Chapter 34: death to a family

"HAHAHAHA," Leo laughs in a violent tone. He walks into Axel's family's house and sees them eating at the dining room table. There are seven people sitting there with one chair empty which is for Axel but he is gone.

"Who are you," the man at the end of the table asks Leo.

OH so u are the father of this family," leo replies.

A gentle breeze passes the table.

BANG!!! The man's head drops on the table .

"AHHH," Father!! The boys and girls seated at the table yell out. They run over to him with tears in their eyes.

"H… are you still alive. You died, your parents died, the only one who survived was your sister, how are you here?" the mother of the family says with fear in her voice.

"Why am I back…. Why am I back.. I am back to kill you and your family for what yall did to my family," Leo says in a dark tone.

"What are you going to do? I am a A rank chaser, I am not some small nobody Like you," the mother says.

"Are you dumb or something i just killed you husband without moving a muscle you must be stupid but ok you want to fight," Leo says with a grin. Leo's eyes turn blacker a part of his sister part of the mask turn black.

The mother of the family starts to charge at Leo. She bursts forwards to Leo behind her back and makes a hand sign to her kids telling them to run for their lives. She tries to punch Leo in the face with her fist full of weird energy, but Leo dodges the punch, and kicks her in the stomach. She gets sent flying back after Leo rushes after her destroying the table in his way. He kicks her again, but this time the kick sends her flying out of the roof of the house. Leo jumps up after her through the roof. It is night time right now Leo looks up at the dark sky and sees the beautiful stars and sky. part of his sister's side of the mask goes back to white but changes back to black when he sees her as the one who killed 99% of his family.

[origin skill first of the black dragon]

{A/N Oh weird thing if you are confused about where all these skills Leo is using are from, they are from his past lives in the time loops. so ya continue on with your reading}

A thick black energy surrounds Leo's fist and it forms the head of a dragon. Leo jumps right above her then punches her right on the stomach. when his fist contact with her stomach several internal organs bursted.

"ARGHHHH!!!," she yells out

She flys downward at a fast pace and hits the ground with a big BOOM!! Leo lands on top of her, bashing her face into the ground.

Leo stands up with blood covering him; the white side of the mask has completely disappeared. Leo's eyes have fully turned black. The forming of a second wing is starting to form on Leo's back, and his horns have grown longer. He is now looking like a demon. Leo walks into a cold crowded area with many people.

"ARRRGHHHHHHHH!!!" Leo yells out loud all the attention comes to him, everyone looks at him and everyone starts to run away from him, but it is too late. a black mist radiates off of Leo spreading throughout the crowd after 10 second people bodies start to drop to the ground. A part of their souls starts to come out of their bodies and flow into Leo's body. some of parts if the second wing starts to materialize.


The same group of chasers that drafted the group of radier's that came to the earth came to fight Leo.

"Stand down or die," the leader of the party says with a murderous tone.

"ARRRGHHHHHHH." Leo screams out before blasting off towards them. Leo decides to attack the strongest first. which was not the leader of the group but the small kid hiding behind them. The kid instantly reacts by pulling out a sword to deflects Leo fist. the group just stares at the kids in awe. Leo barrages the kids with punches and kicks, but the kid equally blocks all of them without breaking a sweat.

"Who are you," the kid asks in a dark tone.

" you who is not human has no right to ask who i am," Leo replies back in a murderous tone.

"Oh but you who are part demon should not be able to attack me so what are you," the kid says with a wicked grin on his face.

The kid was small, but turned into a grown up his skin color turns to brown skinned. He has silver eyes. With white hair two purple horns appear on his head. Then two demonic wings appear on his back.

"All i wanted to do was live a quiet life and not worry about anything but now i have to deal with a half demon and god knows what else ok come let's do this," the demon says.

Leo runs up to the demon and attacks him.

[origin skill - sword of the ghost tree] a sword full of green energy appears in Leo and he cuts downwards. The demon blocks it but the hit generates so much power that it the demon feet broke the cement he was standing on.

"Oh little half is strong, how about this," the demon says

{ Ruler skill - demonic aurora} The aurora of the demon king surrounds the demon.

" is the demon king," the leader of the group says as he falls to the ground.

{origin skill - aurora of the demonic dragon}

A sharp and deadly aurora surrounds Leo, and the demon steps back.

"What the hell did demon king Lucien alderidge take a step back from another entity? What are you," the demon king says.

"hahah…HAHAHAHAHAHA you should know I am an entity you should have not gotten in the way of," Leo says.

"What are you talking about? You attacked me first you are in fault not me," Demon king Lucien says with a confused face.


"If you like, I can kill these annoying humans for you," Lucien says with a smile.

BOOOM!!! More chasers arrive at the scene to fight the unknown threat.