Undermined And Off Course

      Ilona was up so late tossing and turning that when the sun finally rose and shone in the windows, it didn't wake her.  When a knock came at her door, it startled her, and for a moment, she thought something terrible must have happened.

      Getting tangled in her blankets, she fell from her bunk and crashed to the floor.  She immediately scrambled up and pulled on her breeches and a robe before considering herself covered enough to call for the person to enter.

      Jamie walked in carrying a covered tray and stopped to frown at her.

      "What is it?" Ilona demanded, "What's wrong?"

      "Nothing," the boy shrugged, "Anja told me to bring you up some breakfast since you didn't come down to eat.  She was about to store everything away.  Why are you dressed like that?"

      Ilona blinked in confusion before turning to look at her clock.  She was surprised to see she'd slept so late into the morning.