Chapter 31: Registration At The Chaser Association Pt 2

The black man is 6ft tall and well built. He had a tattoo on his left arm. The tattoo was a picture of a dragon. He is wearing an undershirt with cargo pants. And he has braids going to a quarter of his back.

"You there," he says to Leo.

"Yes," Leo replies.

"Where are you from," He asks.

"What do you mean," Leo says.

"I am asking where do you come from," he says with annoyance in his voice.

"why? I come from earth," Leo replies.

"I have seen hundreds of thousands of people, but I have never seen a person like you. So you're saying that my experience is fake. even if you were that outlier you would have so of the same of the same traits, but you don't. anyways just hit that crystal over there with your hardest attack. if you break it your A rank if you don't you are Lower," the black man says while pointing to the crystal next to Leo.

"Ok ," Leo says. 'What the fuck how can he get all of that from just looking at me what the hell,' Leo thinks to himself,

" Go hit that crystal full power you probably break it anyway but go ahead I am ready putting you to legendary, so don't try and fake your power it will do nothing good for you. anyways my name is David it nice to meet you Leo," David says.

"How do you know my name?," Leo asks.

"I know a lot of things are the easiest, now do what you are told," David says.

"Fine," Leo says he retracts his arm back and punches forward. Leo hits the crystal dead in the middle of it. making the entire thing shake before it explodes and leaves crystal dust on the ground.

"Are you happy now," Leo says annoyed.

"Very time for the next test," David says as he leads Leo to the next test.

"This is where we will test your combat power. Just stand in the middle and a bunch of monsters will spawn but they are just holograms," david says with a smile.

"ok ," Leo says, a bit worried as he walks to the center of the room. The floor was gray with rectangles all over in a checkerboard pattern. The walls around Leo had cameras and were also painted gray too.

"Get ready and start," david said as the monster started to spawn.

"Ok let's get started then, Leo says 'let see if this still works' Leo thinks to himself, He tries to summon a sword and it worked but a ring appeared on his finger.

'Oh my god it is still here, ok this will be easier,' Leo thought to himself. One of his katanas was summoned. "HAHAHAHA," Leo starts to laugh loudly as he runs up to the spawned monsters. There were goblins and orcs. The hard part was that they were working together but Leo could care less. He runs up to the first one and swings downwards cutting it in half. Leo is moving at a fast paced he is using phantom swordsmanship even though it puts a strain on his body. He kills over 1,000 spawned monsters before they find where he was striking from and his pattern of attack. ' These things are smart but I have another trick,' Leo thinks to himself with a smile, "combining swordsmanship," Leo says out loud.

[would you like to fuse demon swordsmanship and phantom swordsmanship ][Y/N}

'Hell yeah ," Leo says to himself.

[fusion has start ]





[swordsmanship have been fused ]

{created the 81 phantom demon swordsmanship info transferred into your brain now}

"Ahhh," Leo yells out but with that new knowledge he knows a big grin is on his face now.

"First stroke of the 81 phantom demon swordsmanship strike of the forbidden demon," Leo says as he disappears from where he was standing. a huge shock wave passed through the room dust and broken title are flung in the air. all the summon monsters were destroyed and the room was destroyed. Leo walks out of the dust filled room covering his mouth and nose with his hand he puts away his swords and walks to the door.

"My room how could you. Can you not reduce your power? It took me a week to build this room and you destroyed it in 20 seconds," David says, flabbergasted and confused.

"Oh sorry I didn't think it would be that strong. It was my first time using that move ha ha," Leo says while holding his head.

"Get out now i already printed your rank and card you should see it on the front decks," David says holding back his anger.

"ok ," Leo says while walking out of the room and heading to the front decks he sees the attendant there. The attendant hands him his card then leaves. walking Leo out of the room. The cards were black and red. Well, the sign was red. Everything else was black besides the back of it where the bar code is located. The front of the card was all black but it has a red S on it with the word legendary on the bottom of it.

Leo walk outside of the building with a happy face He has a smile on his face but then it turn into a devious one. he walks to a big build with a masks on his face he uses phantom swordsman ship movements to keep out of people version the building he goes to was gold and white with sparkly glass making the building pop out as Leo walks up to building a tear comes down his face.

' ha i am back,' Leo thinks to himself as he wipes a tear from his eye and walks inside. There is a metal detector in the doorway. After that it is a big casino with all the classic and new casino games like a poker table and Big Six wheel.

Leo walks past all of this and heads to the top of the building where you will see the manger office the door was. Leo tried to open it slowly but the door was locked. He then just knocked on the door.

" who the fuck is it," a voice says with pure arrogance.

"Open the door," a deep voice comes out of Leo says

"Tell me your name or I won't open the door," the voice says.

"Since you are being so rude I will get my crew and raid your building you little bastard, you better get ready ," Leo's deep voice says.

"Wait hold on," the voice says as footsteps come closer to the door and knob turns a little and the door opens.

"Hello you bastard," Leo says with his normal voice.

"What the fuck how are you here," the voice says a he tries to close the door but Leo jams it with his foot. The guy was 5 '1 short but not that short. He is white with glass. He was skinny fat with no muscle mass. And he was wearing a suit and pants to match it.

"You little bastard and your family were always after my parents building and you finally got it after both of them died and my little sister became cripple. but don't worry you will enjoy pure torture and so will your family," Leo says with an evil smile as he releases his bloody lust. which Everyone in the building could feel and fell on their knees coughing trying to breathe, everyone even the A+ ranks were holding their chest. Only two people were not affected by Leo blood lust. It was a white and black duo both about 5'9 and have muscle mass.

"This seems like fun ," the black one says.

"I know we should join in," the white one says.

"No not yet, the black one says "lets just enjoy the show for now," he adds.

"Ok, let's enjoy than bartender bring me some of your best wine. Oh damn i forgot you're a weak ass bartender," the white man says as he slaps the bartender face. who at this point is having a hard time trying to live.

"You really didn't have to slap him but whatever the man looks like a wrinkled pickle," the black one says with a smile.

"No what the fuck are you says the dumbass looks like a wrinkled potato," the white one says with a grin.

"That was weak but ok." the black one says with a smile.