Could you be the one?

Chapter 1

Yesterday was amazing, Shelly and Scott were too perfect for words, Shelly taking my cock and Scott's too. Her body was one Hell of a sex machine. Luckily enough, the Fraternity party for Christmas Eve was pretty good and nice enough to give up rooms for good college sex, including our friends that I invited for it…

Flashback Begins:

As me and Scott look at Shelly, we look at each other and we watch her strapless dress and lace thong off, now only with her clear heels on. Shelly then lifts her one leg up and onto the bedside table.

"You bad boys wanna taste? I'm all open," Shelly says winking at us as she then lowers her hand down and begins to play with herself, her moans just make me wanna shoot all my cum out like a missile right at her and only her. I look at Scott and he nods with a wicked grin on his face. He walks to her and kneels down and moves her hand away, beginning to whip his tongue against her clit and begins slowly shoving one finger at a time right in there. But then stops.

"I'm gonna make you our bitch," Scott says with a naughty tone to his voice. Shelly nods with a naughty grin on her face and gets her leg down and climbs onto the bed lays on her back, then spreading her legs far apart. Scott, the dirty boy that everyone calls him when he bangs them in places that no one can ever imagine, undoes his pants and puts himself in between her legs and feeling her the shoving it and thrusting into it, causing Shelly to scream out, telling him how much she wants his big cock to rip right into her.

"Fuck me Scotty, fuck me!" Shelly shouts out. Then it hits me! stripping off my clothes, and walking over to Scott and whispering into Scott's ear on how we can make her get down on her hands and knees. All Scott does is look at Shelly and she just knew, Shelly gets all the way onto the bed and gets on her hands and knees where we climb onto the bed, Scott gets right behind her while I'm right in front and lifting her chin up with my index finger and saying these words:

"Open your mouth, bitch," I say then when she does as she's told I slowly slide my way into her mouth and begin to feel the inside of her mouth and as this happens, I begin to get faster and all I want to do is abuse her mouth like Scott wants to abuse her tight pussy. Keeping on with it, all I can say are simple words:

"Take my cock, you naughty little bitch!" I scream out as as I keep ramming it down Shelly's throat, as I keep ramming it, I start feeling it get hard to move my cock around inside her mouth while I get Shelly's mouth stretched open with my cock, Scott's fucking the shit out of her pussy while finger fucking her in the ass. All I can do to tremble in pleasure and watching Scott pulling her hair back while he takes her from behind to just see how much of a dirty girl that she can be for the both of us. Then I'm just realizing something, pulling out my cock, I get off the bed and go to the bedroom door and scream out:

"Anyone got plans! We need some more cock and pussy here!" turning around for a minute, Scott has her on her knees and is giving her a facial. Turning back towards out of the dorm bedroom, I see Drake, Sally, and one other person that I don't know walking in and Sally's in for the kill. We all know Sally's gay, and gay for ANY pussy known to mankind, because I see her stripped down and convincing Shelly to scissor her, this groupie's fucking amazing and watching Shelly, my damn good girl that I might ask out someday since I know that she loves me more than Scott, she just does the sluttiest things to see if I would notice her, those things

Flashback Ends:

Looking at Shelly right next to me, Scott's getting a blowjob from Georgia on his bed from the other side of the room. I feel Shelly could be the one, but does she feel the same way?

Chapter 2

Driving to my parents house with Shelly as just friends was a pain, since they think that I should ask Shelly out since she's an amazing woman and always brings baked goods that she makes at her parents house before we even go anywhere else.

"Greg—" she says, but I stop her.

"It's something that I don't want to talk about, Shelly, what happened on Christmas Eve shouldn't have happened, I used you and so did everyone else, I'll talk to you more about it when we're done with visiting my parents, okay?" I ask her. Sally just nods and looks out the car window.

"That's not what I was going to say, in fact, I wanted to ask your parents if we could go out, like officially now," she says turning her eyes and directing them towards me, taking my hand, she smiles.

"Greg, you're right, that night was a mistake, but you're no mistake on caring for," Shelly says then lets go of my hand and turns back to stare aimlessly out the car window. This isn't something I expected coming, why would Shelly want to be with me? Is this real, or am I dreaming and knocked out by too many cans of beer?

Pulling into the driveway and going to the front door, we open the door and walk into my parents house with Shelly and I holding hands, they're already assuming the most things; Us getting married in the future.

"Oh how lovely of you Shelly! Bringing back sugar cookies that we love so much! Come sit with me and Frank, we can talk about you and Greg's time at the Christmas party over by the college dorm," our eyes widen in fright. Why the fuck did she have to bring up that night at the dorm?

"We didn't go, I stayed in my room watching T.V and Greg went out to party with our friends, I'm boring," Shelly explains as she lies through her teeth. Mom just sighed, I guess she has a feeling that Shelly just lied to her and Dad.

"Shelly, Greg means so much to you, haven't you even thought about…protection?" she asks. Fuck, first marriage, now let's talk about safe sex, which is something that we should've thought about before when we first met in college class for creative writing classes.

