A Lich

The civilization of human beings stretched into four nations—Truiven Dynasty, Etopripia Kingdom, Ostoveven Empire, Druca Empire.

Ostoveven Empire lay in the middle, surrounded by the other three kingdoms on three sides and surrounded by the Valley of Demons, on the fourth.

After 20 years of constant war, A era of peace was established when Arthur got enthroned as the Emperor of the Druca Empire. A peace treaty was signed after Arthur's enthronement. His legends of benevolence spread throughout other nations when he halted the war. But, he was not the only one known for his generosity. There was another—The Emperor of the Etopripia Kingdom.

But, the benevolence, was nothing but a facade. Those, who worked closely with The Emperor of the Etopripia Kingdom, called him, 'The Evil Lord'

And, his deeds were truly befitting of that title.

"Please,...I beg" A woman's sobbing voice echoed through the chamber. "Please,... spare my life", She cried as she bowed on the ground.

The Emperor, clenched his teeth as he looked into the mirror.

Once, a face with smooth and tight skin, now covered in wrinkles and shaggy.

Once, a body filled with vitality, bulging with muscles, now bleak and lean.

Once, blonde hair that emanated the presence of a lion, now with but a few remaining grey hairs.

Once, a fierce emperor, now a bleak older man.

"Please,...I beg—" The women kept begging, naked on the ground, currently, inside the king's bed-chamber.

The Emperor cut her off, "Silence Wench!"

The women's body trembled. She could not look him into his dark, terrifying eyes.

He grabbed her neck and lifted her. She tried to scream, but the hold on her neck was too tight, tears dropped out of her blue eyes.

While fog emanated out of the Emperor's hand, the woman's youthful milky skin became darker and darker, smooth curves around her waist withered. Her full bare breast lost its size. Her blue-gem like eyes turned blacker—her muscles shrunk.

The black fog, returned to the Emperor's hand. The woman now had turned into a decayed corpse.

The Emperor, again looked into the mirror. His face looked less saggy. "Not enough", Veins Bulged, "NOT ENOUGH!" He broke the mirror with his fist in rage.

"My lord, calm down", The man sitting few steps away from the Emperor spoke. He stood by the door wearing a long, lilac robe adorned with gold lining. Too afraid to enter inside the Emperor's room, he remained there. "Your appearance would be restored with just few more bodies."

The king gazed towards the warlock with dreadful eyes, "You think, I give a shit about my appearance!"

The warlock flinched. The Emperor, was old, but nevertheless, his strength still rivaled even the strongest in this world.

With a crown in his head, baggy cloth covering his waist, and body like a corpse. He looked even more terrifying.

The Emperor clenched his fist, "No matter how many I slay, no matter what I do. The only thing, that changes is my bloody appearance! My spirit grows old, my bones grow old. At this rate.." He could not complete the sentence. "No" "No matter the cost, I shall live."

"But…" The warlock wanted to say, "The result seems inevitable", But his words did not come out.

Again, black fog emanated in the Emperor's arm, and a black book appeared through the mist.

The warlock's eye's widened, "No, m'lord, you cannot do this!"

Looking into the warlock's eyes, the Emperor, said "You don't understand, do you? No..Matter...The..Cost"

"But, the people in this castle, no the entire kingdom, you cannot sacrifice everyone!" The warlock's body shivered.

The Emperor, gave a sly smile, "Now, you pretend to care about the kingdom or its people, all you're worried about is your life, isn't it?"

Dread passed down the warlock's spine, his body quivered. He turned back and ran.

The Emperor stretched his arm. The emanated black fog followed the warlock and choked his neck, lifting him in the air. The warlock desperately tried to breathe, as well as escape, but the fog prevented him from performing any enchantments.

"You served me well, alive" The Emperor walked closer to him, "Now, even your death, shall serve me well."

"If...you do...this" The warlock struggled to speak, "you… .won't be ..a...human..anymore" The warlock fell unconscious.

"You fool, I gave up my humanity, the very day, I took a life with my own hands", He walked, "My obsession, shall never waver, no matter what I have to sacrifice."

