
Prince Mason returned with the royal doctor and stood back a few steps, watching as the older man examined Ilona's battered face. Delaney and Ian stood out of the way, whispering to each other. Mason eyed them for a moment, curious about their closeness. His attention was pulled away however when he heard a choked gasp from Ilona.

Mason's lovely blue gaze landed on the pirate woman who had her eyes smashed closed and was biting at her bottom lip. The grey-haired doctor had a long silver needle and thread and was busy stitching the gash together so it would heal. As he pushed the needle in again, a barely audible whimper escaped Ilona and Mason moved to crouch down beside her.

She had her hands on her knees and was digging her fingertips into the rose-colored fabric there. Mason hesitated for a moment, not wanting to upset her, but when he saw a single tear slip over her cheek, he was quick to reach out and take her slender hand in his.