The Fire

The lovely Duchess turned to Ilona with her ocean-blue eyes full of fear.

"The castle is on fire," she whispered, "Vincent's there. My husband is in the burning building!"

"No," Ilona shook her head, not knowing what else to do, "No Delaney, Lord Adair is smart. He would have gotten out as soon as he heard about the fire."

The woman looked around her with wild eyes, one delicate hand flying to her chest to flutter over her heart.

"He wouldn't though," she whispered seriously, "If there was anyone else left in the castle he would insist on going back in and helping them. Vincent would never leave anyone behind. Most people aren't good like him. He's probably in there alone!"

Ilona froze for a moment as she saw her friend's fear building. She knew Delaney was right. In her time with the Adairs, she had realized that Vincent truly was a very good and noble man. Luckily he wouldn't be the only man in the castle who had those characteristics.