Chapter 1
Looking in my closet in with just lace panties and yet no bra I just ignore the pervs. But aside from being watched by the pigs that are called men. Let's see, should I wear a red plaid dress or green acid-stained jeans with a black strapless top? Hmm, what should I do?
"Heather, come on! We're going to be late for the Christmas Eve party!" Quinn shouts out from outside the door at the all-girls dorm room. Ugh! Can't she understand that I wanna look good for that party?
"I'll be out in five, don't rush me Quinn," I say groaning. Hearing her whine makes me want to just take my time even more just to piss her off. Okay I finally figured out what to wear! The skinny black jeans and a dark blue, V-neck, long sleeve shirt. Okay good I'll grab what I need and now I'm officially ready!
We're all at the party where most of the college students are stoned off their asses and I'm the only one that's just sober…and I mean completely sober.
"Hey Heather, you wanna take me to a night out in heaven, if you know what I mean?" Ray asks wasted on whatever the fuck he was snorting.
"Go find someone else to mount, dick bag," I snap at him then walking away. But then I noticed a girl that reminds me of that cute lead singer guy from the band "Seether" her long, jet-black hair was matte, she's wearing black leather pants, with belt that has studs on it a black shirt, and a long gothic jacket on with a style to look vampirish. I'm going to talk to her, she looks normal compared to the other college students. Walking through the large crowds of asses, I finally poked her on the shoulder.
"Can we talk? I'm sober and just bored out of my fucking mind," I ask her. She just smiles small.
"Yeah sure, by the way, if you notice me eye fucking you, it's because I'm just getting back at my ex-boyfriend for going out with my dumb blonde sister," she says then continues on.
"My name is Johanna, but you can just call me Jay, what's your name?" Jay asks.
"The name's Heather, people here think that if I let them in my pants that they'll be in 'Heaven' that guy over there, his name's Ray and he's been asking me to pretty much fuck him since people call me 'Heaven' and I get looked at like eye candy," I answer back at I point towards Ray and another girl making out with him. Yeah, just make us all females look bad! All Jay does is smile warm.
"Do you want to hang out away from the party? I don't have a dorm room here, I just have an apartment that my Dad pays for until I get done with college and the professors are helping me with finding a job for editing books," she asks smiling. Taking my hand, Jay leads me out of the door and out of the dorm building where things get interesting.
Walking into Jays apartment, I can see paintings of women and mythical beings, like angels, mermaids and much more.
"My sister makes me frame my paintings so I can impress my gir-" she was saying, but then stops into dead silence. Hmm sounds odd, I thought she was getting back at her "Boyfriend"?
"Um, I thought you were straight? If you had a boyfriend, I thought you would've said boyfriends instead of girlfriends," I ask her. Jays eyes widen, she knew that she probably was hiding something.
"I had feelings for someone else other than my current boyfriend, it's a girl and I decided to break up with him, for one reason," she says then walks up to me.
"Care to follow me into my bedroom?" Jay asks. I think I should go.
"I'm not gay, sorry, I need to go," I say then rushing out before getting caught into a troubling situation.
Chapter 2
Listening to the news on the TV in my dorm room with Quinn, she was just screaming at me on why I didn't bang Jay, man do I need a break from people in general.
"I'm straight Quinn, and I'm flattered that people like Jay would feel this way, but there's more to than just my sexual orientation," I say then continuing on.
"She has a boyfriend, she asks me to go to her bedroom and I can already tell that she had that same dirty mind like the guys in this college, I'm not interested Quinn, so just quit it," I say to her. Quinn just groans.
"She seems nice, I mean, I may be straight, but I'd go after her and I think you should go out with her, at least for a cup of coffee," she suggests. Then squealing in excitement, I can tell she most likely has Jays number along with everyone else's numbers in this college in case I get on blind dates from her, which I hate the most. Seeing Quinn on the phone, talking to Jay, I can tell she wants to try to give Jay a chance. I might as well try to go out with Jay, I just don't know if it'll work out.
"I will drag her ass out an hour early Jay, so don't you worry girlfriend!" Quinn says then hangs up her cellphone and looks at me with a wicked smile, oh boy.
"Okay girly we need something slutty and tons of makeup, are you ready for some good sex or what?" she asks me with a hint of how wet she can get, even though she's straight as fuck, she'll still have that attraction towards women, she won't fuck a woman though.
"Okay, but not too needy or desperate or weird looking," I say in irritation.
It's date night here and I'm at "Tony's Diner" where the best French fries ever. Eating alone since Christmas Eve has past and now, we're all just relaxing for the new year. As I eat my last French fry, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and smile small.
"Heather?" Jay says in an awkward tone in her voice.
"Why don't you sit down next to me? I don't bite," I say to Jay, I can tell it's probably about her boyfriend, maybe they broke up like she wanted?
"I wanted the date tonight because right after you left my apartment on Christmas Eve, I called him up and I broke up with that jackass, I'm single and I'm no longer straight, I'm a lesbian," she says smiling as she sits down across from me. She's nervous and I am too, I wonder why she's so quiet?
"You know what, I think it's better to show you how I feel towards you—" Jay says, but then stops and leans forward and kisses me on the lips. My eyes widen and I'm sitting there, frozen stiff solid and not sure on how to react. My reaction was just unknown to me, because I never had my first kiss before in my life and now I'm experiencing it at this moment. Closing my eyes, I kiss her back, Jay stops and looks at me. Leaning closer and kisses me on the ear, licking it then whispering like she was wanting not to say anything perverted out loud in public, which was strange, because no one was here but the people that are working here.
"I think we should go back to my apartment and get to know each other alone," she says quietly. Nodding quietly, we stand and leave money on the table where we happen to be walking distance to my dorm room building and her apartment not too much further.
Chapter 3
Walking back into the same apartment, she leads me down the hall and through her bedroom door, she sits me down onto her bed and takes her "Rolling Stones" tank top off then slipping her sports bra off, revealing her c-cup breasts and her amazing curvy body. It makes me feel new, because I never had gone out with a girl before and now that it's my first time and since I had that first kiss with Jay—a girl, this seems like an exciting new beginning. But I cannot just say commitment until I can get to know her better.
"I guess it's your first time, let me see you for you," Jay says then kneels down and takes her hand and lifts my chin up. She kisses me and I kiss her back, her taste was so fucking sweet and I wanted more, but what if she just wants sex? What if I'm just being used?
"Don't worry, I won't try to force you, just say no if you want to stop—" Jay says in concern, but I stopped her short and I kiss her and letting my tongue slip past her lips. My heart, in a whole new world and it's something I don't want to forget and I want to remember forever. Jay takes her hand and slides it inside my tank top and began feeling my breasts when I feel shock from her cold touch. It felt right though, her touch was turning me on and I needed something like this for so long, I just never paid attention until when I saw Jay for the first time. She parts from my lips and helps me lift up my shirt over my head and off of me, leaning my back on the bed we really start the night of passion. Sliding the rest of my clothing and shoes.
"Spread your legs hon, I want this as much as you do, I can tell by your expressions," Jay orders me, submitting to her dominating nature, I do as she orders. All I know is that she immediately gets closer and starts kissing me from my feet and up my legs and up to my pussy when she starts licking me out with insanity. Oh my God, I'm so fucking wet for her!
"Make me cum, Jay! Make me cum!" I cry out, feeling her fingers now and I know that I'm getting closer as I feel my orgasm coming close as she fingers me harder and faster. As I know it—
"Ahhh!" I scream out in utter cries of pleasure. Jay sighs in victory.
"I knew men were never your type, especially with what just happened,"