The king walked by the dark and empty corridors, his fog carrying the warlock in the air.

There were no guards. The Emperor forbid any guards from being near his chamber, except a few. The temperature was breezy; the clouds thundered with heavy rain.

All the citizen rested inside their own homes.

The Emperor, arrived in the middle of the desolate throne room.

He brought the warlock near to him. His stretched arm, penetrated through the warlock's chest. The unconscious warlock showed no resistance. With his fingers, he grabbed the beating heart and ripped it out.

Blood poured out from the severed veins.

Then, the fog threw his body away. The heart of a powerful mage can be used in several rituals.

"Now, spread" He crushed the heart with his fingers, but rather than the flesh shattering away, the heart turned into black fog, spreading through his hands, to the throne room. Escaping the room, through the windows and spreading throughout the entire kingdom.

The king leaned and placed the book on the floor, opening it from the middle.

Legends say blood has a price.

A child has his own blood to offer.

A man has the blood of his wife and children to offer.

An ancestor has the blood of his descendants to offer.

But, A King,

A king has the blood of this kingdom to offer.

With his sharp fingers, of one arm. He scratched the wrist. The blood poured like a waterfall down to the book. The book gleamed in darkness with a scarlet light.

The Emperor, during his prime, fought many battles. During the war at the valley of demons, he slew one of the demon lords. And claimed this book through his body. After years of research, the Emperor decrypted the contents of the book. The book opened a path to the dark arts, forbidden magic. He immersed himself in such arts and extended his life till now.


"What's this?" A guy wandering on the street noticed the black fog. "Argh.." He started choking, followed by others around him,

"Mommy, what happening?" The kid asked in a room brightened by a lantern. Now, filled in by the black fog. The mother took the child in the warmth of her arms, in the bed. "It's going to be alright", She assured, unsure herself.

"Argh!" The little five-year-old child started choking. His skin turned blue. "Daniel, my son!" The mother cried but starting struggling to breathe herself after some time.

The guards guarding the gate fell on their knees. The cooks, the mistresses, everyone started gasping for breath.


In the Druca Empire,

From the balcony of the royal palace. King Arthur peered towards the unbelievable site. Miles towards, from another kingdom, black fog arose. High enough to meet the clouds. The clouds blackened, thundering and brightening the night, with glints of lightning.

The black fog, all swirled. "Such Madness!"

"My king!" A servant ran near him, "The fog, surrounds only Etopripia Kingdom" He gasped for breath, "We are safe, for now."

"Safe?" The king unsheathed his bright golden sword. The glints of lighting reflected his dress made by white and golden silk and the golden crown on his head, embedded by colourful gems.

"This is no time to relax. There is only one man capable of doing such a thing in Etopripia Kingdom. That would be none other than its own Emperor." His eyes narrowed. "I always feared, behind that smile and acts of friendliness, lied a deceiving facade. Ready the soldiers, summon the commanders, we march now, and kill that abomination before it gets to late."

The servant's black eyes widened as he saw the scenery in the balcony behind the king. His face frowned in fear. Arthur noticed the change in his servants face, so he turned behind.

Arthur's eyes also widened, his fist clenched, and he gripped the sword more tightly. The black fog had turned into what looked like blood-red steaming vapour. Covering the entirety of the Etopripia Kingdom and touching the sky. And the sky, not just above the kingdom, but the sky everywhere had been dyed in the colour of blood.


The red vapour dissipated.

Crackle! Crackle!

He heard his bone crackle as he moved his fingers. His finger had nothing but bones. Bones in a shade of grey and black. He glanced towards its stomach. It was empty. He could see his backbone on his back while trying to look at the stomach. Not a single inch of flesh around his entire body.

He then glanced beside. The throne room was no more. Only dust remained. Castles, all destroyed. The kingdom, previously gleaming with life, now had nothing but broken woods and bricks.

With this deed, undeniably, he indeed had given up on his humanity and turned into a monster—a Lich.