Cabin Boy

      Ilona and Mason sat in comfortable silence high up in the crow's nest of the ship.  The waves were rough at first, causing them to hold tight to the mast and ropes, but eventually, the sea grew calmer, and they were able to relax.

      The ship's crew had watched them for a while, but they slowly began to wander off one by one as they grew bored.  Nothing was happening.  They couldn't see the Prince's hand resting a breath away from the Captain's.  Mason was considering trying to take her hand in his and seeing what might happen, but just before he did, they were interrupted.

      "So you are still alive?" Jamie asked, swinging down on a rope to face them, "I see Ilona didn't kill you."

      "Yes, well, no thanks to you," Mason rolled his eyes as the boy laughed.  The rope was wrapped around his leg, holding him upright but letting him swing in the breeze.  Mason swore Jamie Black must be part monkey.