
Caerleon Town

Number of residents: 5213

Guards: 193

Adventurers: 82

Average daily visitors: 39

Main occupation: Miner

This was the data that Uriel yapped endlessly into his ear as they walked through the town. The half elf quickly explained to him the meaning of these numbers.

In regards to the population, it could be said that the town had the least amount of residents in comparison to the 30 other Arcadian towns. For instance, Erantell, which was also a border town, had three times the population of Caerleon. 

In analyzing these statistics, Uriel admitted that he was quite shocked. This was because just a few weeks ago, the town had almost 10,000 residents and over 500 guards. 

It was evident that the numbers had depleted considerably. It appeared that the recent attack by the Barbarians heavily affected them. Aside from those who lost their lives, many of the citizens decided to migrate to the north.