
Now that he had spoken with the masses, as expected this group of people showed up.

A dozen men came and expressed their wish to see him. Galfez explained that those people are prominent figures of the town. The store owner, landowner, and gold-ranked adventurers stood among them.

Uriel took a brief glance at them and whispered to him that they are the heart that pumps the blood to this town. If he wants any chance to succeed in his mission, it is vital to be able to work with them.

However, despite Uriel's sincere attempt, Tristan merely smiled. "Really interesting terms you used there, Uriel. I think I like you even more now."

The fat elf frowned at Tristan's reaction. It was clear that he didn't take his warning seriously.

"Welcome, welcome all." Tristan gave the best smile he could muster. It appears that he decided to start acting as a mayor, and now one of his responsibilities is hosting the town meeting.