Super Powers

The boy stood in the middle and the dragon like creatures were spitting fireballs at him.Yet not even a single fireball touched him. There seemed to be some green bubble around him that was protecting him from the ruthless dragons. Isaac and I were just staring at him that we did not even realise a huge fireball coming towards us ." Duck" shouted the boy. The boy's stern voice bought us back to our senses just in time to bend down , away from the fireball. Isaac immediately started attacking one of the dragons with his knife. That was when I understood the use of the dagger Isaac had given me.

Without wasting any time , I too got into action. I swear I would have killed those dragons in one second if they were not shooting fireballs at me in top speed! But I tried my best. The only advantage we had over the huge creatures was our tiny size. I attacked them from all directions , stabbing the dagger in and out of their skin. But the dragons looked unaffected. In fact it only made them angrier. I looked at Isaac, he too seemed to have no better luck than me. "Son of a **** " he shouted as a fireball burnt half of his hair. Meanwhile Camlin seemed to be getting weaker and weaker and the bubble around him was becoming smaller and smaller. I thought fast . There was no way we could defeat these dragons using strength because they were thousand times stronger than us. We had to use tactics and for that we needed to know the weakness of these creatures. But how could I possibly know its weakness when I didn't even know what it was. Out of the blue I remembered one of the fantasy novels that I had been reading before I got stuck in this hell hole. FYI : I love reading fantasy books.

Anyways the book was about a boy who was imprisoned by an evil witch . In order to escape he had to defeat the dragons that were gaurding his cell. Since the dragons used fire to attack him , he defended him self with water. The dragons were allergic to water. "Got it! " I shouted . " Their weakness is water" I shouted again. Isaac looked surprised. He was probably wondering how I knew this strange fact . Yet he understood what we needed to do. Since there was not enough water with us to defeat the dragons we needed to lure it to the water. But how? What would we use as bait? Or the correct question was who would we use as bait? I looked at Isaac. He seemed more damaged than me and by seeing Camlin I could say he was going to faint anytime."I'll run towards the stream! They will follow me. Check on Camlin" I screamed as I started running towards the stream.The dragons naturally gave me a chase. The dragons were not slow but the only thing that slowed them down was the trees in the way. Since the were humongous they kept hitting their faces on the trees. haha.

I neared the stream and turned back to check if the dragons were behind me. That was the only mistake I made. I tripped on a huge rock and fell flat on my stomach. A twig on the ground went straight through the wound on my stomach. I moaned in pain . My head started spinning and I could feel the blood oozing from my stomach. But I had come too far to give up. WIth a final surge of strength I got up and walked towards the stream. The dragons were behind me. I did not have the conscience or strength to trick them into the water. So I dived into the water and the dumb creatures dived along with me. The moment the water touched their bodies they yelped in pain and within a few moments , vanished into the air. Meanwhile I was doing no better. I did not have the strength to swim so I just let the water take me. I could feel the water entering my lungs and my stomach was bleeding more and more. I knew I was dying.