No Plan Is The New Plan

Ilona saw the Duchess was watching her and tried to conceal her worry behind an emotionless mask as her brother always did. She found she wasn't as skilled at it as he was however.

Once they were finished going over the plan for the evening, Delaney followed Ilona upstairs to her bedroom. Ilona was sure the other woman could see her concern, so she didn't bother trying to turn her away. She closed the door behind them, and they went to the table, sitting down and taking a moment to watch out the windows as the rain continued to fall.

"What's wrong?" Delaney asked after a while, "Why are you upset with the plan? I thought you would be happy to never return to the royal court again."

"I am," Ilona sighed, "I just thought we would all go together to this and look out for one another. I don't know that I like Ian and Vincent going on their own. Something could happen."