Isaiah Black

      The Pirate King's Doctor, a steely older man with a bushy mustache and equally bushy eyebrows, stepped in front of Mason, ignoring Ilona so she had to move quickly out of his way to avoid being knocked over.

      The Prince sat up now that his stitches were finished, but the Doctor wasn't done with him yet.  The man asked Mason a handful of questions and gave him little tests.  Mason answered, but his gaze kept flickering back to Ilona.

      It had been risky complimenting her on her appearance, he knew, after all she had said in the barn the night of the storm.  The words had come out of his mouth before he had thought them through though, a reoccurring problem for him.

      He had expected the woman to react in anger, ripping her hand from his and using that sharp tongue of hers to cut him down.  She hadn't though.  She had just looked surprised.