A Fight

The carriage was brought around to the front just as the women walked down the stairs. Ian was waiting for them, looking more like a pirate than the last time he'd gone before the King and Queen.

When he looked up at them, he went slackjawed for a moment. Ilona frowned, but Delaney giggled, making him hurry to close his mouth and bring his serious expression back.

"You both look beautiful," he complimented them as he held out his arms to take one on each side.

Ilona nearly tripped, being so surprised by his words. Her brother had never said she looked beautiful before in her life.

Beside her, the Duchess thanked him and flashed a lovely smile. Ilona quickly thanked him as well but couldn't manage to make herself smile. She half expected him to say he'd only been joking. When Ian looked down at her though, his eyes were kind.