To The Top

      "This was stupid," Mason managed as he gripped the ropes as tight as he could.  His heart was pounding so hard in his chest he just knew that at any moment, it would burst into pieces, and he would die right there.

      Of course, with as high up as he was, he was sure he was going to die anyway.

      "You're doing fine, Mace," Ilona giggled, "We're more than halfway there already."

      Mason closed his eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself.  The wind was stronger this high in the air, and it whipped his golden curls around his face.  The air was cooler and smelled fresher.  All the Prince could hear was the sound of the waves and his own heart pounding.

      He eased his eyes open and looked down at the deck far below.  Immediately, he swore.

      "Stop.  Don't look down.  We've made it this far, so now you should only be looking up."