"Mrs. Patts, I like Greg, but we haven't even gotten to known each other since we started college together, but I did plan on something that I've been thinking about," Shelly says then continues and turns to my direction.

"Greg, do you wanna go out with me?"

Chapter 3

Walking into the college café, I go to the quietest spot, which was the corner of the place. As I sit down, I feel it's awkward with my past with Shelly and our classmates during fraternity parties and now it hits me. Maybe we're not supposed to party and bang random people in college? Who knows, but what I know is that Shelly, could you be the one? The one that can purify my heart, mind, body, and soul? Looking around, I see Shelly walking into the college coffee café where everyone who goes to college here gets to study and get discounts on coffee since they study here. Shelly turns to my direction and walks to my table and sits down next to me. Something is on her mind and I just know it.

"Hey Greg, listen there's something that I need you to know, I just came back from a doctors, and it's not good," she says. Okay, she's scaring the shit out of me.

"What happened? Was it about Christmas Eve? Are you pregnant or something?" I ask. Shelly shakes her head.

"Greg, I always ask anyone I'm with to wear a condom, but Scott, the fucking ass refused and I didn't want to argue so it never happened," she says then something. That kills me on the inside.

"Scott has just told me something that just got his ass in prison for lying to every person here in college about one thing, and it's that he had aids and now I'm tested positive for it too, I cannot be with you sexually anymore, I'm sorry," Shelly says then getting up from the chair and walking out quickly. Aids…Scott, that dick hole that caused the whole mess because of his sick, twisted thing that he fucked around in my head too. Now that she said that, I know now that I need to take the time if she does die from aids to spend time with her up until the very end. Pulling out my iphone, I look at it and all I can do is putting it back into my pocket where it stays in forever, never to text, call, and everything else towards so-called friends like Scott again.

"I need to give Shelly some space, until she wants to talk to me, I need to avoid her, I mean come on here, she has my cellphone after all," I say to myself as I then take my last sip to my Latte then getting up with my things and throwing my empty cup into the garbage can and leaving the college café.

Driving on my way to Mom and Dads house, I start thinking to myself, about what Shelly said yesterday and how this relationship that I thought we could've had is now gone, but is it? I mean sex doesn't make the love and I think somewhere deep down, she feels the same way. As I pull into the driveway, I see her car in the driveway too and I jump out and run in where I see Mom holding Shelly in her arms and Dad flashing a dark glare at me. He knows what happened on Christmas Eve. I guess Shelly told them.

"How can you act so innocent? Shelly told us before right after Christmas Eve!" Dad shouts at me in rage.

"I didn't want you to know because we weren't proud of it, it was a horrible choice, but yes it was partly my fault, Shelly told me that she got it from Scott, and he's in pr—" I say, but Mom bursts into the conversation.

"You and those other sick freaks from your college are no good for Shelly, she is a sweetheart and you sir are no good for her! You don't know about her past with Scott, Shelly can you tell Greg what happened with you and Scott back a month before you met Greg," Mom says asking her.

"Scott and I had gone out for a few months and when I tried breaking up with him because I needed space since we were going into things that I never will mention, he abused me and I made a deal, saying that I'll just fuck anyone in college, he didn't care who it was, as long as it was with him too in it," Shelly says then tears falling gently from her pastel green eyes. Those eyes that I could stare into forever.

"I think you should leave Greg and I'll be speaking to the people in your college when college starts up again," Mom says. Shelly, who was crying silently, shakes her head.

"No, he needs an education Ma'am, Greg do you want to hang out at the mall right now?" Shelly asks. Nodding at that question, the both of us get up.

"If I find out you hurt Shelly, Greg, you'll never be welcome back here again," Mom says giving me a stern warning.

"He won't, I know it," Shelly says as she leads me and as we get outside, we go into our own cars and we drive on our way to the mall.

Walking around in the middle of the mall, Shelly just keeps to herself and has been since we met in the parking lot which was for at least an hour.

"Shelly, are you mad at me? Please tell me," I ask as she then suddenly takes my hand and holds it tight, she isn't mad, but…what's going on here? Looking at me, she smiles, and one single tear comes down from her pastel green eyes.

"You're going to be something that I won't live to be Greg, because you're the only one I trust," Shelly says.

"I just found out that I'm pregnant and I need you to do a blood test to find out if you are the Father Greg," she says. My eyes widen in utter shock, me? A possible Father?

"How can I be? I mean I know how to conceive a child and all, but me? A Father?" I say just trying to have it seep through my skull.

"I know it's a lot to put on you, but it's true, my doctor says that I need you to do a paternity test, and since I did have sex with you, it's really important, I trust you with my unborn baby, please take the test," Shelly says to me. Okay, well I need to do this, I mean I do love shelly and now that I find out that she's contracted aids from that asshole and is now pregnant and now I could be a first time Father.

