation (max)

—------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Items


—----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''hmm so this is basic a magic world now hmm but why am i at Level 0 come on OK whatever my power level doesn't match my level anyways," Leo thinks to himself. as he walks to the chaser association. you can probably see it from anyways in the city because it a huge building it is painted black and gold the inside is white and brown a classic interior building look. Leo walks up to the front decks. their male attendant stations their Leo walk up to him and says.


"oh, Hello, are you here to register as a chaser or sign up for a job here," the attendant says.

"I am here to register as a chaser, '' Leo says with a smile on his face.

"Oh great, a new chaser welcome and follow me if you may," the attendant says.

"Ok," Leo replies as the attendant gets up then Leo follows after him.

"Where are we going," Leo asks with a curious face.

"Oh we are going to a place to get your rank," the attendant says.

"What are the ranks," Leo asks

"Oh there is; normal, advanced, meta, superhuman, paladin, master, grand master, Heroic, and legendary, those are the ranks. If you want to put it in simple terms normal rank would be I rank then advanced would be H rank going that way. legendary is A rank anything higher than Legendary has not been recorded also there are only 5 legendary rank people recorded," the attendant says with joy on his face.

"Ok, thanks for the information," Leo says.

They walk up to a room with two retractable doors. They wait for the doors to open before they walk in. There were high grade crystals located in the room. There is also a person there. The attendant walks over to them and says something to him. It is a black guy with goggles on his head. He walks over to Leo then gives him a look. then points to one of the crystals in the room and tells Leo to stand near the one being pointed to.