Chapter 32: The true about my family/ torture warning!!!

"Very fun Indeed Indeed," the white one says with a goofy look.

[back to Leo]

Leo stops releasing his blood lust and it already did what Leo wanted it to anyways. "Axel how could you shit yourself from that little blood lust you really are wussy. Then you had the guts to take my parents building ha ok," Leo says with bewildered. Leo creates a void which sucks all the poop and pee that Axel did on himself. Leo then unsummons the void and creates bleach and pours it on Axel's body. Leo grabs Axel's Leg and drags him to a wall he pushes a set of places on the wall and a doorway opens. Leo then drags Axel's body into. it open up to a old time torture room. There was blood on the floor and Axel pissed himself again.

"Ooh my fucking god stop your bull shit how can you be so pussy and take over my parents building motherfucker," Leo says in anger while kicking axel in the stomach.

"Urghh," Axel cries out.

"Don't worry, I have stuff for you. we are just getting started," Leo says with a devious smile on his face.

Leo straps Axel on a chair. Since it was made for torture there were straps on it. Axel was trying to get out of the chair but there was nothing he could do about it and stayed still.

"Ok you answer my question and every time you lie i give you an hour a torture so choose how you want this to go. you want a peaceful death or a terrible one but just know you're dying either way and i will still get what i want no matter what," Leo says with an ominous voice. that is scaring the shit out of axel.

"Anyways, the first question is how did my parents really die because I know damn well they didn't die from monsters that easy," Leo asks.

"Umm i don't know ," axels replies

"Oh for real," Leo says activate skill {complete monarch eye has been activated skill has been added into database} Leo right turn black with two twin scythe crossing each other to form a x.

"Why does your eye look like that?," Axel says in a panic.

"It it something you should worry about,"

[ compete monarch eyes ]{able to see 10 second in the future and find the complete truth to anything somebody is saying }

"Ha so you lied hmm 1 hour of torture added," Leo says with a smile. "Anyways next question how did my sister get hurt ," Leo asks

"I don't know," Axel replies.

"Another hour of torture has been added,'' Leo tells axel. '' I am wondering if you think I am not going to hurt you or something. I will do it, actually let me start now," Le says with a murderous voice.

"What," axel says as his skin goes white.

Leo walks to a cabinet in the room while wishing a toon and pulls out a syringe and a vile of a drugs.

"Do you know what this is Leo asks while shaking the vile

"No," axels says.

"In this vial is a drug. It induces hallucinations which are already bad but I make it worse. I can control what you are hallucinations and play noise in the background to make it worse. Then to make it even more intense every wound you get in your hallucinations will be inflicted on your body as long as it doesn't kill you. That will be fun for you Let's get started now," Leo says with a happy smile. He pierces the top of the vial with the syringe and sucks some of the liquid in the vial up as he walks over to the axel. "Hmm lets see if i put it anywhere near where the heart he dies so lets just put it in the regular position," Leo says to himself. He stabs Axel with the syringe and watches the liquid enter his body as he pushes down on the top of the syringe. "oh shit i forgot to tell you that it will feel like your whole body is on fire as the drug starts to travel around your body," Leo says with a smirk.

'It should be starting now.."

"AHHHH AHHHH AHHH MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP PLEASE," Axel yells out in pain and tears.







"I will make the pain worst stop yelling," Leo says.

"PLEASE i am sorry make it stop," axel says while shaking in the chair intensely.

"You should of never lied you dumb ass," Leo says in amazed.

After about five minutes the drugs stop burning but a new sensation comes to attack Axel.

"Where am i? What going on AHHHH no stay away, stay away," axel cries out shaking in the chair uncontrollably.

"Bro what is the matter, why are you shaking," Leo whispers in Axel's ear.

"AHHHH stay away stay away," Axel yells out in fear

'Lets see what you dream about," Leo says with a smile. He places both of his hands on top of the axel head and closes his eyes. Leo sends some of his energy to the part of the brain that is in control of creative imagination and take a look into his dream

'Oh what is this bullshit, how are you scared of this, it 's just a ghost knight trying to kill you,'' Leo thinks to himself ' A little tinkering is needed. Leo pours more energy into axel hallucination. the whole scenery changes. Now we are in a dark and spooky field where Axel is running for his life from a ghost knight with an army of ghost soldiers. And they run after him and zombies hands start to come from the ground and the axel starts running even faster.

dodging the hands but that doesn't last. one of the hands grabs him which locks him in place he tries to take it off but it does not work now multiple zombie hands grab him pulling his body into the ground. leaving him on top of the ground under ground that zombies are feasting on his body biting crawling on axel body. while Axel's body keeps regenerating from the build up damaged.

"AHHHHH IT HURTS STOP PLEASE SOMEONE HELPPPP MEEEEE I BEG PLEaSE HELP blurggggg," he says as he throws up blood. Looks like the zombies got to his insides but teamed up on one spot.

After 2 hours the show finishes and Leo gives Axel some water and food then leaves the room to go to the bathroom. He comes back to see that the food is finished and Axel is asleep. Leo walks over to Axel and slaps his head. "wake the fuck up," Leo says.

"Where am i no no stay back stay back," Axel yell.

"You think I care about your opinion. I will not stay back now. Will you answer my question or do you want more drugs," Leo replies with a smile.

"I will answer," Axel says Almost immediately.

"fine i answer please no more," axel yells out in a panic

"Ok finally so how did my parents die ," Leo asks

"Well what happened is during the great outbreak which is where the monsters were summoned for the first time. My family was being chased by a monster which looked like a lizard and a lion connected together. Then we saw your parents and your sister. your parents were fighting some lesser monsters while your sister was hiding. so we ran up close to them so the monster would see them.

They attack the monster first by shooting it with a gun which did damage to it even though normal weapons didn't do any damage to monsters. my family just ran from their since the monster was enraged from being attacked it had killed your parents and injured your sister by accident by slapping her in a breaking wall ," axel says with his down

"So that's what happened," Leo says incomplete silence, both of his eyes turn black he summons a sword and cuts Axel's head off and leaves the room.

[host control your emotion host control your emotions warning warning if host doesn't control his emotion enragement will begin ]