chapter 33: New mode

[ hold on before you start reading it is flashback time corny but who cares]{Anyways we leave off with Leo coming back to earth…where his story actually started from not that earth you read in the beginning of the book. He comes to find out that all of his family has died besides his sister, but his sister has a big injury which made her not able to walk or stand. Leo helps her with this problem by fixing the wounded in her spinal cord. Then getting registered at the chaser guild he meets a black man named David, and after destroying everything they used to test him Leo gets accepted as a S rank chaser. After that he goes to his family's building to see that it was still there under new management Leo already knows who owns it. Leo goes up to the building and find Axle which he torture and kill and is now after his family. But because of to many emotion attacking him at the same time he has brought out a new mode his didn't know he had," } [enjoy the flashback tell me if not just say it ]

[ your in rage meent will begin in]







{Enragement had began goodluck try not to kill to many people ha ha]

"ARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Leo yells out holding his head. his right eye turns pure white and the left eye turns pure black. two tiny horns come out from his head, then one wing appears on his back, and a tail starts to stick out. a mask appears on Leo's face. It is like a facemask but it is unique. on the right side you can see a picture of a Leo sister with a halo over her head with wings. on the left side you see Leo with blood all over him hold two swords

Leo walks out of the room and goes down stairs he stops releasing his aroua everyone is on the floor breathing for air still. He walks outside of the building but is stopped by the white and black duo.

"Heyo how do you do i am frank strongborn i am a s rank ability chaser what about you," the white guy says with a grin on his face.

"I give you guys three second to move your die, choose one now," Leo says in a dark voice.

"Why do I have to choose one how about you choose either join us or die," Frank says without a smile.

"Very arrogant of you will look like you want to die," Leo says with a smile he opens his wings fully and the people walking around them start to run away.

Both the frank and the black guys get in fight positions. Leo puts away his swords for now he rushes frank first he throws a fast right punch which sends him flying up in the air. Leo flies above the frank and grabs him and slams him into the ground. Leo gets up and walks over to the black guy.

"Before you come over here Look at your opponent first," the black guy says. As Leo turns around just to get punched in the face. Frank punches Leo in the face three times then kicks him in the stomach. Leo gets sent flying then gets up.

{eyes of a monarch has been activated }

Part of Leo's right eye turns black and a part of Leo's sister wings turns black on the mask. He creates a mana stone and a blood qi stone and quickly absorbs both. He coats his right first in mana and his left in qi he appears in front of frank then grabs frank's face and slam him into the ground again. then get on top of him punching his face back and with a barge of punch Leo notices something though frank is not taking any damage.

"Oh it looks like you have a good ability, your regeneration is nice, you're going to suffer more for that though," Leo says with a wicked grin.

Franks gets up and activates his second ability which is copy. He can copy any ability or surface and use it but for a certain duration depending on the ability or surface. He touches Leo and a warning appears before him.

{warning warning don't piss that person off if so death will follow }

"Who cares this is the joy of the fight," Frank thinks to himself. He copies one of Leo's abilities which is creation but it will only last for 1 to 5 mins Frank creates a gutlets and armor. He put on but by hitting equip in front of him.

"You copied my authority, it looks like you need to die ," Leo says with a wicked smirk.

Leo uses Draining fists then appears behind frank and punches him in the stomach and the the cheek {new sill added {draining fists} {able to draining the life force or powers out of some with each hits everything drained will be given to the host}

Leo baust Frank's face into the ground then clobbers his body.

"Hey help me, I don't why but i am losing my power fast come in now," Frank says to the black dube.

"Fine fine," the black one says as he walks over. He gets into a martial arts form and an aura surrounds him. he blast off then lands a surprise attack on Leo and send him flying into the air

"Combo 5 now," Frank yells.

"Bet," the black one replies.

The black and kick Leo body right to frank. Frank punches Leo three times in the stomach and sends Leo flying to where the black one falls down. The black one wraps his fist in his aurora Leo smirks. The black one sends a punch for Leo's stomach but in a split second Leo useds his wing to change directions. He grabs the black one fist and uses it to spin over him and puts the black one into a headlock. frank comes towards them and yells"combo 1,"

"Are you sure….," the black one says through Leo chokehold, "yes," Frank says with a worried smile.

"Ok then," the black one says Leo releases the black one and jumps backwards a bunch of spikes come out of the black one body. the top part of his arm to the top of his hands are filled with quills.

"Looks like it's time to get serious," the black one says with his eyes glowing gold.

"Ya," the white one says as bones come out of his arms.

"What the heck are your power is everyone on earth like this," Leo says in a dark voice

"Not everyone but you should worry about yourself for now," frank says

"Now let's get this party started," the black one says.

He rushes after Leo so does Frank one also comes in a double assault Leo dodges both of them.

[new skill added fight perception}{able to see the flow of movement of an opponent about to gain +5 movement speed in battle} a part of Leo mask and his eyeball go back to being white. Leo activates chaos flames and places them on his hands. He counts attacks with chaos flames and draining fist then uses an old martial arts stance. {an old fist of the fire god has been added to the system ] the part went back to being white and changed back to black. an aurora of black and white forms around Leo. he starts to parry and black both of the franks and the black man at the same time. The black one jumps back and starts to fire and quills Frank summon bones to block them Leo summons his swords and cuts all the wills fired at him.

"I end it with this," Leo says in a murderous tone.

"81 phantom demon swordsmanship 2 stroke strike of the greedy demon," Leo swung his swords four time making a hashtags formation. Frank and the black guys try to block but it is in vain they were cut into nine.


"KILL!!! KILL!!! KILL!!! KILL!!! KILL!!!," Leo yells.

Leo starts running at light speed and search for Axel's family. he find a big house and mansion the reeks of axel scent Leo walk inside of the house and finds his family.