Chapter 37: Get out here now

Leo grabs Megan's hands and flies through the rift that opened up. when they enter the rift opening they get teleported to a Coliseum with a just them standing there.

"What is going on," iris says with confusion on her face.

"Come out now right now god of chaos," Leo says with anger in his voice.

'Oh ya I am still alive you thought you killed me and, the god of time right," a voice says in a happy tone.

A black male with gold hair shows himself. "are you finally ready to give me your wife," he says with a grin.

"You are crazy but what do I expect coming from the god of chaos," Leo says with disgust on his face.

"So you want to die I see," the god of chaos pulls out a sword.

"A fight I have been waiting for this for more than 3 billion years," Leo says while taking out a scythe. it has a crescent moon shape with green along the blade part. Leo has a devious smile on his face.

"Oy you come at me you punk," Leo says with a fearless expression.

The god of chaos uses his unique ability which is [ insightful Looker] This ability allows him to look into anyone's stance or ability his opponent is about to use, and find its weakness. The god of chaos looks at Leo and instantaneously sees what stance and ability he is about to use. The god of chaos rushes to break Leo's stance. he summons a great sword and swings it downwards. when he reaches Leo's position Leo moves to the side and blocks the attack with the blade of the scythe. Leo's unique scythe has spikes at the bottom of the blade. Leo lifts the scythe and brings the Greatsword with it. then swing it at the God of chaos face.

which made the sword smack him in the face Leo turns the scythe and, stabs the spike into the god of chaos skin. Leo walks on the scythe making the spikes go deeper in the god of chaos body.

"ARGGHH!!!," the god of chaos yells out. the god of chaos reaches for his sword in advance Leo kicks his sword away and creates another scythe. Leo uses that scythe to hook to the one already in the god of chaos body. then put it back into his hand from behind the god of chaos. this makes the scythe blade goes into the back of the god of chaos.

"ARGGH!!," the god of Chaos yells out while throwing up blood

Leo lifts him into the air with a scythe and slams I'm into the ground and pulls the scythe out.

"Enough of your bull I know you were just letting me do that," Leo says with a bitter tone.

"Hahaha I thought you go on for longer," the god of chaos says with a wrathful tone.

"Oh come on you called it upon yourself when you let me do it," Leo says with an annoyed look in his eyes.

"I guess it's time to stop playing around," The god of chaos says as a diabolical aurora surrounds him. He summons back his greatsword. his eyes have changed now arrows are shooting outward from the center of his eyes. He rushes at Leo and meets him head-on. Leo drops his scythes and takes out his katana and blocks the downward swing from the god of chaos.


'This old fools still won't give me his wife I shall take her by force then,' the god chaos thinks to himself. He swings horizontally yet Leo blocks it but it sends him flying backward.

"I got you now," I say as I rush him I throw my great sword at him which he blocks but I am already there in his face. I punch him up in the air and then jump up after him. I kick him in the stomach.

"ARGHH," Leo cries out.

'He blocks most of the damage with his Qi hmmm, interesting,' the god of chaos thinks to himself.

I bash Leo into the ground and then jump back after that.

"Oy, get up and fight," I say to him.

"You regret that decision," he says to me with a prideful tone.

"Ok sure," I reply to him.

He comes out to me swinging his blades at a different angle. yet thanks to my ability [ insightful Looker]. I can easily see where he is going to attack and how to dodge. I didn't both his sword attacks and punch him in the face and then the throat which led me to kick him in the stomach away from me.

"Is that the best you can do god of draining or whatever," I taunt him.

"What do you mean I am just getting started," He reptiles back at me.

"Ok show me," I say

He rushes at me I swing my sword to break his stance making him wobble backward. I take advantage of this and stab my sword into the ground and using that force to fly-kick him in the stomach and pull out my sword from the ground. I swing it again at him which to my disbelief he blocks with his fast reaction time I jump back.

"damn you are fast I have to give you that," I say to him.

"You are slow but strong your ability is annoying too," he says to me.

"I will attack this time get ready," I say to him. I rush at him while taking out my second great sword. I swing down with both of them. he blocks both of my swords with his and all you heard was a loud BOOM when the sword hit each other. he starts using his speed to his advantage as he starts to attack me while increasing his speed. it was getting hard for my eyes to keep up so I slam both of my swords onto the ground. which causes the floor to shake he stumbles and loses his balance. I take another swing at him and this time the blow lands. it didn't penetrate his skin cause he armored himself with His Qi.

'how is he doing it so fast," I ask myself.

He rushes in this time applying Qi to his feet making him even faster. I am barely keeping up with him. I start applying Qi to my leg and feet but he kept interrupting my circulation of Qi into my legs. making me send Qi to my sword to block his attacks. 'his Qi circulation is extremely fast. how did he manage that? what type of training did he do in the time loops?' the god of chaos thinks to himself with a loaming of death around.