Chapter 36: Finally we can leave

While the fight on Leo's side ended, the fight that took place between the tank of the S ranked chasers group, and the demon king, is still going on. It is a one sided fight but the demon king is dragging it out for no reason.

"You know when you said you wanted to fight me i thought you were going to be stronger," Lucien says in disappointment as they cash again sending the tank backwards.

"What… I am not weak ," the tank says back to lucien.

"You are just know that come parted to that guy you are very weak," lucien says

"I am not weak, you are just strong," the tank says while throwing a punch trying to hit Lucien but he misses.

"I am getting pretty tired of this time to end it," Lucien says with a wicked smile. A dark dark brown mist envelopes Lucien. then an overpowering aurora surrounds him. When he emerges from the mist another body comes out. This body is 25 feet tall.

"I am tired of this useless fight, I will just end it with this," Lucien throws a punch. It is fast but slow at the same time. His punch reaches the tank and and the tank tries to block the punch, but to no avail he gets sent flying back in to tree. The tank coughs up blood and falls to the ground with his back slouched up against the tree. Lucien reverts back to his original form and walks over to Leo.

"How was the fight? I can see you put fear in this one's eyes." Lucien says, pointing to the team leader.

"I didn't even do that much. I wish I could fight that tank at least he can take a punch unlike this one," Leo says pointing to the team leader. Leo is laying down on the ground waiting for something.

"What are you waiting for," Lucien says with a confused tone.

"For the government to come it whether they offer to leave us alone and we do the same, or war," Leo says with an ominous tone.

"Which one do you think they will pick," Lucien says.

"Of course they want to fight for the honor of the country and I hope they do so I can destroy this hope and cultivate peacefully with my little sister," Leo says with a grin.

Everyone there has a bad feeling about what Leo said besides Leo and Lucien.

"If you think that will happen, do you need help," Lucien says.

"I am a prideful dragon king. You think I need help," Leo replies.


"I am joking, just keep up to me," Leo says in a friendly tone.

"I keep up in this fight that makes you think I can't keep up," Lucien says in confusion of why Leo has said to try to keep up with him.

"The fact I was not trying but to live in peace and never see my people die again I will become stronger," Leo says with a sad but determined smile on his face.

[Host is sad do you miss the person in you thoughts]

"I really do, she has helped me alot hmm wish I could see her again," Leo says in a sad tone.

[just to ask has this appear every time you been reborn ]

"Yup," Leo replies.

[host stop acting dumb you souls are together you can probably find her here stop being dumb right now if you truly miss here go find her]

"No way is she here on my home planet, not another time loop impossible unless.... Unless NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! NOT AGAIN THAT FUCKING BASTARD!!" Leo roars out of his mouth with an out worldly tone.

Everyone takes a step back after hearing Leo's voice.


"Two tears come from Leo's eyes; he punches the ground and a giant pillar forms. It shoots straight up into the sky to space a giant wole is being formed.

"I AM TRIED I AM TRIED LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE," Leo says in pain grabbing his head with tears coming out of his eyes. He is on his knees and the ground under him is broken.

Before Leo loses his mind two arms wrap around him. "calm down don't lose your mind over this after everything we have been through you are going to give up now come on Leo," the voice behind Leo says. The pillar disappears and Leo calms down and grabs the hand arm around him.

Thank you I guess we are still in a time loop aren't we Megan," Leo says.

"Don't call me Megan, my name is Iris you should know that my forever husband," Iris says in a playful tone.

"Haha, why did you take so long to come to me," Leo asks with a smile on his face.

"Umm, I have never been here before plus I don't start off my memory like you did this time… why do you have your memory," Iris says in confusion.

"Because this time loop is getting weaker." Leo says with a grin on his face.

""We will be out of this hell loop soon thank god," Iris says in joy.

"Yup," Leo says.

"Anyways Leo you lost a fight," Iris says with a straight face.

"Oh haha," Leo laughs in a dead and awkward tone.

"Pfft Hahahahahaha the overlord of the dragons lost a fight vs the god of war," Iris says while laughing.

"Ok ok i understand i lost a fight," Leo says grumpily.

"What do you mean fight that was a one sided ass beating,"Iris says with a smile on her face.

Everyone looks at them with surprise at the unknown person who could kill all of them, and this woman who just appeared out of nowhere making him grumpy. They are still averred but captivated by this response from Leo. They are also wondering who this woman is to him.

"Awww is my Leo grumpy hahaha," Iris says, patting his head.

'I will throw you up into space if you keep making fun of me," Leo says.

"I bet you would just come back down, and annoy you even more,'' Iris says.

"You know sometimes I hate and love you," Leo says with a smile.

"At least we feel the same about each other," Iris says. "So what are we doing here," Iris says.

'Well i don't know it is weird the human government should be here by now but they are not i also have another thought should i try to break the time loop," Leo says.

"The last time you did that you got your energy reversed and couldn't move for ten days also you had severe internal bleeding. But go ahead." Iris says in a nonchalant voice.

"Do you not care if i get hurt," Leo says with hurt on his face.

"No, not really, as long as you don't die, or end up in a coma you will be fine" Iris says with a lazy voice.

'Ok let's try this," Leo says.

Leo creates hundreds of pure Qi stones, and blood Qi stones. He tells everyone to leave the area as he forms a giant circle with patterns inside of it.

"Ok activate dimision cutter array," all of the Qi and blood Qi stones glow. A huge burst of energy envelopes the whole area. Leo takes out his two katanas. He touched one Qi stone with both swords. the entire array's energy flows into his swords. Leo looks up at the sky, he swings his swords at the sky, all of the array energy flows out of the swords at the sky. They make a crescent moon shape, they reach a point in the sky and they clash with a different Energy. It is an ancient energy. The ancient energy is trying to block Leo's sword's energy but is failing. Leo replaces all of the Qi stone and activates the array again adding more energy into his swords and sending it at the ancient energy. After a few more times the ancient energy losses and a rift opens up.

"IT WORKED LETTTTTTTS GOOO we can finally leave this hell loop," Leo says with tears in his eyes.