Back To The Manor

"We should go," Ilona said to the men now that they had somewhat settled their plan.

Prince Mason nodded and got to his feet. He walked around the table and held a hand out to Ian.

"Thank you," he said sincerely as he shook the pirate's hand. He then turned to Ilona and opened his mouth to say something.

"Don't thank me," she said quickly, folding her arms and tucking her hands behind her elbows, "We've made a deal. Neither one of us is doing this freely for the other."

The Prince gave her a slight smile, "Well... I suppose I can thank you for coming at all... And for hearing me out."

"I did that for my brother," Ilona said, making herself look away from his breathtaking gaze, "We'd better go."

Ian nodded and said goodbye before turning and following his sister out down the passageway. Ilona was glad it was dark on the steps because her cheeks were warm.