The sun shone brightly on my face. I guessed it would be about ten in the morning but I had no watch to confirm my suspicion. I had slept hard , probably because my small brain was trying to accept all the bizarre things that had happened yesterday. I mean blood thirsty monkeys, Dinosaur sized birds and a letter from god? How could I? How could I believe all this? Anyways I had a more important task in my hand now. I had to pee. Ofcourse there were no toilets in this island so I had to do it the uncivilized way. I slowly got up from my place and tried to walk . My stomach still ached but the wound seemed to be healing. Isaac was still sleeping so i tip toed out of the cave . I found a secluded area and completed my task without any delay. After that I washed my face in a nearby stream. The water in the stream was ice cold but it was so relaxing when I splashed it on my face.
I sat in the sun for sometime wondering how my fate had turned upside down in one day. With these depressing thoughts I returned back to the cave. Isaac was up but seemed to be busy with something. It took him a moment to realise I was standing behind him. " Good morning Rach. Sleep well? " he asked handing me over a banana to eat.
"Thankyou" I said taking the banana from him."So what's our plan today? And if all this is true then where is the other boy , Camlin?" I asked.
"We will go towards the north direction since it appears to be the shortest route to the hill. And as for Camlin I dont know where he is or if he is even on this island. I'm sure that we will meet him shortly. Until that we need to be alive. Here, have this" he said giving me a short dagger. When I was just about to ask what this weapon was for , we heard a voice shouting " Help! Help!"
" Well Rach. I bet you know who that is." he said smiling. We both ran out of the cave towards the direction the voice was coming from. We seemed to be very close to the voice but we couldn't see anything." Can you see him? " I asked Isaac. He shook his head saying no. I was damn sure the voice was coming from here but why couldn't I see anything. I could even smell human sweat. I thought hard. Since this was an enchanted island and all crazy things were possible could it be that the boy and whatever was attacking him were invisible. If that was the case then I had to act fast. I quickly searched my pocket for something I could use and by luck I pulled out a bottle of paint. Since I was an artist I always had paint with me. Meanwhile Isaac was staring at me. He was confused."What are you doing , Rach?" he asked . " No time to reply . Give me a bottle of water. Fast!" I exclaimed. I rapidly mixed the bottle of paint with water and started sprinkling it around. Isaac understood what I was doing. He took a knife from his backpack and got ready for fighting. My plan worked! Slowly we were able to make out about three outlines . One of them appeared to be human so we assumed that was Camlin. The other two creatures were undescribable. But the creatures were not what shocked us. It was the boy that gave me goosebumps. Every hair on my arms stood up. I turned to see Isaac. His mouth was also wide open and he looked stupified.
Authors Note
Dear Readers,
I hope you are enjoying this story. Please ignore the careless spelling errors. I hope you find the story interesting and please give your review because I have no idea whether you like the book or not.