"Okay Shell, I'll do it, because I promise that I'll always be there for you, until the end," I say to her. Shelly lets go of my hand and wraps her arms around me, kissing me on the lips gently. Her warmth, it takes me to higher places, because I know…

Chapter 4

First off, I hate doctors and second, I cannot stand needles because they fucking hurt.

"Mr. West? You're ready for the blood test," the nurse says as she opens the door to let me and Shelly into the room with her. As we walk inside the room to get my blood…like vampires, I wonder if there's holy water or fucking garlic to use to keep them at a distance? Sitting down they prep and immediately stab me with the needle and got the blood out of me, like I really wanted to see, but I was stupid enough to keep peeking at her taking the blood samples. After a moment or two, she got finished and cleaned up and went to the door.

"The blood test won't take long to find out as we took her blood out earlier before you came into the clinic, the doctor will be here soon, so just wait please," she says then leaves in silence.

"Greg, I want to thank you for this, I don't trust anyone and I know that you're most likely the Father in the long run, especially that night before Christmas Eve," she says. Then the flashback hits me—

Flashback Begins:

"Harder, Greg, harder!" Shelly screams as I hold her hands and as we're together, I can hear the people outside the dorm room laughing. Fucking dicks, I want me and Shelly to have peace while we're together.

"Ahhhhh!" Shelly screams out in ecstasy when I finally get done and feel all of my cum squirting and shooting out all the way inside her. I moan from the pleasure from being with my only one. My only Shelly. Leaning my chin against her shoulder, she's breathing heavily like she just couldn't stop feeling our needs that we wanted it like we were meant to have this happen, is this destiny? Or am I overthinking it and just going to get bored and go out with someone else whose got no panties on during anytime during the day or night?

Flashback Ends

"Shelly, I remember, but don't forget those dicks were trying to record us when we were trying to make love, something that I'll never forget, even though I acted like a total pig, I wanted to be with you, so I did whatever I could to be with you and even if it meant being in groupies with you in it," I say to her. Then we hear someone knock on the door.

"Hello? Can I come in?" the person asks.

"Yes," Shelly replies. The door opens, we see the doctor walk in and holding papers, I hope this is good news.

"I have good news dear son," the doctor says as he looks at Shelly, then looks at me with a smile on his face.

"You're going to be a Father, I hope you two have a bright future together," he says. Shelly just looks shocked and gets off from the chair and holds me in her arms.

"You're my baby's Daddy!" she says as she holds me in her arms when we both know that the bright future with our unborn child won't get to see Shelly if she dies like what it looks like, who knows on when, I just want to spend the time we have if and when that aids does take her out of my arms. That's why I had done it, because she's—

"Shelly, I got something for you because of the fact that we may not get to be together with our unborn child forever, so it's why I got this for us to share it together with until the very end," I say to her then pulling out that magickal box that anyone would want to see for their life to make a commitment with their special someone. I open the box and I show her that promise, the promise of a lifetime--

"Shelly Elijah, will you be my one and only love? My one true love and only wife?"

Chapter 5

Looking at Shelly saying those two words 'I do' as she faces me her eyes sparkling and all I can do is look into them forever…

"Gregory, do you take Shelly as your one and only wife?" the priest asks.

"I do," I answer. The priest then chuckles and looks at all of us.

"I'm glad to say this like every other time I marry people, I now pronounce you, husband and wife! Gregory, you may kiss the bride," he says as I lift the veil and I wrap my arms around her and we kiss with passion, knowing that this summer would be coming to her due date.

"Push Shelly! I know you can do it!" I tell her as she breathes in and out and crying in pain.

"Ahhh, Greeegggooorrryyy!" Shelly screams as she and I then hears the baby starting to cry as she finally has given birth to our first child.

"Well dear Daddy and Mommy, you have a baby girl, congratulations!" the doctor wrapping our baby girl in a cloth and Shelly holding our daughter in her arms.

"Sandy West," she says then the doctor taking Sandy and bringing her with the nurses. Shelly looks weak and the doctor said it was a sign from the aids and how her health was declining in general.

"Greg?" Shelly asks.

"Yeah, Shelly?"

"I--" she was trying to say but then closed her eyes and I heard the heart monitor going flat. the doctors and nurses came in and took me out of the room. my eyes still in utter fright. how could this happen?

"Mr. West?" the doctor calls out from her door. Walking quickly to her i can feel the dripping fright, the cold sweat tears of pain and terror.

"Your wife didn't make it,"

It's been ten years since Shellys death and me and our daughter, Sandy, looks just like her. staring at her and her staring back at me. It makes me cry on the inside, why Shelly? Why did you have to die?

"Daddy? Why are you crying?" Sandy asks with worry on her face.

"I just miss your Mom is all," I answer then continue on.

"At least she's in peace and in Heaven with Jesus and everyone else there, right?" I say to her as I wipe the tears from my eyes. She was special, but I need to move on, or Sandy won't have a Dad to go to.

"Don't worry Daddy, we still have each other, right?" she says smiling at me, that same smile that Shelly had. Don't worry though Shelly, we'll be okay.