

      She heard her name as soon as she'd stepped through the doors into her father's grand house.  Ilona looked down the main hallway lined with cages filled with exotic birds the Pirate King had collected, and saw her younger sister rushing towards her.

      "Lucia," she smiled and opened her arms in time to catch her in a hug.  The lovely woman stepped back and smiled happily at Ilona before looking past her and catching sight of the Prince.  Her mouth immediately fell open.

      "Who-Who is this?"

      "Lucia, this is the Prince of our land, Mason," Ilona spoke in the pirate language before switching back to English, "Your majesty, this is my sister, Lucia Black.  She's the oldest daughter after me."

      A frown flickered over Mason's face as he looked at Ilona, but then he smiled warmly at Lucia and bowed low.  When he moved to straighten up again though, he had to reach out and steady himself on the doorframe.